Defendant: Nishioka, Shigeru, Civilian attached to Hokodate First Branch
PW Camp, Muroran, Hokkaido, Japan
Docket No./ Date: 43/July 26 - Aug. 9, 1946, Yokohama, Japan
Charge: Violation of the Laws and Customs of War: 1. Did willfully and
unlawfully commit cruel and brutal acts, atrocities and other offenses
against certain Allied PWs.
Specifications: beating using bamboo pole with strips at the end, stick,
wooden bar, fists
Verdict: 15 years CHL
Reviewing Authority's Recommendations: Accused was a civilian at the
PW camp who was identified as being responsible for the acts alleged.
Accused beat PWs without the slightest provocation. Accused also stole
foodstuffs intended for the PWs and personal items of the PWs in order
to sell them. The PWs were threatened with a beating about telling the
camp commander.
Reviewing Authority: 1. PWs mistook action of the accused. Part of accused's
job was to carry food from the warehouse to the kitchen which forced them
to walk past the barracks of the PWs. 2. Accused denied the specifications
as charged. He admitted striking PWs but only for infractions on camp
regulations such as stealing. 3. Concerning one incident alleged, he left
this job before this incident was supposed to have happened.
Prosecution Arguments: Record is sufficient to support the findings.
Accused admitted to striking PWs on occasions.
Defense Arguments: Paul E. Spurlock, Reviewer, Judge Advocate Section
Judge Advocate's Recommendations: