Åä¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: in a way, this has been 1 messed up few days cos i haven't been to the sunnyvale skate park in quite a while. i'm rather displeased w/ that, no doubt. however, what can i do? it's the holidays. wed nite w/ past abel, annie, n' abel's bro matthew; t.giving; black fri - it all went fine. on t.giving, the beautiful kaela hwang n' i slept in very, very late. i s'ppose 'twas nice not to be hosting this yr after hosting 2 yrs in a row. instead, we went to my sista's house. she n' her husband steve sed we could bring sooni, so we did. on our way to their house, we stopped by the sogo bakery inside the lion supermarket off'f saratoga ave in san jo to pick up a cake. we picked a macadamian nut cake. my sista cooked turkey, yams, green beans w/ shrooms, mashed taters w/ parsnips, stuffin' (aka dressing), gravy w/ or w/o giblets, turkey liver, cranberry sauce, rolls, pumpkin pie... 'twas all really good. it's funny tho' - both on sun @ our grx n' on thurs @ our family's t.giving, i didn't eat much turkey! funny, huh? i dunno; cos'f the 40 day "fast" from land meats n' "sweets," i've simply gotten out'f the mode'f eating 'lot'f meat. weird. neway... after dinner, after dessert, after playin' w/ my nephews mason n' nolan, after chattin' w/ my sista, her husband, her in.laws, n' my mom; kaela, sooni, n' i left 4 home. on the way, we tried to stop by san josé's famous christmas in the park, thinkin' that they open on t.giving, only to discover that they start on black fri. oh well. we went home. we fed sooni. we watched an episode'f the simpsons. then, we hopped into my subaru forester n' headed down (the) 101 to the gilroy premium outlets 4 midnite madness black fri $hopping.
midnite madness black fri $hopping @ the gilroy premium outlets: wow! 'twas seriously mad! the line to get into the parking lot w/ ur car started down 101 an exit 'way. there was a bit'f a pile up that happened rt in front'f me. wow! i could've gotten in a car accident had i not been so careful, had god not kept me out'f it. seriously - i think the car rt in front'f me got quite smashed up. we were lucky to get a parking spot. @ 1st, i figured we'd hit up br (banana republic) 4 their famous 40% off sale. the line was.... wow, i dunno how to put it... maybe 'twas 'bout 40~50 yards long? kaela sed we shouldn't bother. instead, we lined up outside'f kenny cole's store. we bought 'lot there. then we went to uh... i guess ralph lauren's store but didn't buy nething there. then we went to calvin klein's store n' bought a few things. then uh... i guess we went to ann taylor's store n' bought some things. then... *shrug* i guess we went back to check out the br sitch (situation), but the line was still insane. man, the place was crowded almost like disneyland. the thing is that almost every1 was asian! if they weren't asian, then they were maybe chicano. most ppl looked like they came from the san jo clubbin' crowd - mostly vietnamese, some other southeast asian ethnicity, or chicano... a few desi / south asians here n' there... some whites w/ minority attitude here n' there. it was pretty hektic. kaela n' i didn't wanna stay there all nite or nething. i kind'f regret not checkin' out: 1) billabong (which also sells element stuff) n' 2) surf/skate closeout.
black fri @ valley fair: well, we went home n' fell asleep. 4 the 2nd nite in a row, we'd stayed up till 300a. oh yah! on wed nite, after our dinner @ home, we went to watch casino royale (007) @ the amc mercado. yah, 'twas a pretty good james bond film; likely the best in recent yrs. i know ppl didn't like the idea'f a blond 007, but whate'er. (blond = male, n' blonde = female; rt?) they ought to have an asian 007. ha ha ha. yah, ppl'd have a fit, eh? neway... yah, that was wed nite, but on fri morn, we went to valley fair to continue our finan¢ial support'f amerika new favourite holiday: black fri. aktually, while still in bed, i made an online pur¢ha$e @ aeropostale, which i don't like as much as ol' navy cos'f its subpar politiks. ol' navy n' the gap corp has drastically improved its politiks, while aeropostale's just 'nother corp that supports the "wrong" political party. neway... yah, i bought some stuff from'em online usin' that famous google checkout di$¢out ($10 off'f $30 everywhere or $20 off'f $50 @ buy.com). well, kaela n' i ate some leftover ³ìÂ÷ nokcha green tea muffins from wed nite n' some leftover shroom soup. we drove my subaru to valley fair. i dropped kaela off somewhere 'round kenny cole's store. luckily, i soon found parkin' o'er by women's macy's. we mostly did $hopping 4 kaela. i guess i didn't buy so much. aktually, we accomplished much aktual christmas $hopping. originally, black fri was 4 buyin' christmas gifts 4 others. now, it's pretty obvious that most ppl r buyin' stuff 4 themselves. perhaps many'f these ppl don't even celebrate christmas, which is un4tunate if not just plain sad - imho. [a li'l later, after readin' a mercurynews.com article 'bout lokal black fri happenings - "Black Friday's early kickoff"] we bought lots'f clothes 4 kaela n' got some freebies. then, we went to copelands's curious going out'f bizness $ale. w hy's copelands goin' out'f bizness? it cmed to me that they were doin' well; but i think the whole corporation's shuttin' down. why? cos'f sports authority n' sports chalet? i hope not! i much prefer copelands over those! even tho' i don't love copelands, it's better than those. &nbps; like, me... i'd most prefer to patronise my local boardshops 4 my snowboarding n' skateboarding needs... but copelands was convenient. in the past, i really liked tri.city. then they closed down. i like sports basement, but they don't sell the brands'f snowboards i like, n' they don't sell skateboarding stuff. shame on them! sports authority n' sports chalet? *sigh* 'like when sports authority was sport mart, they only sold subpar snowboarding equipment. i surely didn't like that. now? *shrug* neway... so... kaela n' i bought new snowboard bindings! the thing is... we sold out to the microsft'f snowboarding, i.e. burton. we bought new burton bindings. kaela 1st spotted the stiletto bindings n' liked'em. that convinced me to get the men's cartel bindings. *sigh* new snowboarding equipment... i s'ppose it's 'bout time. kaela's bindings r nice, but mine r pretty much top o' the line! crazy. whereas, over the past few yrs i hadn't had to worry much 'bout ppl stealin' my board or nethin', now i've gotta worry 'bout ppl stealin' my bindings. after that, we went to ol' navy, but i didn't get nethin' 4 myself... but i got sooni a... *shrug* dress? coat? i'm not sure what it is. well, we went to bed, bath, n' beyond after that. then we went home to get dinner ready 4 kaela's family. i made a fire in our fireplace. later, we went to san josé's famous christmas in the park, ate a churro, n' drank mexicano hot chocolate.
japanese snowboarding: it's funny cos 2'f the new decks that i wouldn't mind havin' r these japanese decks: 1) burton's tadashi fuse pro model, n' 2) k2's jibpan.