
We at the Berkeley Poetry Review are excited to announce that this Spring, we will be publishing our 53rd issue. There is no theme for this issue, but we are particularly interested in work that complicates prevailing conceptions of the world and poetic form itself. Submissions are now closed.

Previous Edition

Last Fall semester, Berkeley Poetry Review published our MIDTERM edition: When the World Moves On with the intention of exploring a changing world, motion, evolution, and everything related. Our most recent issue is available digitally. We are so thankful for the energy and warmth of everyone involved in creating this body of work, especially that of the poets and artists who have trusted us with their work. It is, as always, an immense honor.

Cover Image by Evan Blackwell.
Evan Blackwell is an Artist based in Atlanta, GA. She received her M.F.A from the School of The Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts in Boston, MA, and her B.F.A from the Lamar Dodd School of Art at the University of Georgia. She is working primarily in painting, from paper to canvas, to large scale murals. She is focusing on themes of abstraction as a historical archive and form of memory for both the collective and the individual.

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The Berkeley Poetry Review has been published at the University of California, Berkeley, since 1974.  We’ve featured the work of both new and established poets and writers, including Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Yusef Komunyakaa, Brenda Hillman, Czesław Miłosz, Cole Swensen, Robert Hass, Ishmael Reed, Thom Gunn, and many others from the Bay Area poetry community. We seek language-based and/or experimental writing, translations, art, and (less frequently) essays and interviews, and are particularly interested in work that complicates prevailing conceptions of race, gender, sexuality, ecology, poetic form, and narrative voice. We release our MIDTERM chapbook each December, and our annual issue the following May. However, in Fall 2022 the MIDTERM will take the form of a multimedia zine.