¸ñ¿äÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ mokyoil ohoo: i had lunch w/ pastor abel 2day. he's a kewl guy. we ate @ ¸íµ¿ ¼øµÎºÎÁý myungdong soondubujip. i (as well as the beautiful kaela hwang) am still on the no meat no "sugar" thing. i had Çع° ¼øµÎºÎ haemool soondubu (seafud soft tofu stew). on ernest's xanga, he was talkin' 'bout some incredibly, disgustingly, mammoth burger, n' then matt (whang) mentioned some double burger made on krispy kreme doughnuts 4 buns. yah, @ the bronx's junkyard bay area bbq a few yrs (several yrs) back, i told jerome to eat a bbqed burger made on 2 krispy kreme doughnuts 4 buns, n' he ate it. a few months 'go, i reposted that pic'f jerome's eatin' that burger on the bjunkie forums, n' some dude called the burger a "luther burger." yah, the idea'f using doughnuts 4 hamburger buns has been 'round 4 a while. plz have a look @ the wiki(pedia) article on it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luther_Burger. off (the) 101, somewhere just south'f sf (maybe south sf or daly city) or maybe just somewhere in southern sf; there's an in.n.out burger rt next to a krispy kreme donuts. couldn't they team up n' sell these luther burgers? that'd be a fun idea but not a very healthy 1. in the end, i'm all 4 good health n' healthy eating. i'm simply a li'l amused by these fud stunts. well... i guess, in the end, i wish ppl'd eat more healthily... 'specially amerikans.
so yah, the big news this wk (elektion wk) has been that 1) the demokrats've (or "we demokrats") taken over congress; 2) that arnold schwarzenegger has somehow won a 2nd term as cali4nia's governor, n' 3) britney's divorcin' "k.fed." i didn't know this k.fed dude had a musik career. i just found that out this morn. i thought maybe he was britney's "back up dancer" or sumpthin'. like ernest, i'm a li'l disappointed that this is such big news, i.e. i almost wanna rhetorikally ask, "why do ppl care?" yesterday morn, when i filled up gas (after tryin' to skate in the drizzly rain @ the sunnyvale skate park), i paid $2.199/gal @ ¢0$+¢0 (costco). in the afternoon, when i returned to buy dishwashing detergent n' a unagi topped cali4ornia roll (dragon roll?) 4 lunch b4 my chiropraktic apptmnt w/ kaela @ her clinik, i saw that gas had risen to $2.239/gal. also, the union 76 by my office was $2.339/gal in the morn but $2.379/gal in the afternoon. dude! the rumour that the oil industry had lowered their pri¢es in recent wks to swing ppl 2ward the republikan party was obviously true. geez! couldn't they've 'least been a li'l subtle 'bout it?!?! they made it so obvious that it wasn't even fun. i'm disappointed that cali4nia turned out lookin' so republikan in this elektion, especially when u compare it to how the rest'f the country had such a good demokratic turnout. i'm disappointed that schwarzenegger won re.elektion. i'm disappointed that props 86 n' 87 failed. i had a bad feeling that angelides wouldn't beat schwarzenegger cos'f his lack'f publik appeal. that's precisely why i voted 4 steve westly in the primary! angelides didn't try very hard w/ his tv ad campaign, it cms. honestly, schwarzenegger had very snazzy tv ads! w/ prop 86, i think some ppl felt 'twas a tax on poor ppl cos poor ppl smoke. i'm guessing that's why it was hard to get unified support 'mongst "liberals' 4 it. not only that, maybe 2 many "liberals" smoke... after all, if u'r out to legalise pot, u probably rn't 2 averse to tobacco smoke either, eh? *shrug* 'member: i consider myself a "progressive," not a "liberal." neway, i'm all 4 better health, so i really wish prop 86 passed. prop 87? *sigh* i like alternative energy. i hope my current car (subaru forester )'ll be my last conventional gas car. i hope the next car i buy, whenever that is, is like a hybrid or some kind'f alt energy car. man, now that the oil industry has jacked back up the ¢o$t'f gas, i'm gonna need to consider 'gain ridin' my bike to werk more often. *sigh* i do like ridin' my bike to werk, but that prevents me from hittin' up the sunnyvale skate park b4 werk cos i don't wanna bring my skateboard into the office. (i leave it in the car, of course.) [later] dude, "baby needs a new pair'f shoes." man, the ollie hole on my left shoe's gotten really bad! i really shouldn't show up to werk in shoes this thrashed! i was never that fond'f this pair'f world industries shoes neway cos they have red trim, n' that's stanfurd's colour. *sigh* when n' where can i buy some new skate shoes that i like? like, i c a couple'f pairs i like on ccs: a pr'f emerica brown shoes w/ plaid trim or else a pr'f black n' white nike sb shoes w/ a doggy logo n' a paw logo. that's cute even tho' i don't usually wear white shoes. however, those logos r so appropriate 4 me cos i'm always skateboarding w/ sooni, u know?
[later] i keep sayin' that kaela n' i don't travel 'nuff. when i compare us to our friends (which is always a dangerous thing - don't get me wrong), wow... we really don't travel 'nuff. i get a li'l sad cos, as i've sed, we just can't afford it since we're livin' off my 1 in¢ome rt now, n' that really isn't as much as some ppl'd expekt cos 1) i'm a mechanical engr n' not a software engr n' 2) since ppl in my industry think i'm much younger than i really am, they figure they should pay me like a fresh college grad. of course, on the flip side, since i hang out w/ lots'f college students, they're prob'ly blown 'way w/ how much i make. it's, of course, all relative. mortgage, property taxes, etc.? they're hefty sums! however, real estate is still the best investment. *sigh* neway, while browsing the archive'f this yr's edition'f the beno journal, i 'membered how much kaela n' i enjoyed our trip to vegas this summer 4 kaela's sista jeanna's wedding. i started thinkin' that, since we don't travel much, we appreciate it that much more. to me, renting the pt cruiser in vegas n' drivin' 'round those streets was quite a thrill. 4 our friends who travel so much more, maybe it wouldn't've been. &nbps; [later] Àú³á ÀÌÁö¸¸ ¾ÆÁ÷µµ Á÷Àå¿¡¼ juhnyuhk ijiman ajikdo jikjangeisuh: *sigh* i feel so sad that i can't do better 4 kaela. i feel sad; she deserves better. i wish i could take her on fan¢y vakations, buy her nice things like jewelry or a new car, buy nice things 4 our home 4 her, hire a maid service to keep our house clean 4 her, take her out to nice dinners 'least like we used to... what has happened? i feel like i had the resources when we were younger, when we were just dating or engaged; the resources to take her to nice dinners much more often n' to buy her nice gifts. *sigh* what has happened? is it just our mortgage n' property tax? is it the fakt that more'f my in¢ome now gets tied up into investments - both normal investments n' retirement investment? is it the fakt that more'f my in¢ome now goes 2wards healthcare? what is it?