
somewhere over the rainbow

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È­¿äÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ: what the heck? the date's already 10¿ù24ÀÏ?! *sigh* oktober's flyin' by; but maybe that's ok.   i need it to fly by so that i can resume "normal" life.   i dunno.   my life's been bizzy.   i expekt some things to ease up but not others: church aktivity n' wedding djin'll both ease up 'least a li'l.   werk? werk won't ease up ever, eh?   well, nah; honestly, some wks r better than others; some days r better than others.   some months r better than others.   my werk.com's fiscal yr (2006³â) ends on ±Ý¿äÀÏ geumyoil fri.   yah, it's the end'f the yr already.   crazy, crazy.   end'f the yr, end'f the month... *sigh* i just hope that 11¿ù nov brings w/ it plenty'f snowboarding n' snow.   *sigh* the 1 bad thing 'bout snow season's that it can be a drain on my wallet, which is very bad.   i'm a li'l scared.   it's nice that skateboarding's not expen$ive; but the beautiful kaela hwang goes snowboarding w/ me.   in fakt, lots'f ppl can go snowboarding w/ me.   skateboarding, un4tunately,'s a bit'f a loner sport 4 me. :-( i mean, i talk to some guys n' gurls @ the skate park; but i aktually know very few names.