
james & kati kim

¼ö¿äÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ: this wk, i've been followin' the media coverage'f james n' kati kim n' their daughters penelope n'... uh... what's the other gurl's name?   josephine or sumpthin'?   oh yah, sabine!   josephine's the name'f the oregon county that they were lost in.   neway, just a while 'go, it was stated that "the body of james kim" was found but that no1's sayin' whether he's dead or alive.   *sigh* the way they say "body" makes me uneasy.   man... poor guy, poor family.   i feel bad 4'em, n' they tried so hard n' did so well.   they demonstrated such resourcefulness.   well, we'll c.   pray n' c, u know?

[later] Àú³á ÀÌÁö¸¸ ´ç¿µÈ÷ ¾ÆÁ÷µµ Á÷Àå¿¡¼­: the nbc11.com article sed that they'd have an update @ 200p from some official.   i reloaded the webpage 4~10 mins b4 200p n' read that james kim was found dead.   honestly, my heart sank.   it's such a touching story, n' i feel this father really gave his life 4 his wife n' kids.   not to make lite'f the situation, but i hope they turn this story into a korean ballad msuik video.   imho, it'd be like that Á¶¼º¸ð jo sungmo video that has the korean.amerikan firefighter goin' off to the twin towers on 911.

stickin' w/ the topik'f men sacrificin' 4 their families, i had a thought earlier 2day:   ('gain, i don't mean to be disrespektful.   this is just a thought i had earlier in the day.)   many ppl go off to werk each day in order to earn a living to support their families.   in this day n' age tho', society puts so much emphasis on the idea that 1 must love his/her werk sooo much, that if u don't love ur job, u ought to find sumpthin' else.   s'pposedly, we should all be doin 4 a career what we love most.   if that were true, wouldn't we all be musicians, artists, aktors, models, writers, chefs, pro skateboarders, restaurant critiks, sports commentators, filmmakers, singers, dog trainers, racecar drivers, fotographers, n' the like?   we can't all do those things 4 a living, rt?   just how many nfl quarterbacks can u have?!   not every1 who wants to be 1's qualified.   however, the question'f how to get these kind'f jobs more often isn't skill but either luck or connektions or worse.   it's not even always skill.   'just how many do we need?'   neway, so... many'f us werk a so.called 9.to.5, which is really an 8.to.7.   we deal w/ a fair 'mount'f cr@p all day, n' then get cr@p 4 it from our friends 4 not werkin' a job that's always pure fun.   our friends give us cr@p n' then our employers give us cr@p.   even they say ppl should only werk a job if they absolutely love that job.   keep in mind, tho', that many ppl werk jobs to provide 4 their families... n' those jobs vary.   many ppl, n' i feel this tends more often to be men, try to show that they love their spouses n' kids by werkin' hard n' bringin' home "the bacon" or "dough" to feed their family n' buy'em nice things.   then every1 gives'em cr@p 4 this.   it's just like how society belittles stay@home moms these days.   stay@home moms n' that type'f werking dad take 'lot'f cr@p from society these days.   seriously.