¼ö¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: didju notice that i'm back online? well, i am. my website n' thus the beno journal r back up. my e.mail, however,'s still skrewed up! :-( *sigh* this is a big prob. man! u don't know how big'f a mess this is. u c, back in aug, i cancelled our yahoo! dsl in order to $ave $$$, rt? well, cos'f that, i couldn't dl my e.mail from my usual server (ocf). well, my disk space filled up on that acct; so i started using the sbcglobal.net acct associated w/ the y! dsl acct that i'd just cancelled. that was going fine until friggin' at&t cracked down n' sed they were taking 'way my sbcglobal.net acct cos i'd cancelled my y! dsl acct. *sigh* thus, i re.signed up w/ at&t/y! dsl @ $14.99/month. *sigh* expenditures, man! well, our service resumes on fri. usin' pirated wi.fi from my neighbours n' metro.fi free wi.fi was gettin' to be quite a pain neway. the connektivity was awful! the metro.fi wi.fi ads r aktually quite annoying. @ 1st, i thought they were tolerable, but man... after a while, i grew to really despise'em! also, the metro.fi setup skrews up some webpages cos'f the ads. *sigh* maybe i wish santa clara were usin' google's free wi.fi service like the city'f mtn view. :-? *sigh* well, we'll c. we'll c how this goes. as i sed yesterday, i'm tryin', to ¢ut ba¢k my expenditure$, but... *sigh* i mean, there r just some standard operational expen$e$ that apparently gotta be there. :-( i dunno. *sigh* it's tuff, man... but it's life.
last nite, i went to taekwondo praktice n' then taught the adult beginners class w/ mark. this is the last wk'f the fall .25 (quarter). *breath* it's funny cos our "quarters" r 10 wks long; so well... it's like we just ended our early fall 0.25 n' then'll start our late fall 0.25, rt? well, heck; i'd sure like 4 our class to pick up some new students. if u r interested, plz join us. if u've got friends that might be interested, tell'em to join us. well, our 10.wk term's endin'. we're gonna have a 1.wk brk b4 startin' the next 0.25; but i think, aktually, i might ditch taekwondo altogether next tues... wait! no! i thought next tues would be halloween; but i just realised that it's not! that's 1 more wk later. *sigh* what a friggin' mess!
¿ÀÈÄ: during my lunchbrk, i went to visit the beautiful kaela hwang @ palmer west chiropraktic college's clinic. on mon n' 2day, she's treating me 4 my skateboarding accident that happened on mon morn. i haven't been back to the skate park since that accident but desperately want to. i'm just 2 bizzy n' have lots'f dj stuff to attend to @ the moment. neway, after my apptmnt, i drove back to my office but stopped by a li'l silly valley strip mall to get a bite to eat on the run. i wanted to check out this new place called extreme pita. well, @ 1st, i parked by some mexican joint called miguel's, so i pondered goin' in there. cing that the veggie burrito there ¢o$t $4.95, a whole bu¢k more than the $3.95 veggie burrito @ la vic's made me decide not to enter. i continued on to extreme pita, passing by subway. well, it looke just like a subway but w/ pita bread sandwiches n' pizzas instead'f subs. i guessed that it's related to or owned by subway, but the wikipedia article doesn't say nething like that (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/extreme_pita). i bought the regular (9") falafel sandwich n' had them add jalapeños, hummus, n' feta (@ [add'l] no ¢o$t). the sandwich ¢0$t 2 much, like $5.89 or sumpthin'; but oh well. *sigh* i'm tryin' hard not to eat out so much. *sigh* this morn n' yesterday morn, i made blueberry.banana
smoothies n' also ate english muffins. well, yesterday, i ate a cinnamon.raisin english muffin w/ p.nut butter (which kaela figures doesn't violate our "no sugar" policy); n' 2day, i ate a whole grain (multi.grain?) english muffin w/ a "spicy" (But not spicy) fake (veggie boca), fried chicken patty w/ catsup/ketchup n' moûtarde. i've gotta monitor n' reduce my na
+ intake! oh yah, speakin'f 2 salty; b4 i 4get, here's the link to extreme pita's official website: http://www.extremepita.com. i've gotta say: those were some'f the worst falafel balls i've ever had. furthermore, they were very skimpy/stingy w/ the falafel balls. however, i was pleased that they added grilled shrooms n' green peppers @ no add'l ¢o$t. extreme pita's a canadian franchise.
over the past couple'f wks, i've @ times felt really fed up w/ cing ppl around me refusin' to live up to their full potential. over the past couple'f months, i've been a bit discontent w/ both hedonism n' sloth. sometimes, i wish every1'd be the best person that they can possibly be, to be the healthiest person that they can possibly be, to be the most athletic person that they can possibly be, to be the most studious person that they can possibly be, to be the most motivated person that they can possibly be. howver, i've been insensitive. we're only human. we, un4tunately, fall to selfishness to laziness to desire... *sigh* well... what can i say?
i can't wait 4 snowboarding season to start. however... keep in mind that i'm a "hardcore" snowboarder. when i go to tahoe, i don't go to party, to drink, to gamble... no! i go to snowboard! i wanna spend the whole day on the slopes n' werk on my snowboarding, to ride as fast as i can, to do the best tricks i can. i don't make it a luxurious, resort getaway; n' i don't make it a frat party! i'm (kind'f) serious 'bout snowboarding. i dunno, man; i'm more "serious" 'bout snowboarding than most ppl i know. i mean, heck, how many other ppl do i hang out w/ that took up skateboarding just cos they couldn't make it out to the slopes? rather, most snowboarding friends i've got wouldn't touch a skateboard. i know our friend matt got himself a skateboard. i hope he keeps it up down in ucla, tho' i worry 'bout how college pressures u to pretend to be such a frickin' grown up n' ditch the things that society considers À¯Ä¡ÇÑ yoochihan (juvenile). i fell into that trap n' regret it. neway... yah, i'm hoping that my experience in the sunnyvale skate park'll translate into my snowboarding, 'specially 0.5pipe (halfpipe) riding. i hope so. i hope it's not a "badminton is to tennis" situation. i hope the following isn't true - skateboarding:snowboarding::badminton:tennis - cos i hear that a good badminton "game" can ruin ur tennis "game" cos badminton uses wrist but tennis doesn't. yah, i sure hope that's not true. i'm guessin' it's possible to translate skateboarding experience into snowboarding experience cos i c pros like shaun white that can do both. yah, ollieing (1'f the most basik techniques to both skateboarding n' freestyle snowboarding)'s diff in skateboarding n' in snowboarding: in skateboarding, u hit the tail to push urself off the ground like a lever. w/ snowboarding, u aktually 1st bend the tail to spring urself up. thus; in skateboarding, ollieing is a great demonstration'f a lever; while, in snowboarding, ollieing's a great demonstration'f a spring. yah, there's lots'f middle skool physiks class mat'l here! when i 1st started snowboarding, i didn't realise that i had to spring up instead'f levering up. yah, u've gotta flex that snowboard tail! man, i'd love to teach some'f my friends who can't really do tricks now to do some basic stuff like 'least ollie etc. kaela's got the hang'f catching small air; but i'm not 100% sure she understands how to ollie.
i can't wait 4 snowboarding season to start; but this afternoon's a hot 1 here in the silly valley! :-(
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