About DDP
"You know . . . this game is hella cool, but the music kind of sucks!"

Shortly after a friend of mine, Drew, introduced me and most of the rest of my friends to DDR, I started wishing that there were a DDR soul mix. Quite frankly that butterfly song made my ears bleed. I wished that I could play the game while getting down to Janet Jackson, or Stevie Wonder, and so Drew and I decided to write Dance Dance Protest (a Berkeley joke) as a commercial for potential employment, and because it would be a lot of fun, hopefully more to play than to write. (But let's face it, the coding is fun too. First DDP is being developed as an XMMS pluggin. We'll see if we release it as a stand alone game.
OK, really annoying fact about xmms pluggins. There's no API. This has been confirmed by google and the XMMS web site, which suggests that you read other pluggin's source code. While being able to curl up with some good source is a helpfull skill, english is still helpfull and an api will probably be more helpful than the plugin itself, and so as we write the game, we'll try to write a short informal tutorial for game creation and especially xmms pluggins.
Stephen Callahan and Andrew Cheng
(Don't download it yet! It's not close to ready. The link is just there so anyone who wants to can help.)
(not yet)
(not yet)