È¿äÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ: it felt good to get back into the swing'f things this morn by skateboarding w/ sooni 'round my neighbourhood n' then squeezin' in 'least a short skateboarding sesh @ the sunnyvale skate park. backside 50.50 axle stalls n' baby rear axle grinds in the small bowl... i wish i could catch air out'f the bowls like so many other guys do. in the past few days, i pondered what it'll take 4 me to catch some air out'f the bowls: 1) maybe i need to put more effort into it. in snowboarding, u need to pull ur knees/legs/feet up, which brings ur board up. if u'r 2 lazy to do that u won't get to catch big air. yah, maybe i need to kind'f jump up as i ride up the wall, out'f the bowl. *shrug* 2) i'm stil wondering if its a hardware issue. i've always wondered if the other guys just all have super nice bearings - powell bones swiss bearings... ceramic bearings... me? i've got like abec.5 or uh... maybe even abec.3 independent.brand bearings. however, i read an article 1nce that pted out sumpthin' important: if u can't go fast, it might not be ur bearings but ur wheels. after all, what good r nice bearings on a car if u have cruddy tires? that's true. i'm ridin' on these 54mm bullets. what's the durometer/hardness on'em? i think they're 99a, but i 4get. they could be 100a; i'm not sure. my 1st set'f skateboard wheels were 97a santa cruz slimeballs. later, i switched to some 92a bullets or sumpthin', which i figured was better 4 streetskating. my 1st board, the christian hosoi pro model w/ independent 169mm trucks, 97a/60mm santa cruz slimeballs, n' gmn bearings was really more'f a vert/ramp board than a streetskating board. funny... i s'ppose it'd be more appropriate 4 the kind'f skating i do now, huh? as i was pullin' out'f our house's garage 2day after lunch, i saw my stack'f ol' skateboard decks that i picked up from my mom's house a couple'f wknds 'go. i thought: "hrm, maybe 1'f these days, just 4 kicks, i could mount my trucks onto my ol' jeff kendall deck (which is the smallest'f my ol' decks), n' ride 'round the sunnyvale skate park on it... just 4 kicks." nah, that's 2 much werk 4 2 li'l kicks, eh? man, i'm amazed i used to ride these huge, wide boards. how did ppl ever do kickflips n' big ollies w/ such heavy setups?! technically, my 7.75" (wide) board's 2 wide 4 my 127mm bullet trucks... yet 'nother excuse to buy new trucks or a whole new setup. i ought to have 129mm trucks. man, i'd like to have a pair'f the independent 129mm low koston trucks. w/ my wide deck n' narrow trucks, aktually, my board's a good setup 4 kickflips. it's got a good pivot pt. 2 bad i'm 2 chicken to try kickflips. dude, the other nite i was watching on youtube 'gain rodney mullen's bit in almost: round 3. dude, that guy's amazing! all his crazy flips n' slides... wow! i like his style. like... he rides mostly flat ground stuff... not so much things like rails or ramps; yet he does so much amazing stuff! [later] i sure like to talk 'bout skateboarding. well... it may hafta be my "poor man's alternative" to snowboarding.
lemme tell u, i make snowboarding a very beudget aktivity. typically, i don't make it a luxurious, resort experience but sumpthin' more like "pickup" basketball or intramural soccer. it's just sumpthin' to do every sat during the season: it's a sport. that being sed, yah... i might try to make a 2 nite (3 day) trip to tahoe w/ kaela the wk b4 christmas, where we might stay @ the hyatt regency. man... it's not ¢heap, but i can get a de¢ent deal via hotwire it's still not super¢heap; but it's a de¢ent di$¢ount. otherwise, there r really good deals on hotel rooms in reno... but neither'f us really wanna drive all the way out to reno each evening n' back to tahoe each morn, 'specially since neither'f us really like gambling. sooo many'f our asian yuppie friends associate snowboarding w/ gambling n' partying, but me? no! snowboarding is a serious sport! u know... i think our friend dr. eric johnson sed that he heard that surfing's the new golf. cing all the ol' guys i skate w/ @ the sunnyvale skateboard park makes me wanna say that skateboarding's the new golf. however, in the end, i think in reality snowboarding's the new golf. do u know what i mean? (yadadamean?) do u follow? 4 decades, golf has been now as the bizness netwerking sport, along w/ tennis n' skiing. however, i think now snowboarding's the sport 4 bizness netwerking. my being good @ snowboarding could open doors... but *sigh* it prob'ly won't. sometimes i ust feel like a "snowboard bum" n' an overgrown "sk8er boi." all my friends r passin' me by w/ their hi.flyin' careers n' success w/ havin' n' raisin' kids. keepin' up w/ the joneses... there's 2 much'f that. there have been times, tho', where i think i've been able to win the respekt'f ppl - 4 better or worse - thru my snowboarding. it'd be great if i could somehow advance my career via snowboarding... eh... it prob'ly'll never happen - 4 better or worse.