
icer air 2k6

¿ù¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: the big event this past wknd, here in the sf bay area, was icer air 2k6.   was it officially abbreviated as "2k6," or was that just sumpthin' my cousin walter came up w/? *shrug* in either case, yah, that was prob'ly the biggest thing this past wknd.   this wk, 1'f the biggest things'll be the "midterm" or "mid.term" elektion(s) n' the bay area snow show.   i got to hang w/ eric (johnson) n' clarence on sat, n' i expekt to c'em 'gain (along w/ my cousin walter n' maybe kaz?) this coming wknd @ the snow expo / trade show.

[a li'l later] yesterday, b4 going to church (2nd service [1100a] @ grx), i went to the sunnyvale skate park 4 like a 2.5 hr skate session.   that was very fun.   1 thing i started doing now is olleing onto low ledges, 50.50 grinding, n' then droppin' off the end'f the ledge isntead'f poppin' off early.   that's fun.   2day, this morn, i returned to the sunnyvale skate park.   1 thing i started trying to do 2day's ollieng into backside grinds or 'least lame 50.50 axle stalls on curbs.   up until now, i'm only ollien into frontside grinds.   i'm tryin' not to be so 1sided. *sigh*   neway, i'm very happy that i made it to the sunnyvale skate park this morn, even tho' 'twas an abbreviated skate session b4 werk.   i also skateboarded w/ sooni b4 that.   i've been doing that 'lot these days.   she gets more exercise, n' i have more fun.

[later] ¿ÀÈÄ: what's up, neawy?   how r u doin'?   plz lemme know.   as i sed in a recent entry; i've changed my questions; so i'd like u to sign the new version!   well, i sed that i'd answer the questions; both the new n' old 1s.   i've just been a li'l bizzy as u know; mostly bizzy w/ boardsport aktivities.   extra.curricular aktivities that r important to me: taekwondo, djing, n' boardsports (mainly snowboarding n' skateboarding)...   'f course church stuff's also important to me; but i dunno how to classify it as an extra.curricular aktivity cos, in a way, church is just part'f life or... *shrug* well, this wknd's the bay area snow show, as i keep sayin'.   my cowerker friend lydia left a brochure 4 it on my chair while i was home 4 lunch.   she had no idea that i'd already been planning 4 months to attend.   i was interested tho' in lookin' @ the brochure to read what vendor's'll be there:
any mountain
alaska backcountry adventures
alpine meadows ski resort
atomic ski usa
atomic snowboards
bay area outdoor club
bay area ski bus
bay area snow sports council
bear valley cross country
bear valley mountain resort
best western truckee tahoe inn
boreal mountain resort
certified folder
daman nelson travel
diamond peak
dodge ridge
eagle's nest at tahoe
el dorado ranch
freeboard manufacturing
homewood mountain
hughes ski hut
island lake resorts
jackson hole mountain resort
k2 skis
k2 snowboards
kirkwood mountain resort
kootenay rockies
mammoth sporting goods
marriot's timber lodge
mel cotton's
mike wiegle helicopter skiing
mt. rose
ski tahoe
nisei ski club
pacific crest snow cats
ride snowboards
salomon north america
sierra summit mountain resort
skier news
sport chalet
sun valley resort
swayback adventure services
tahoe quarterly magazine
tamarack resort
the wave magazine
walk-ez international

i guess i wanna enter lots'f contests to try to win free tix n' lodgin' n' stuff.   i don't feel particularly wealthy these days.   the beautiful kaela hwang were tryin' to go to whistler sometime this winter; but it looks like we can't afford to go during the holiday season, n' she has skool during other times.   it's a li'l depressin' 4 us to look @ our finan¢es.   sure, we're blessed... but i guess we're 2 ppl tryin' to live off'f just my income.   i dunno how much $$$ kaela's made from her li'l job @ skool, reading x.ray prints n' thru her property management, but i assume it's not much, n' i pay 4 everything.   mortgage, taxes, n' insurance eat up a big chunk'f our $$$.   inflation has hurt us 'lot, n' i haven't gotten ne real raise in a long time.   what li'l raises i get don't even keep up w/ inflation, it cms. *sigh* :-( neway, i dunno when i'll ever get to take a "real" vakation 'gain.   last yr, we had hawai.i.   this yr? well, we went to dc n' vegas; but those were both really short trips.   is there a way to go to whistler 4 ¢heap???   u know how the surfer's life n' the skateboarder's life r s'pposed to be low maintenance?   well, shoot; the snowboarder's life shold be as well.   however, why's it sooo expen$ive to go to whistler?   *sigh* i really like snowboarding, n' i really like tahoe; but i'd like to be able to say i've boarded outside'f cali/nevada.   isn't that we always thought that "when we grew up," we'd be able to afford to do things like snowboardin' in whistler?   my friends've done it; but i don't cm to be able to afford it... but... but that's ok; i need to be content w/ what i've got; i really do.

sideways: diff breeds'f doggies naturally wanna do different, specific things.   ppl say that it's their instinkt.   sooni, being a jindo, wants to hunt.   retrievers wanna fetch things.   shepherds wanna herd things.   sooni likes to fetch her ball.   however, i can't get her to fetch useful things 4 me.   in our neighbourhood, there's a hose w/ multiple retrievers, n' 'least 1'f the retrievers fetches the newspaper 4 their owners.   i've cn it.   it came out to fetch the newspaper n' then saw sooni, so they stared each other down 4 a long time.   i figured that the owner must've been wondering, "where's that dog w/ my paper?!"   well, if sooni's instinkt's to hunt li'l fuzzies; i really feel like my instinkt's to ride boards.   i really like snowboarding n' really like skateboarding.   i haven't surfed much, but i think i'd like it.   what is it 'bout boardsports?!   is it that i just like travelling sideways?!   furthermore, i do taekwondo.   a typical taekwondo stance's relatively sideways... 'least more so than like a wrestling stance or maybe even a boxing stance.   so what's up w/ me?   why do i enjoy being sideways?   as much as i like commuting on bicycle 4 the enivironmental n' heath.related benefits; i just don't enjoy bicycling as much as board sports.   why?!   to me, boardsports r almost addikting or sumpthin'.   i don't care 'bout basketball, don't care 'bout golf.   many guys r sooo into ballsports: they like basketball, baseball, futbol, golf...   not me.   i'm sooo not into basketball.

ok, now to answer them questions.   here's the 1st set: name: Ȳ¸í·Ï hwang myungrok - beno hwang
e.mail: ºñ³ë ¾Ü ºñ³ë¹Í½º ´å ÄÞ
homepage url (don't 4get to use http colon slash slash!): http://www.benomix.com
can u read benospelling?: yes, invented it.
new yr's resolutions?
1) write the beno journal 4 1 month (jan) in plain english (i.e. no benospelling) - ¼º°ø suhnggong (success)
2) take better care'f my career - *sigh*
3) buy some mutual funds - ¼º°ø suhnggong (success)
4) make some friends that i can hang out w/, w/ or w/o kaela - i can think'f 'least a few guys that i can hang w/, w/ or w/o kaela.
5) buy a skateboard - ¼º°ø suhnggong (success)
6) fix my desktop 'puter's soundcard or else find some way to record dj mixes - ¼º°ø suhnggong (success)
7) eliminate detrimental confucian sentiments - :-/ well, i honestly feel that my life's better rooted in the bible now - more so this yr than last; so in a way i feel i can say 4 sure that i've been cleanin' 'way detrimental confucian sentiments; but i dunno.
8) write kess txt per journal entry - ½ÇÆÐ shilpae (failure)

new yr's prediktions?it'd be very silly to answer this question now.
will u do sumpthin' 4 valentine's day? 4 vd2k6, i brought kaela to chez tj. what's sumpthin' u eat/drink that other ppl don't like to?¼ø´ë soondae n' on rare occassions, ¹øµ¥±â buhndeigi (silkworm cocoons)
what du u say when u can't remember some1's name? "heeey, how's it goin'?"
additional comments: aw man, i already filled out these quesitons 'bout on 2006³â03¿ù08ÀÏ!!!

now 4 the new questions:
name: Ȳ¸í·Ï hwang myungrok - beno hwang
e.mail: ºñ³ë ¾Ü ºñ³ë¹Í½º ´å ÄÞ
homepage url (don't 4get to use http colon slash slash!): http://www.benomix.com
birthday/birthdate: 1975³â08¿ù21ÀÏ
what do u want 4 christmas? honestly?   i'd like skateboard stuff - like a 2nd board; but ppl wouldn't know what to get me.   bluetooth stereo headfons...
what is wrong w/ youth 2day? these days, kids r 2 polarised - it cms like their either super studious or total dropouts.   it's ok to be in the middle n/or well.rounded.   i think kids 2day either try really hard n' come out as superstars or else they get discouraged n' totally tune out n' end up as misfit troublemakers.   i s'ppose this ma've resulted from "all or nuthin'" attitudes found in adults.   ppl say that everyting's black or white, that they're r no greys.   well, shoot! if u say so, then kids'll be happy to prove u rt.   if they can't be the superstar nerds, then they'll be happy to fail out n' become gangbangers.   the adults that represent morality don't exhibit grace, compssion, or understanding.   they just show plenty'f discouragement.
plz tell me 'bout a   good memory u have from 2006? 1 good memory was djing that wedding recently 4 my friends jane n' darien.   i dunno... 'twas simply 1'f my hi.pts in my wedding dj career.   mixes just fell into place, n' i liked djing 4 a crowd w/ lots'f friends in it, n' even the ppl i didn't know were kewl.
name a magazine u like: thrasher... n' if i can name more, transworld skateboarding, transworld snowboarding, men's health, giant robot
plans 4 next wknd? i'm goin' to the bay area snow show!   well, on fri nite, i'll be @ our grx t3 light couples small group.   sat's the snow show n' maybe a friend's b.day party, if i have time.   sun'll be church @ grx in the morn.   i also hope to hit up the sunnyvale skate park plenty this wknd.
additional comments: now, i've given my answers.   how 'boutchu?

[later] here's a quote: "today is kaela's "last (week)day of freedom!"   it's a little bit sad for both of us.   over the past few months, she has repeatedly pounded home the point that throughout this next academic year, she will be very busy with schoolwork and will not see me, her husband, much.   yeah, she has repeatedly pounded and pounded in this point.   it has basically been a chant for her.   ok, that's a bit of a hyperbole; i admit" - 2006³â01¿ù06ÀÏ in beno's journal entry "616"   well, we're finally approaching the end'f the yr that kaela was talkin' 'bout, i think.   well; aktually, i'm confused.   she sed "akademic yr," but her akademic yr starts in sept or okt, not jan; so what's up?!   which was the worst 0.25? i.e. in which 0.25 did i $pend the least time w/ kaela?   i imagine 'twas either spring or summer.   spring 0.25's when she really went overboard.   she cmed to've gotten really burnt out @ the end'f the spring 0.25; but then 'gain she went on to book herself 4 a bizy, bizzy 0.25 during the summer.  t his fall 0.25 started out nicely; but now we've hit the pt in the 0.25 where i stop cing her.   well, u know what?   it really isn't skool but all these freakin' seminars she signs up 4.   she signs up 4 all these seminars on wknds n' then complains that she has no time to study 4 her tests.   then, i c her classmates, n' they say that they're always shcoked @ how many seminars she signs up 4.   *sigh* oh well... what can i do, huh?

[later] Àú³á ÀÌÁö¸¸ ¾ÆÁ÷µµ Á÷Àå¿¡¼­: elektion 2006: well, it's well 'bout time that i discuss my opinions n' "endorsements" 4 the 2006 elektions.   the elektions r 2morrow, so yah... this is quite overdue!   i just had an e.mail conversatino w/ a santa clara unified skool distrikt candidate named noelani sallings.   i e.mailed her cos i'd cn the pic'f her family in the santa clara weekly n' then 'gain on her webiste, n' i recognised them as a family i c @ the sunnyvale skate park on wknds.   she confirmed it, so i told her that she's "got my vote."   well, i'm pretty much gonna vote along the demokratic party line.   since i'd prefer the nation not to be so politically polarised, i'm almost embarassed to say that.   1 exception to that party line: i've considered voting 4 green party candidate mehul thakker 4 treasurer instead'f demokratic party candidate bill lockyer cos it'd be nice to get a desi / south asian into office... or to 'least show support 4 this dude.   however, 1) i know it's kind'f bad to vote 4 ne1 based on race, n' 2) heaven knows i've got issues w/ the green party in how they divide the votes'f progressives (like me) n' liberals n' thus open the door 4 conservatives to squeeze in undeservingly.   i dunno; we'll c.   neway, plz allow me to discuss the ballot props n' measures...

i saw that noelani got the demkratic party endorsement, so yah... i'm definitely votin' 4 her.

here's 'nother quote: "as much as i like alternative medicine, you must understand how much i hate things like how second generation asian-americans poo poo "eastern" medicine as b.s. until some "white man" proclaims that there's something legitimate about it and charges a fortune for it. at that point those second generation asian-americans will pay that crazy high price to buy the commercialized version instead of the cheap, authentic version. well, shoot; i admit i'm guilty of that as i have purchased ginseng capsules before from some online drugstore, while i could have just bought some from ranch 99 or any other asian market. well, asian pharmacists might give you some form of ginseng other than a capsule. i don't know if i would like the taste. i guess that's why i prefer to drink ginseng in my jamba juice rather than eat big, ol' hunks of ginseng root. so what's going on here? why should i embrace contemporary asian pop culture yet reject traditional asian medicine in its purest form? well, hey! ain't that the paradox with us second generation asian-americans? we're a lousy generation; ha ha. " - 2006³â01¿ù09ÀÏ in beno's journal entry "relative health"   last nite, i met up w/ my dad, grace, steve, mason, n' nolan @ the grand century mall in east central san jo.   grand century mall's this totally vietnamese mall in the middle'f downtown.   i bet this is exaktly what it feels like to be in vietnam!   whereas 2 many vietnamese biznesses in san jo r in "not.so.nice" neighbourhoods, this mall is all clean n' new.   i bet this is what a mall'd look like in vietnam.   we ate @ some restaurant called tay ho.   i told my family that i'm not eatin' meat n' "sweets" rt now.   i'm glad they didn't totally freak out.   i had this dish w/ rice fluour sheet rolls n' this sliced up mung bean doughnut.   i gave 'way the skewered meat balls.   wow, 'twas really tasty n' ¢heap.

[later] ¹ã 1044p: some great reward: yeah, that's the name a depeche mode album, a good depeche mode album.   it features the hit single "people are people."   also, 1 rather underrated ballad on that album's "it doesn't matter."   it's a bit melancholy, but it's a beautiful song.   aktually, here's the track listing from the wikipedia link (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Some_Great_Reward):
1. "something to do" - 3:47
2. "lie to me" - 5:03
3. "people are people" - 3:52
4. "it doesn't matter" - 4:44
5. "stories of old" - 3:13
6. "somebody" - 4:27
7. "master and servant" - 4:12
8. "if you want" - 4:41
9. "blasphemous rumours" - 6:22
wow, that's rt!   this album also features the ever.popular, all.time favourite piano ballad "somebody," sung by martin l. gore.   that's rt!   yah, this album sure is a classik!   it's also got the hit single "blasphemous rumours."   has a more depressing song ever reach such hit status?!   really! do u know? *shrug* neway... u must've realised that i've serious issues w/ the lyrics'f "blasphemous rumours."   it's a great song, but yah... the song talks 'bout all these un4tunate things that happen in this world n' then sums it up in the chorus as "i think that god's got a sick sense of humour; and when i die, i expect to find him laughing."   heck, it's great 'least to acknowledge his existence... but as much as i think god does have a sense'f humour; i'd hardly call it sick.   in ne case... it is a catchy, altho' somber song, eh?   neway!!! the reason i titled this paragraph or subentry or whate'er "some great reward" was originally not to discuss the depeche mode album.   rather, i wanted to talk 'bout how we ('least i) cm to keep tryin' to get sumpthin' in life that i might never have but... well, like... *sigh* like... wow... u know, there's this serious futility in life... when u live 4 urself... :-/ uh, what'm i tryin' to say?!   well, shoot... it's this: 2nite, i went to the usual mon nite tubo kick box (tkb) class @ the east arques sunnyvale 24 hour fitness, the class taught by sach.   there's this 1 clique'f asian yuppie students that hangs out after class.   they cm to know each other well.   i was thinkin' 2day: wow, they're such preppy, asian yuppies... i've definitely cn that type b4.   oh! i bet they're stanfurd alums!   i know that type!   n' i really do... but that's also not the pt'f this passage!   i'm leading to the real pt'f the passage; never fear.   u c... @ that pt, honestly... in all honesty... i was putting a value judgement on them... i mean, heck... i'm sure they'll never read this; so well, yah... i'll tell u the flat out truth cos i'm just an open n' honest guy.   i was puttin' a serious value judgement on them!   i was sayin', "u know what? we're all a bunch'f asian yuppies doin' the asian yuppie thing, but me? i'm this 'bad@$$,' rugged dude that teaches taekwondo 2ice a wk, skateboards every frickin' morn, n' hits tahoe 4 snowboarding ever saturday.   i'm not the typical asian yuppie!"   then it hit me!   wow, i've gone thru this b4!   i'm havin' serious déjà vu!   this the attitude i had @ the end'f hi skool n' into my early yrs'f college @ cal!   sure, i was a studious asian student; but i slowly started to pick up the aktivities that i thought made me "cool."   after a while, these aktivities frickin' consumed me!   @ 1st, the pt was to be kewl while still being successful.   after a while, the need to be "cool" took over, n' i crossed that line... such that i no longer was succeeded.   in my early days'f college, i majorly flopped!   i let the need to be "cool" just totally dominate, n' like... wow! yah, i paid the pri¢e.   u c, it's kind'f like those kids in that excellent film better luck tomorrow: they were successful in skool, got good grades... but that got boring, n' they soon got caught up in the pursuit'f "cool."   they felt invincible.   well... *sigh* like, i realised 2nite, that, me? i need to be careful.   i really do.   i'm @ that pt, where i'm been riding on the edge... the way i ride my skateboard trucks on the metal covered curb @ the skate park in a 50.50 grind.   i'm just sliding, metal.to.metal w/o ne way to control my steering.   it's like boardsliding my snowboard on a rail or box.   what's kewl 'bout grindin', boardslidin', n' railslidin' (grinding, boardsliding, n' railsliding)'s that u'r movin' but u've given up control... temporarily.   when u totally lose control, u bail.   i realised 2nite that i've gotta be careful not to bail.   i really do.   in the past, in my early yrs'f college, i bailed.   i need to keep my balance.   there's an ol' depeche mode song - "get the balance right."   that's what i've gotta do.   i've gotta get the balance rt.   it's ok that i cm to be progressing well in all these extra.curricular aktivities; but i've gotta balance that out w/ my... well, career.   it's a frickin' "dog eat dog" industry, whether i like it or not; so i've gotta "kick it up a notch."   i really do.   (yah, i realise that i've sed b4 that i hate it when ppl say stuff like "it's a dog eat dog" world; thus i put it in quotes.)   *sigh* so... well, as much as it's bad to focus so much on ur career that it runs ur life instead'f god; also, it's bad to let the pursuit'f being kewl run ur life.   i realise that i have a calling... that god has given me a purose on this planet.   thus, i've gotta well... stick to my guns or whate'er.   i guess the catch phrase these days is "stay the course," rt?   is that rt?   *shrug* neway... "some great reward..." i use that term facetiously.   "some great reward..."   we try so hard in life to be successful, to be popular, to be kewl... but in the end, "some great reward..." *roll eyes*

the guys @ lulu restaurant
the guys (clarence, beno, eric, n' walter) @ lulu restaurant: i have a temporary tatoo on my neck.