¹ã / ¿ÀÀü 1220a: really, it's been a martial arts wk n' not a boarsports wk. i skateboarded w/ sooni yesterday morn but didn't make it out to the sunnyvale skate park in the morn. i wanted to pull off 'nother lunctime skate sesh there, but i was stuck in the lab@werk.com. by the time i had lunch, 'twas well into the afternoon, n' i didn't wanna go to the park when all the skoolkids r out'f class. i like the adult crowd. last nite, i taught the black belt class as well as the adult beginners (white/yellow/orange belt) class. i had the black belt do lots'f "demo" style kicks b4 i let them spar. personally, i thought 'twas fun to mix in a bit'f fancy kicks. i just sparred 1 match w/ steve n' got so bruised n' banged up. then, cos the rm was so cold, i got so sore n' cramped up. ugh. *sigh* it's been quite a wk'f martial arts! yah, it's been really cold. i think i'll be doin' martial arts every day this wk 'cept 4 sun. mon, wed, n' hopefully fri (2day), i'll've done turbo kick box. tues n' thurs, i did real taekwondo. sat, i'll be @ the ucmap űǵµ ½É»ç taegwuhndo shimsa taekwondo promotional exam.
[later] ¿ÀÈÄ: the weather's still cold n' dry. i got so banged up from last nite's taekwondo praktice. i skateboarded 'round the neighbourhood w/ sooni this morn but didn't hit up the sunnyvale skate park, which is just plain wrong. i ought to've been there; but 1) i didn't have time cos i had to get to werk earlier 2day w/ hopes'f bustin' out on time to go to the turbo kick box (Tkb) "party" - a special class @ the fremont ave sunnyvale 24 hour fitness w/ 6 instruktors, n' 2) i was so sore from taekwonodo last nite n' the cold weather. @ lunch, i went to c the beautiful kaela hwang in her clinik 4 chiropraktic care. cos'f that i had to miss lunch. i didn't get to eat. from our werk's bake sale, i bought a $2 slice'f apple pie. i'm hungry, so hungry.
2day's snow report:
- alpine meadows: 12~14¡±
- boreal: 20~24¡±
- pathetik dodge ridge: 0
- cr@ppy heavenly: 27~45¡±
- northstar@tahoe: 17~29¡±
- sierra@tahoe: 7~14¡±
- squaw valley: 8~16¡±
- sugar bowl: 6~14¡±
- kirkwood: 14~16¡±
- homewood: 0
[later] 4getchu not that 2morrow's the big game: cal v. stanfurd. cal's "bowl.bound," headin' to the holiday bowl v. texas a&m. [later] rt? i got that rt, rt? we rn't goin' to the sun bowl, rt? it's the holiday bowl v. texas a&m, rt? neway... go bears!
often when i return to berkeley, i get nostalgik. i wish i could visit more often. the culture in the city there's very interesting n' lively. i kind'f miss the city's personality now n' then. i guess i don't miss the lack'f parking. also, i don't miss the streetcrime. i feel safer here in the silikon valley, i guess... i mean; 'f course that's a generalisation.