Defendant: Namba, Mooto, Camp Commander,
Docket No./ Date: 149/ May 15 - 23, 1947, Yokohama, Japan
Charge: Violation of the laws and customs of war: 1. Did willfully and
unlawfully mistreat and abuse PW (spec 1, 2, 5, 6, 7) 2. Did willfully
and unlawfully withhold and misappropriate Red Cross and other supplies
(spec 3) 3. Did unlawfully disregard and fail to discharge his duty as
camp commander, to control and restrain persons under his command, by
permitting them to commit atrocities against PWs and violations of the
laws of war (spec 4a-d, 9, 10a-b, d-e, h-i)
Specifications: beating; imprisonment for prolonged period of time and
in one occasion without sufficient food and clothing for 7 days; withholding
and misappropriate Red Cross and other supplies intended for PWs; command
responsibility; permitting PWs to be beaten and otherwise abused; refusing
medical aid and attention to PW; permitting PWs to load and transport
ammunition and explosives, work directly related to war operations;
Verdict: 25 years CHL
Reviewing Authority's Recommendations:
Reviewing Authority:
Prosecution Arguments:
Defense Arguments:
Judge Advocate's Recommendations: