¿ù¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: it's all hallow's eve's eve, rt? we still don't have a pumpkin or candy to hand out, n' yet i plan to hand out candy on tues nite somehow. somehow, i'm just magically make candy appear out'f nowhere. talk 'bout "trick or treat"! *sigh*
well, this wknd was a wedding dj wknd; so 'twas a pretty bizzy 1. however, i'm pretty happy w/ how this wknd went. on fri, we went to our friends jane n' darien's wedding rehearsal dinner. man, i know, since i've been so bizzy w/ stuff, i've left out some details 'bout the goings on'f my ife in the past few wks. 4 example, 1 nite, kaela n' i went to the fish market on el camino real 4 dinner. i didn't mention that. when was that?! i know 'twas on a wknd nite. 'twas sometime after we started our so.called "fast." oh, maybe 'twas the nite'f the taekwondo tournament (choi's uta tournament). yah, i can imagine that. that nite, i skipped out on the greg laurie harvest event/concert. sure, i would've liked to have gone to that; but i had to werk on wedding dj stuff. well, i'm happy that the past 2 weddings that i djed cmed to go really well. 4 now, this past wknd's wedding may be the last wedding i'll do this yr. i dunno; ppl've talked 'bout some dec gigs, but i haven't locked nething in. i don't mind doin' more gigs; but i also don't mind skippin' some in order to hit up the slopes. switchin' back from skateboarding to snowboarding... that's gonna be a big thing 4 me. :-/ just sayin' that makes me feel/sound so frickin' immature; but whate'er. snowboarder, skateboarder, dj, taekwondo instruktor, bible study leader... it sounds like my life's pretty full w/ extra.curriculars, huh? however; no... it's not really that bad. yah, i'm an engr by trade n' really am an engr. however, i do like to live a "full" life.
¿ÀÈÄ: during my lunchbrk; i went home, ate some random stuff - including some trader joe's calabazitas quesadillas, did laundry, answered the door to receive some pamphlet from a jehovah's witness, admired how clean sooni looks since i bathed her last nite, n' went to depo$it a ¢he¢k @ my bank's atm. *sigh* 2day, i paid $15 4 2morrow's office halloween lunch party. i guess i'm participating. i was hesitating @ 1st cos it's kind'f expen$ive. i don't think i'll have a costume. as i sed, i'm plannin' to distribute candy or sumpthin' 2morrow nite but somehow don't yet have nething. on a recent ¢o$t¢o trip, i noticed a desi man in my line buying a halloween pack'f li'l play d'oh cannisters. yah, i wouldn't mind givin' those out but worry they're really expen$ive. i'm all 4 better health n' thus don't mind not givin' out candy; but... *sigh* some "kids" from our űǵµÀå taekwondojang cm to be going to the (sf) castro 2morrow nite. nah, i'm not into that. it may be hard to believe (4 some), but i've never been to the castro 4 halloween... ever! i've been clubbing in sf on halloween wknd but never in the castro on halloween. i don't mind just stayin' home, passin' out candy, n' protektin' the house from egging. neway, 'gain, thru all this; don't get the wrong idea that i'm 'gainst halloween by virtue'f being a christians. i understand well that some christians disapprove'f halloween; but me, i'm ok w/ it... i figure it's a kids' thing n' also a time 4 adults to be a li'l silly n' have fun. i'm not sooo keen on the whole "exoti¢, er0ti¢" stuff. u know me: i'm a prude n' uneasy 'bout those things.
neway... yah, on fri nite, we went to jane n' darien's rehearsal dinner @ the rivermark piatti. sumpthin' like 40 ppl came. wow, jane n' darien were so nice n' generous to invite so many ppl to their rehearsal dinner. we ordered off a simplified menu, n' the beautiful kaela hwang n' i ordered the exakt same dinner: caesar salad n' salmon w/ corn relish. i believe i had that exakt same meal the last time i was @ piatti, when i took mark n' grace out 4 their b.days. that was rt after kaela n' i signed up w/ 24 hr fitness. crazy, huh? wow, that was quite an important even this yr, huh? yah, as the yr winds down, i'll need to compile my list'f most important events this yr. i s'ppose that list'd include: my return to skateboarding, joining 24 hr fitness, startin' up the adult beginner taekwondo class, inreased responsibilities @ church, trip to d.c., trip to las vegas, trip to denver, co 4 werk.com, buyin' the my own sound equipment 4 dj gigs... i didn't make 2 many major pur¢ha$es this yr, did i? my audio equipment was, by far, the biggest pur¢ha$e. if nething, i prob'ly $pent 'lot'f $$$ on operations n' maintenance items like car maintenance n' home in$urance. property tax's due soon, n' so is my home insurance bill. *sigh* neway, i was talkin' 'bout this wknd's aktivities.
so on fri nite, i stayed up scratchin' curse wurds out'f rap tunes. *sigh* what a job, eh? part'f me appreciates the werk i do; but 'nother part'f me thinks that ppl shouldn't be so into hip.hop musik if they don't like the lyriks. well, i dunno; like some other ppl; i'm a li'l bugged @ how suburban kids n' now yuppies r sooo into "urban" hip.hop,w hile their lifestyles rn't nething like what urban hip.hop musik talks 'bout... however, 'nother part'f me understands how hip.hop musik is simply good dance/party musik. thus.... yah, i understand. *sigh* i stayed up a li'l late but eventually went to sleep 'round 200a n' woke up early to continue my werk 'round 600a. i was a li'l surprised to find myself scratchin' out curse wurds from justin timberlake songs. i thought he was a good, li'l backstreet boy or n.sync boy or whate'er he was... some1 who'd never swear on his cds. wasn't he britney spears's bf sometime 'go? *shrug* neway... that's what i werked on. i was pretty happy by early afternoon, feeling good 'bout compiling 4 cds full'f good party musik that i knew the bride n' groom'd like. then, i packed my equipment, frantically got dressed in my suit, n' rushed off to our lady'f peace catholic church 4 the wedding ceremony. kaela was @ some chiropraktic seminar (yah, more seminars) during the morn, so she drove herself to the ceremony. i got there late but in time to c the bride n' groom present flowers to their parents n' kiss n' be pronounced by the priest as husband n' wife. kaela was there b4 me. well, kaela n' i ran into a few ppl to talk to like jane (kwon) n' sean (abel) (our friends who recently got married this past summer), jamie shen who we knew from cal taekwondo, this dude angus huang who was a groomsman @ the wedding we djed last wknd, n' irene who was jane kwon's bridesmaid n' whom we met when we sat by her @ darien's b.day party this summer @ loft bistro in downtown san jo. neway, we waited 4 pix w/ the bride n' groom w/ our bible study group. our group took pix by ourselves w/o the bride n' groom; but the bride n' groom never got a chance to take a pic w/ us. most'f the group took off to jamba juice to hang out b4 the reception. kaela n' i waited a li'l longer, but then kaela insisted on going back to her chiropraktic seminar @ santana row, so i went to the restaurant (china stix) to setup 4 the reception. i started to get a li'l nervous there. i'd 4gotten the usb cable 4 my portable, usb drive. i had to drive home n' pick it up after settin' stuff up w/ the help'f our friend gregory. yah, i started gettin' nervous cos i felt i had a bunch'f good songs picked out but no real plan. neway... wow, in the end, god always pulls thru 4 me; n' wow... 'twas a really good party. i dunno... somehow my mixes just fell into place. the bride n' groom had this really kewl choreographed dance akt. u c, they had me 1st put on savage garden's "i knew i loved you (before i met you)" then scratch it out n' start up jagged edge's hip.hop tune "let's get married." dude... it werked out great, n' their akt was soooo kewl n' cute! the crowd loved it. we had really delicious fud 4 dinner. i'm glad they had plenty'f seafud. well, the nite went well. kaela n' i packed up w/ help from friends n' went home. i unloaded all the equipment myself. i've gotten kind'f used to that. wow, 2 wknds in a row!
on sun morn, just as i'd pretty much promised myself, i woke up early (thanks to the end'f daylite saving time) n' drove to the sunnyvale skate park. i got there n' that older, asian surferish dude dave was sittin' in his truck. i realised then that the park wasn't yet open! &nbps; the park maintenance dude hadn't yet shown up. i waited 'round a while, n' this other older dude, a guy w/ long hair showed up. we waited. dave jumped the fence; but as soon as he did, the park guy showed up n' let us in. i guess i'm glad i didn't jump the fence 2; but the dude didn't get mad @ dave or nething.
{later] ¹ã 1126p: neway, on sun, i went to the skate park. i was a li'l surprised to find myself so clumsy... like, i was so much better last wk, n' a week'f not doing ne real skatin' really took its toll on my skillz. like, last wk, i skated 'round the neighbourhood w/ sooni... that was good experience cos i should get used to skatin' on uneven surfaces like sidewalks n' roads (quite a contrast to the smooth pavement @ the skate park). however... there ain't no bowls on my street... n' there rn't even like ledges to ollie onto... @ best, i get to ollie up the curb now n' then. neway... yah... i was @ the skate park in the morn. i scraped my left ring finger's top knuckle on my griptape as i was dismounting 1nce. it bled a bit. i guess i have pretty good griptape. it's jessup griptape.
then i came home n' got kaela out'f bed. we went to church. she kind'f complained that i didn't bring her w/ me to the skate park; but i don't get it... does she really wanna go? i can't tell. we went to church. after 1st service, we went to lunch w/ ppl from our ol' small group. we ate @ pho nam. kaela n' i had only 1 choice on the menu: grilled shrimp on vermicilli. it was good, but i wasn't full afterwards. then, we left, n' kaela went to some skool thing... i dunno what... studying? seminar? who knows. i went to run errands. 1st, i went to hicklebees book store in willow glen to exchange the paperback copy'f plan b: further thoughts on faith, which steve n' grace gave me 4 my 31st b.day. i already owned the hardback version. i went to the bookstore, knowing it was s'pposedly a kids' bookstore that had a few books 4 adults. ha, i almost sed "adult books," but my sayin' that freaked kaela out on sun nite. neway, the middle.aged asian woman, werkin' the counter akted like she thought i wouldn't find a book i'd like there. i found many books i liked there. later, i realised that most'f the books were geared 2wards women. i guess so. however, i'm enuf'f a feminist to read stuff like fleeing fundamentalism a book by a woman who grew up as a "conservative" christian n' then divorced her pastor husband as she left the church n' stuff like a book 'bout a female u.s. soldier in iraq... i 4get the name'f that book... or... hrm... yah, i realised that many'f the books were 4 women... but whate'er. in the end, i exchanged the book 4 a book... uh, this anthology'f short writings n' such... sumpthin' 'bout the most important writings that rn't on the amerikan required reading list but should be. the books in the living rm / eating area rt now, n' i'm in the bdrm. neway... i spent 2 much time @ the bookstore. &nbps; i was happy to find that the book was an even ex¢hange, so i didn't need to fork up ne ¢a$h or get $tore ¢redit back, etc. well, after that, i drove to guitar showcase. 1st, i tried to look 4 some dj equipment but realised that they don't have ne. then, i bought some classical guitar strings. i bought nice 1s, nicer than i need; but i don't think they were the most expen$ive 1s. then i went to valley fair. i went to old navy to buy a 100ÀÏ (¹éÀÏ / baekil) ¼±¹° suhnmool gift 4 connor. i ended up buying myself lots'f stuff 2. old navy has good deals. then i went into the mall to buy some cards @ papyrus. then i rushed back home to pick up sooni n' hurry off to give her a bath @ pet fud express. i met a couple w/ 'nother jindo; but their jindo was really skinny n' a bit sickly lookin'. they sed it had some stomach probs n' allergies. sooni n' the other jindo growled n' stuff but then were fine. dogs r dogs.
when i got home, kaela was already home. we went to °¡ÁÖ ºßÆä gajoo boopei california buffet 4 the 100ÀÏ ÀÜÄ¡ (¹éÀÏ ÀÜÄ¡) baekil janchi. &nbps; i ate plenty. my sister got fud poisoning there in the past, but i've survived 2 visits there now.
2day, i went to the sunnyvale skate park in the morn. i was glad to skate a li'l w/ my ol' buddy there mike, the english dude. what did i eat 4 lunch 2day? oh yah, i came home n' ate frozen fud. 2nite, i went to sach's turbo kick box (tkb) class. i had a good werkout. afterwards, i bought a "house" falafel from house'f falafels. it has fried eggplant added to it. wow, it was really good. honestly, it beat falafels drive in's falafels! i really liked it. i'll gladly return. then, i went to valley fair to go to the giants dugout store to buy my icer air 2k6 tic. as i pulled into the parking 'lot 'round 910p, i realised that even tho' the malls open till 930p, it was really likely that the store closed its tickets.com machine already... n' i was 'xaktly rt. well, i didn't drive all the way out there 4 nuthin'. so i took a walk 'round the mall. then i drove back home but stopped @ the homestead safeway to buy some gro¢eries, a pumpkin, n' some halloween candy.