

藕例 suhngtanjuhl; 岿夸老 坷饶, 114p: 藕例 榴芭况夸!   merry christmas!!!   i wish i were on the slopes in tahoe.   however, i'm in chino rt now @ the beautiful kaela hwang's parents' house.   down here in socal it's warm during the day n' freezin' @ nite; a perfekt recipe 4 gettin' sick, 4 catchin' a cold.   this is the weather we had in norcal back in november.   i'm here in socal w/o my snowboard n' w/o my skateboard.   i'm boardless.   u know me: boardsports r really important to me.   neway, it's christmas 2day!   christmas's very important to me.   it's the day we celebrate the birth'f our dear saviour jesus christ.   i heard on the news a few wks 'go that more ppl r offended by "happy holidays" than "merry christmas," many more.   yah, @ this pt, i'm a li'l irked by "happy holidays," n've been shamelessly sayin' "merry christmas" more these days.   it's funny cos i know it's kind'f like i'm being insensitive to other religions, but... *shrug* don't i have a rt to worship my god?!   i think 'twas the seattle aeroport that tore down all their christmas decorations cos a jewish rabbi was threatenin' to sue if they didn't put up a hannukah display.   when he found out that they tore down the christmas decorations, he himself was really disappointed cos that's not what he wanted.   yah... u know how dr. rick warren sez that he's sick'f how ppl claiming to represent him as an evangelical christian keep talkin' 'bout how they're "against" stuff?   he sez that he wants to be 4 stuff, that christians should be 4 stuff.   yah, i agree w/ him.   he was on nbc's meet the press, hosted by tim russert, on sun morn; this past sun morn, yesterday, christmas eve.   he sat 'longside an author'f a book called american gospel.   i think dr. rick warren represented the more contemporary view, while that author represented the more conservative, ol' skool view.   i'm not sure.   they didn't argue or nethin'.   that's fine.

130p: so what's up?   merry christmas!!!   i wish my vakation wouldn't end.   then 'gain, it's good to be employed.   it's gonna be a new yr soon.   what're we gonna do on new yr's eve?   i really wanna go snowboarding.   i wouldn't mind snowboarding on new yr's day.   that's what i really wanna do.   *sigh* however, i know kaela wants to go to some kind'f late nite new yr's party.   me? *sigh* it's not that i dislike parties or partyin', but 4 me snowboarding takes precedence.   i really wanna be on the slopes on new yr's day.   *sigh* i don't have super hi hopes tho'.   i guess i shouldn't get my hopes up.

rt now, we can get 50 (musik) downloads on sony connect⑩ 4 the price'f 40, usin' the ¢oupon ¢ode CONNECTHOLIDAY upon checkout.   dude, i'd better snag that deal.   however, my ¢redit ¢ard bill arrived 4 our blk fri $pendin' $pree n' all our other crazy $pendin' this christmas season. :-o shock!   it was quite shocking.   *sigh* what did we $pend all this $$$ on?   i s'ppose i bought christmas presents n' b.day presents...   presents, presents, presents... i'm thankful that some'f our grps'f friends n' family chose to do gift exchanges or secret santa exchanges.   that's great.   it's sooo much better than buyin' individual presents 4 each person.   it's kewl.   i hope this trend picks up.   i want to this to get bigger.   i like it.

there r things i wanna buy, but i feel quite $pent out.   [later] 210p: these things'd include 1) (i think) santa cruz seth huot pro tt 157cm snowboard deck (2006~07 model; $429.95) n' 2) independent eric koston 129mm low skateboard trucks ($29.95/pair).   both r available @ .   does that link werk?   if not, then plz use this link: the-house.com   u prob'ly won't tho'.   when it comes to boardsports, i'm pretty much talkin' to myself here.

well, tim fong; thanks 4 signin' my gbook a couple'f wks 'go.   i really appreciate it.   as i sed, i have a new policy'f postin' all my gbook entries into my aktual beno journal.   thus, here's ur gbook entry:

Saturday 12/02/2006 12:09:45am
name: tim
e.mail: tyfong919@gmail.com
homepage url (don't 4get to use http colon slash slash!) http://www.unleashingfong.com
birthday/birthdate 1978
what do u want 4 christmas? two front teeth. kidding. tickets to japan would be good.
what is wrong w/ youth 2day? too willing to be led by fools. wait, that's a problem with adults too!
plz tell me 'bout a good memory u have from 2006? finally figuring out a little bit 'bout the whole ki/qi thing.
name a magazine u like: import tuner (yes i am stuck in 1998)
plans 4 next wknd? study. finals!!!!
additional comments: i liked the recent post on tkd and high kicks. i think back kick and counterkicking is great. one of the guys from china at the kickboxing gym knocked a guy out with a back kick. in a match.

i think it is all 'bout the delivery system. look at judo...we turn our back all the time to throw ppl.

even in ufc/pride there are some high kickers like cro cop. lidell knocked some dood out with a shin to the jaw a few years ago.

agree about flexibility. just good as we get older to avoid injuries generally!

[later] 广, 1143p: well, we ate brunch @ home.   then, in the afternoon, we drove out to rolling hills estates to kaela's relatives' house 4 dinner.   kaela n' i watched 'lot'f dog whisperer episodes.

earlier this wk... or, uh... last wk, after returnin' from tahoe, kaela n' i watched a bunch'f korean movies we got from netflix.com.   they were all so violent.   what's up?   old boy's so clockwork orangeish.   lady vengeance's so kill billish.   they're all so quentin tarantinoish à la reservoir dogs.