
rained out

¼ö¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: tree63's version'f "blessed be your name" rocks; so does hawk nelson's "the show."   this morn, i woke up early 'nuff to skateboard w/ sooni 'round my neighbourhood.   then, i forwent havin' ne kind'f real brkfast in order to hit up the sunnyvale skate park, but when i got there, it started rainin'!   1s, 'twas just sprinklin', so i got out'f the car w/ my backpack full'f pads n' my board (skateboard).   i rushed into the park, hoping to squeeze in a li'l skatin' b4 the rain came down.   i didn't bother padding up.   i just rolled into the bowls, rolled out, ollied onto a ledge 4 a grind, rolled back into the bowl, rolled back out, did a bunch'f ollieing onto a curb 4 some frontside 50.50 grinds... then i tried to skate the small bowl a li'l, just doin' some typikal backside rear axle grinds.   that went well 4 a short while, then i slid out cos'f the rain on the concrete.   wow! that surface sure is slick when the rain falls.   that concrete doesn't absorb ne moisture!   well, i realised it wasn't gonna happen... i did a few more grinds on the curb just to squeeze in every last sec(ond) i could.   *sigh* then i picked up my bag n' headed back to my car.   i drove to ¢0$+¢0 (costco) to fill up on 87 oktane gas @ $2.19/gal n' went to werk a li'l early.