Defendant: Mori, Kiyoichi, Commandant of Hiroshima POW Branch Camp No.
Docket No./ Date: 12/ Mar. 5-13, 1946, Yokohama, Japan
Charge: 1. Command Responsibility
Verdict: Confinement at hard labor for 15 years/ Setence upheld
Reviewing Authority's Recommendations: During Nori's command, many atrocities
and inhuman beatings occurred, for which he was correctly held responsible.
He either knew or, with "proper diligence," should have known
what was happening.
Reviewing Authority: Reviewer, Judge Advocate Section
Prosecution Arguments:
Defense Arguments: 1. Instructed civilian and soldiers (in this case,
kanayama only) not to beat POWs, as was ordered by the commander of main
camp. 2. Reprimanded and threatened with discharge when complaints were
received about beatings of POWs. 3. Otherwise, had no knowledge of abuses
or when he saw abuse, he put a stop to it immediately
Judge Advocate's Recommendations: