Àú³á ÀÌÁö¸¸ ¾ÆÁ÷µµ Á÷Àå¿¡¼: can u believe that nov's almost o'er? wow! i was scannin' thru my ol' werk e.mails n' started reminiscin' 'bout back in 8¿ù aug'f this yr. 'member that? 'twas a bit hot this summer, eh? oh man! what's cooler than being cool? ice cold! what's colder than ice cold? our house! it's so cold in our house these days cos the our furnace's broken! it's a frigidaire pilotless gas furnace attached to an air conditioning unit. i've searched online, n' it looks like the problem might not be easy to fix. we'll prob'ly hafta hire some1 to fix it. *sigh* where'm i gonna get the $$$ to pay 4 all this?! i need to $ave $$$ 4 snowboarding! i need a lift ti¢ket budget n' $$$ 4 gas. lodging? well, i'll mostly make day trips.
this morn, i didn't go to the sunnyvale skate park. i was gonna skateboard, 'least 'round the block, w/ sooni but chickened out when i saw my neighbours. 'member: i'm self.conscious 'bout my neighbours cin' me skate 'round the neighbourhood cos i think they'll think i'm an irresponsible homeowner. *sigh* well, i walked sooni 'round the block. i was gonna rush off to the sunnyvale skate park but realised 'twas 2 late.
yah, i started thinkin' that this wk just ain't a skateboardin' or even a boardsports wk 4 me. i started thinkin' that maybe 'tis simply more'f a martial arts wk. i went to turbo kick box (tkb) on mon nite @ the e arques sunnyvale 24 hr fitness. i went to taekwondo praktice n' taught taekwondo class last nite. 2nite, i'll prob'ly go to 'nother turbo kick box (tkb), hopefully @ the fremont ave sunnyvale 24 hour fitness. well... as i was thinkin' that this wk's just a martial arts wk n' not a boardsports wk... i ended up pullin' 4 1st "lunchtime skate sesh" @ the sunnyvale skate park. woohoo! i sed skrew it n' took off durin' lunch 4 the sunnyvale skate park. i worried: would it be full'f punk, teenage kids? would it be full'f pro skaters w/o day jobs that'd laff @ me? well... there weren't kids. there were many adults that just cmed not to have jobs n' were definitely good skaters. then, there were some other yuppieish guys there that might also've been pullin' off "lunchtime skate seshes." i dunno. like, there was this 1 asian dude... a bit older than me n' quite a bit better than me @ skatin'. he looked like a professional career guy. i had a good time. i wasn't wearing sunscreen tho'.
man, it's been really cold lately. this morn, when i walked sooni, saw that all the lawns were frosted over. 2morrow morn's s'pposed to be even colder! crazy! i'll need to wear my quiksilver down jacket. man, down jackets've been all the rage this season, eh? i almost regret buyin' the expen$ive quiksilver jacket cos i've cn sooo many other, ¢heaper down jackets @ all sorts'f stores. however, my quiksilver down jacket's funktional 4 snowboarding... altho' it ought to have a 2.way zipper. *sigh* i need that not only 4 pee breaks but so i can lift my knees nice n' hi durin' big airs... n' i plan to catch lots'f big air! ha ha ha. *sigh* i can't wait, man.
yah, 2day, while tryin' to ollie the "pyramid" @ the sunnyvale skate park, i made a conscious effort to lift my knees hi. yup, that resulted in my ollieing higher. good. i still can't clear the flat deck/table, but w/ a li'l more speed i prob'ly can.
do i need better bearings or wheels to get more speed? i dunno; but a wk or so 'go, i realised that the more i think 'bout buyin' a new, additional skateboard setup, the more i wanna stick w/ my current 1. only cos there r so many choices n' i stress over what's the best choice 4 my next setup. dude, that's the same prob i have w/ snowboarding equipment. i can hardly believe i bought these burton cartel super.dope bindings just on a whim. in the past, i did mondo research b4 buyin' big snowboarding equipment. however... the more i think 'bout it... the more i figure this was my best choice. what other model/brand would i've gone w/? lib tech? forum? i want bindings good 4 freestyle, as u know. what do the pros use? *sigh* yah, i aktually care what the pros use, but it's a li'l sad to me that most'f the big name pros've now gone w/ companies that i'm not as into... like k2 or salomon or rossignol or, well, burton. i guess u've got guys ridin' 4 lib tech or gnu... me... i'll always appreciate santa cruz 4 their true skateboarding roots. man... my board rt now has a santa cruz deck w/ sims bindings... dude, that's totally straight out'f the ol' days'f skateboarding! i've got like the dogtown snowboarding setup, eh? however, i'll soon change out the outmoded sims bindings 4 these super.dope burton cartel bindings... then what? *shrug* well, burton... burton's been a big name in snowboarding since the start... not a big name in skateoboarding by ne means; but a big, big name in snowboarding.
on mon nite, i cooked chicken curry @ home after sach's turbo kick box (tkb) class. i've been cookin' more lately. mostly, i'm tryin' to $ave $$$, but... *shrug*
[later] 906p: well, i'm watching ong bak after eating dinner after coming home from turbo kick box (tkb) class. maybe it is martial arts wk here @ the beno journal. ha ha. man, it's cold here. i've plans to remove our snowboard bindings 2nite. i hope i get 'round to it. i guess i'll just watch some'f this. furthermore, it won't take long to remove the bindings.