Omoi, Tadeichi, civilian employee, Japanese Army, Tanagawa Branch POW Camp
No. 4, Osaka Area, Honshu, Japan
Docket No./ Date: 14/ March 13, 1946, Yokohama, Japan
Charge: Violation of the laws and customs of war: 1. Did wrongfully and
unlawfully kill a PW
Specifications: beating using among other club;
Verdict: 10 years confinement/ Sentence Upheld
Reviewing Authority's Recommendations: "Unexpected development"
of having the superior and the doctor's statements amount to a confession
of the crime of the murder of the said POW. The commission correctly assessed
the crime as having been the beating of the POW rather than murder despite
Reviewing Authority: James M. Prestwood, 2nd Lieutenant, Assistant Staff
Judge Advocate
Prosecution Arguments: Accused beat the PW, already being punished in
the guardhouse for escaping.
Defense Arguments: Admitted to having struck the American POW but denied
the scope of their beatings. Also denied participation in the conspiracy
to kill the prisoner.
Judge Advocate's Recommendations: "Jointly and in pursuance of a
common intent" was taken out of the original charge. It is interesting
because of the difference between the idea of conspiracy in Tokyo and
in the lesser trials.