¼ö¿äÀÏ Àú³á ÀÌÁö¸¸ ¾ÆÁ÷µµ Á÷Àå¿¡¼: last nite, when i rode my bike home, i was pleased to find the beautiful kaela hwang already home. i felt light headed. i wondered if i had drank 2 much tea thru.out the day. i did ride my bike (bicycle) home n' tried to ride fast, i guess. did i mention to u how yesterday was an ideal day to ride my bike to werk cos it the ground was 2 wet to go skateboarding in the morn yet it 'least wasn't raining? yah, i did. biking n' cycling r good; but i prefer skateboarding. well, eventually, kaela n' i got out'f the house n' got our butts over to taekwondo praktice. [later] praktice went fine, n' our adult beginners class went great. afterwards, kaela n' i went home. kaela cooked some ¼øÁֺΠÂî°³ soondubu jjigae. we ate that 4 dinner. wow, it's pretty brisk these nites.
this morn, i didn't skateboard w/ sooni but just walked her. i shyed 'way from skateboarding with her cos our neighbours were out n' 'bout, n' yah... i feel like ppl'll think i'm so juvenile if they c me skateboarding down the sidewalk. *sigh* however, later, i went to the sunnyvale skate park 4 a really, really quick skate session. man, i realised that i really need to break in my new vans (shoes). the park was empty when i got there, but soon 'nother skateboarder came. then an inline skater came. uhm... i'm not sure, but i think the skateboarder might've been pro skater tony trujillo... cos i hear he frequents the sunnyvale skate park... but i just read that he lives in santa rosa, so... *shrug* the guy saw me strugglin' w/ my backside 50.50 axle stalls n' gave me the suggestion'f turnin' w/ my shoulders n' lettin' my feet follow. he sed i tend to try to turn w/ my feet n' then my shoulders lag. yah, over n' over, ppl say i've gotta lead w/ my upper body instead'f throwin' my front shoulder back. i've heard it n' i sort'f understand; but maybe if i saw a video'f myself, i'd fully understand. [a li'l later] neway, wow... if that guy really was tony trujillo, then - wow - i got skateboarding advice from a pro. *shrug*
sometimes i regret that i went ¢heap w/ my 1st comeback skate (skateboarding) setup. i bought the lo.end stuff'f some'f the best companies but 'least avoided goin' w/ the really ¢heap stuff that's really bad. basically, i have the stuff that is as low end as can be while still being considered real skate stuff. like, i now wish i had independent (indy) trucks instead'f bullet trucks. my mini.logo deck? well, it's definitely suffices, but i could've gone w/ a deck w/ more engineered technology in it. my wheels? they're also bullets; but, 'gain, i could've gone w/ sumtphi'n fancier. bearings? they're independents, but i could've gone w/ bearings that have plastic covers, which r easier to remove man, ceramic bearings? that'd be kewl. neway, i have the ¢heapest stuff that can still be considered "real."
if i were to get a 2nd setup... well, i still would wanna stick w/ a setup that splits the diff, a board that can do street n' vert/ramp/park. i'd go 4 a deck that's still 'bout 7.75" wide @ most, indy 129mm trucks - prob'ly low not mid or hi, prob'ly 53mm wheels'f ~99a durometer (hardness) unless they were those ricta dual durometer wheels (which i think r better 4 street skatin')... it's funny cos w/ my skateboarding setup, i want sumpthin' that "can do everything"; but, w/ my snowboarding setup, i want an extreme freestyle setup. *breath* well, i think the reason 4 this is that i feel confident that i can still ride almost nething on a freestyle snowboard. i'm much more confident in my snowboarding than my skateboarding.
as i sed, i like nhs produkts. nhs, inc. is the somewhat local corporation, based in soquel (near santa cruz) that owns santa cruz skateboards, santa cruz snowboards, santa cruz surfboards, indepedent trucks, ricta wheels, bell helmets, creature skateboards, nor*cal, crime skateboards, mob griptape, ... n' prob'ly other stuff. i haven't cn their produkts 'round as much these days 'cept 4 independent trucks, nor*cal clothes, bell helmets, n' maybe ricta wheels. i worry a li'l. like, i don't c their snowboards 'round much these days, but i would like my next deck to be still a santa cruz. the deck i saw recently that i like the most is the k2 jibpan. however, k2 is not a good company. like quicksilver / roxy / dc shoes / hawk clothing, it's a corporation that sells extreme sports stuff but is also into conservative politiks. k2 owns adio, which is a famous name in skateboarding shoes. hurley is owned by nike. volcom recently bought rosignol. i avoid burton snowboard produkts as well as snowboard produkts made by ski companies, but i end up gettin' their stuff now n' then. i'd like to support santa cruz snowboards cos 1) it's a skateboard based snowboard company, 2) it's local, n' 3) i believe they prob'ly have good politiks. yah, i'd like to support local boardsports comapnies. the big company that makes real skateboards, anti.hero skateboards, spitfire wheels, thunder trucks, n' krooked skateboards is also a local company, i believe. it's called deluxe. i think they're based in sf. thrasher magazine's also a local, sf company, wheras transworld (skateboarding n' snowboarding magazines)'s a socal company. skate one, which makes powell skateboards n' mini.logo skateboards, 's a socal company.