
burrito n' borders

È­¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: 1212 = ÀÏÀÌÀÏÀÌ = illy illy.   isn't illy some brand'f coffee or espresso or sumpthin'?   neway, what's up?   it's rainin', n' thus i can't skate (skateboard).   i just can't wait to get back onto the snow slopes.   snowboarding, man.   that's where it's @, now that we've got precipitation.   me, i'm a li'l sick tho'.   my nose's congested n' dry... @ the same time.   i cm to have a bit'f a cold.   last nite, i went to sach's turbo kick box (tkb) class @ the sunnyvale, east arque avenue 24 hour fitness, but i didn't have the energy to go all out.   unlike on almost ne other time i'm there, i was almost just goin' thru the motions.   since the gym floor has been really slippery lately cos'f the moisture from the humidity due to the poor ventilation in that room, i wore my adidas runnin' shoes instead'f my ol' new balance x.trainers.   wow, those adidas runnin' shoes r almost a yr ol', yet i didn't wear them much.   un4tunate 4 them, i pretty much quit runnin' soon after i got'em, eh?   of course, that's cos i picked skateboarding back up, so that became my mornin' exercise instead.   i think if kaela n' i hadn't joined 24 hour fitness, maybe i'd still jog now n' then.

speakin'f health, here's an article from y! news - health: "Alcohol in moderation may extend life."   here's a good snippet: "The manner in which alcohol is consumed also appears to be important, the researchers report.   'Little amounts, preferably during meals, this appears to be the right way (to drink alcohol),' said Dr. Giovanni de Gaetano of Catholic University, another author on the study.   'This is another feature of the Mediterranean diet, where alcohol, wine above all, is the ideal partner of a dinner or lunch, but that's all: the rest of the day must be absolutely alcohol-free.'"

¿ÀÈÄ: during my rainy lunchbrk, i drove over to sunnyvale's cherry orchard plaza n' ate a free carnitas burrito w/ black beans from chipotle.   'twas free thanks to a voucher i "won" @ icer air in nov.   i ate by myself like a lonely engr.   then i went into borders to browse thru their books n' magazines.   i have a 40% off ¢oupon but didn't have it w/ me. *sigh* i may return 2nite to make a pur¢ha$e.   we'll c.   u c, 2nite i gotta go to a grx leadership summit @ the river of life church in santa clara.   i'll be missing taekwondo praktice n' class.   maybe after that i'll return to borders.   i dunno.

[later] i'm currently flashing my lg choco vx8500 via bt, upgradin' the sw (software) from v03 to v04, which'll add speakerfon capability n' eliminate the annoying necessity to push the side button 2ice to unlock the keys.   i got the sw to do this upgrade from howardforums.com.   i also could bring the fon into the nearby verizon store to have the operation done 4 free, i think.   however, the ppl on the forums r such proponents'f diy (do.it.urself) stuff, so... *shrug* i hope i don't blow up my fon.   this is kind'f dangerous, i think; but oh well.   the lg chocolate that sold in korea long b4 we saw it here in the states is/was a diff fon, 'ccording to the wikipedia article.   'twas a kg800, not a vx8500; n' it aktually smelled like chocolate.

while @ borders during my lunchbrk, i browsed thru a couple'f books on snowboarding, a couple'f books on skateboarding, n' then went downstairs to look @ transworld skateboarding's 2007 buyers guide n' then quickly @ an issue'f some unfamiliar snowboarding magazine.   what's the diff btwn a mag, a zine, n' a magazine?!   maybe i can consult wikipedia.   here we go! wiki entry 4 "zine"