

±Ý¿äÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ, 237p: wow, my 1st wk'f winter brk has flown by so fast.   most wks, i'm very happy when fri arrives.   this wk, i'm pretty bummed that it's fri... really bummed that it's fri.   my fingers r all cracked open from dry air n' extreme temperatures (cold outside, heated inside), so it hurts 2 type.   to me, bein' some1 who likes to talk via my journal etc., it's as if my throat hurt every time i spoke.   *sigh* well, i'm very happy that the beautiful kaela hwang n' got to spend 3 days in tahoe this wknd (mon, tues, wed); but i'm havin' quite a frustratin' fri.   i woke up ok but stayed home in bed instead'f goin' out to the sunnyvale skate park cos i figured i'd werk on our "family" christmas newsletter instead.   outside, our backyard patio looked wet, so i wasn't 100% sure the skate park'd be dry, tho' ppl've in4med me that the skate park concrete dries faster than sidewalk concrete.   our house's still freezin' cold cos the furnace's still broken.   kaela n' i were s'pposed to go watch our nephew mason's preskool christmas program @ 1030a this morn.   she had all these things to gather n' pack n' we ended up missin' the show.   instead'f havin' a proper christmas get 2gether w/ my family, we just barely stopped by to hand over presents, n' that's all.   kaela made a big deal 'bout needin' to go to her clinic to turn in some papers that she's been sayin' that she needs to turn in 4 a couple'f wks now.   she wanted to go there b4 cin' my family, but i reminded her that that'd mean we wouldn't c my family @ all.   after ditchin' my family, i drove her to her clinic n' fell asleep in my car as i waited 4 her to do whate'er she needed to do...   it took a while, so i'm very glad we didn't go there 1st.   that'd make no sense.   neway... the idea'f havin' ne kind'f proper christmas get 2gether w/ my family was completely ruined.   *sigh* whate'er, dude... i'm not happy.   rather, i'm unhappy, but what the heck can i do, eh?   we went to lunch @ thai pepper in santa clara's old town (by santa clara university), in the so.called franklin mall, which is just some dinky plaza w/ a post office.   well, i don't mean to say it's an unpleasant place.   it's nice, but it still goes to show that the lifeblood'f santa clara's merchantile industry's silikon valley's koreatown on el camino real.   the korean merchants r the 1s aktually doin' sumpthin' to make santa clara a nicer, more beautiful city.   neway, @ thai pepper, i had string bean beef or sumpthin', n' kaela had druken noodles.   then, we went to target in the new "san josé marketcenter" on coleman ave, not 2 far from the sjc mineta aeroport n' downtown san jo.   now, i'm in the santa clara publik library, 'gain werkin' on our newsletter, while kaela sleeps in my car in the parkin' lot.   *sigh*

last nite, kaela n' i went to taekwondo praktice, which was nice.   we were kind'f late cos we were @ café aroma in the rainy afternoon n' early evening cos kaela sed she had to werk on that paperwerk stuff.   it was really stressful cos i had to fight holiday traffik up n' down el camino real to fetch our taekwondo stuff n' go to the µµÀå dojang to open it up cos i'm the 1 w/ the key.   praktice was good.   afterwards, a bunch'f us went to ¾çÆò ÇØÀå±¹ yangpyuhng haejanggoo, rt by ±æ¸ñ gilmok, 4 dinner.   i always, alway feel bad when we go there cos the ±æ¸ñ ¾ÆÀú¾¾ gilmok ajuhssi cs us, n' i know we ought to go there instead cos the owners there r nice to us n' nice to sooni.   a very important almost political alliance exists btwn ±æ¸ñ gilmok n' our church grx, n i absolutely hate to violate that.   last nite, some'f the gurls talked 'bout goin' clubbin' 2nite.   'least they talk 'bout clubbin' in san jo n' not drivin' all the way up to "the city" (sf) to go clubbing. &nbps; do u realise?   i used to love clubbin' cos i'm a dj n' love musik n' dancin'.   however, i've now come almost to hate clubbin' cos it's now 2 often 'bout carryin' drunk gurls home n' keepin 'them out'f trouble.   it's funny: in some cases, 4 single guys 'least, takin' gurls clubbin's an asset cos it gets them into clubs easier, 'specially nice, classy korean clubs.   however, on the other hand, either 4 single or attached guys, takin' gurls clubbin's a liabilty cos u just gotta spend ur time keepin' nasty guys 'way from ur women n' makin' sure u don't accidentally look @ some scantily clad gurl (other than ur own).   'f course, as an attached guy, it makes li'l sense to go clubbin' by myself cos i need a gurl to dance w/, u know?   i can't go dance w/ some other gurl (even if it were "just as friends") cos it'd look bad, u know?   thus... yah, clubbin's often just a hassle now... but in essence, i love clubbin'.   i love what it ought to be.   it ought to be 'bout musik n' dancin' n' not 'bout carryin' home drunk gurls n' fightin' off nasty loser guys.   r we even appreciated 4 that? *sigh*

well, what's happened since i last wrote?   freakin' a; lots.   on thurs nite, i went to sports basement to attend "marvin l's sideout shopping party."   i don't know "marvin l," but he's friends w/ my cousin walter n' (i think) also my cousin john.   walter invited me to the $hopping party, so i also invited 2'f my taekwondo students.   i saw neither walter nor my taekwondo students there.   they didn't come.   walter was home sick.   i missed the black belt taekwondo sparring praktice to attend the $hopping party.   oh yah, that was after pickin' kaela up from the aftermath'f some post.finals chiropraktic skool party. *sigh* neway, i brought sooni w/ me to the $hopping party.   'pparently, my cousin john's roommate has a dog who's s'pposedly 0.5 jindo n' 0.5 lab.   it looks more like a lab 'cept 4 its jindoish (curly) tail.   many'f the $hopping party attendees brought doggies.   most'f the party attendees were bay area asian yuppies.   i believe sports basement gets many'f these/us.   my cousin john also brought his dog.   his dog's name's buddy.   sooni bullied them all.   she's not an aggressive doggy, just a dominant 1.   neway, after the $hopping party, i went to the µµÀå dojang to teach the adult beginners class.   hrm, i have a li'l blank in my memory what i taught the class that nite or who showed up; which is bad cos i take attendance.   i'm really "anal" 'bout that. (i don't like that wurd.)   *sigh* it's a bit'f werk to run this taekwondo class, but i'm not gonna whine.   it's just part'f bein' a enthusiastik, experienced martial artist.   after paktice, i went straight home instead'f goin' out to eat.   i had a li'l bit'f a stomach ache from eatin' 2 much pizza @ lunch 2 tomatina.   'member? our boss took my group out.

on fri, my division @ werk had our holiday party @ the snata clara convention center.   i was late cos i had to drive kaela from home to some apt complex by her skool to pick up her car from the nite b4.   our division's party has lots'f raffle prizes, but 4 the 2nd yr in a row, i won nuthin'.   in the evenin', we went to our t3 light grx bible study small group's christmas party.   that was fun.   we had fud from buca di beppo.

on sat morn, i went to the sunnyvale skate park.   wow, after not skatin' 4 a bit, i felt very out'f it... till i warmed up a bit.   i looked quite foolish @ 1st.   i wondered 'gain if snowboarding : skateboarding :: badminton : tennis... was snowboarding skrewin' up my skateboarding?   well, after a while i got back into the swing'f things.   it's like how, by tues'f this wk, i finally got into the swin'f things w/ snowboarding... 'specially the terrain park, freestyle stuff.