Defendant: Ikeda, Yoshiyuki, civilian employee, Japanese Army
Docket No./ Date: 30/ May 6, 1946, Yokohama, Japan
Charge: 1. Committed cruel and inhuman acts and other offenses against
Verdict: 15 years confinement at hard labor/ Sentence Upheld
Reviewing Authority's Recommendations: Superior orders not a defense
but could be used to mitigate punishment. However, prosecution's evidence
showed that the prisoner was not telling the truth in this regard.
Reviewing Authority: James A. Byrum, 1st Lieutenant, Assistant Staff
Judge Advocate
Prosecution Arguments:
Defense Arguments: 1. Did not beat any prisoners on his own. 2. Superior
orders - struck prisoners on the buttocks by instructioin of the camp
commander. 3. Treated prisoners well
Judge Advocate's Recommendations: