
¾ÆºüÀÇ »ýÀÏ (abbauy saengil)

È­¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: man, these e.mail server probs r really frustrating.   my hip feels better 2day.   yesterday, during lunch, i visited the beautiful kaela hwang @ her clinic 4 a chiropraktic treatment.   after werk, i did turbo kick box (tkb) @ the east arques sunnyvale 24 hour fitness.   sach's still on vakation, so we had janice k 'gain.   after that, i did a li'l gro¢ery $hopping @ albertsons.   this morn, since i purposely skipped my sunnyvale skate park skateboarding session; i rode my bike to werk.

2day's my dad's b.day.   happy b.day.   however, since my web server's down; he won't read this till much later.

[later] ¿ÀÈÄ: 2day, during my lunchbrk, i rode my bike 'cross the street to fry's elektronics, where i browsed over: 1) external sound cards, 2) bluetooth headfons, n' 3) cd/dvd media.   so, wow! lightscribe, eh?   that's kewl!   u can use ur cd burner's laser to print on some cd.r media.   kewl.   what a long overdue concept!   *sigh*

i noticed yesterday that i haven't $pent 2 much lately.   *sigh* honestly, i hope i can keep that up; but i fear not.   last nite, on sony connect¢â, i bought a couple'f albums: freaked! a gotee tribute to dctalk's jesus freak n' storyside:b's connect set.

[later] 38 days until black fri!!!   i went 'head n' bought that turtle beach usb sound card on buy.com.   well, $pending... there's some $pending.   in a way, some might say it's ok to $pend more, if u make more, rt?   thus, i shouldn't necessary aim to $pend less but to make more. *sigh* well, it's not easy 4 me to get more in¢ome.   i'm make what i make.   to some'f the "kids" i hang out w/, like in taekwondo, it may sound like 'lot; but, well... 1nce u take into acct mortgage n' also the important fakt that kaela doesn't really werk (altho' she has a couple'f sources'f small, small in¢ome rt now), then it's not much.

while @ fry's 2day, i really wanted to buy some bluetooth headfons.   since i rode my bike to werk 2day, i used my backpack (which i usually use these days to carry my pads n' helmet to the skate park from my car in the parking lot) instead'f the diesel messenger bag that kaela's bro jay got 4 me in china.   i left my sony earbuds (which used to be kaela's, whcih she got a long time 'go, yrs 'go) in the messenger bag.   i really want to listen to my new albums.   all i have here in my cube is a broken pair'f cruddy headfons. *sigh* [later] they only have sound on 1 side... the rt side, rt?   i 4get.

4 lunch 2day, after i came back from fry's, i went to the werk.com cafeteria n' bought a small salad n' small carot n' ginger soup n' brought'em up to my cuicle to eat.   it's harder to find fud, as i sed, when i'm on a veggetarian, no sweets "diet."   well, (this is mostly 4 the christians in the audience) maybe 1 thing i'm learning thru this "fast"'s a lesson on the concept'f "all things r permissble but not all things r beneficial" (1 cor 10:23).

°í¸°µµÀü¼­ 10Àå23Àý~33Àý
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33 ³ªÃ³·³ ÇϽʽÿÀ.   ³ª´Â ³ªÀÇ À¯ÀÍÀ» ±¸ÇÏÁö ¾Æ´ÏÇÏ°í, ¸¹Àº »ç¶÷µéÀÇ À¯ÀÍÀ» ±¸ÇÏ¿´½À´Ï´Ù.   ¸¹Àº »ç¶÷µéÀÌ ±¸¿ø ¹Þµµ·Ï ¸ðµç ¸é¿¡¼­ ¸ðµç »ç¶÷µéÀ» ±â»Ú°Ô ÇÏ·Á°í ÇÏ¿´½À´Ï´Ù.
Çã¿ë = permision (like Çã¶ô = consent [that's a baby v.o.x. song.])
À¯ÀÍÇÏ´Ù = to be beneficial
¾ç½É = conscience
²¿Ä¡²¿Ä¡ = inquisitively
ij¹¯´Ù = to question closely
¶¥ = the earth
Á¦¹° = an offering
¹ÙÄ¡´Ù = to give (to a superior); to offer (to a god)
°É¸²µ¹ = setback
ÀÇ¹Ì = a meaning
ÆÇ´Ü = judgement; adjudikation
ºñ³­ = criticism; blame
¿µ±¤ = glory
±¸ÇÏ´Ù = to pursue; to search 4
±¸¿ø = relief; salvation

1 corinthians 10:23~33
23 "everything is permissible" -- but not everything is beneficial.   "everything is permissible" -- but not everything is constructive.
24 nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.
25 eat anything sold in the meat market without raising questions of conscience,
26 for "the earth is the lord's, and everything in it."
27 if some unbeliever invites you to a meal, and you want to go; eat whatever is put before you without raising questions of conscience.
28 but if anyone says to you, "this has been offered in sacrifice," then do not eat it; both for the sake of the man who told you and for conscience's sake --
29 the other man's conscience, i mean, not yours.   for why should my freedom be judged by another's conscience?
30. if i take part in the meal with thankfulness, why am i denounced because of something i thank god for?

i always say that i've known many, many, many, many good ppl in my life (so far).   ppl'f various diff religions (where atheism surely is a religion as it takes @ least as much faith to believe that no god exists as it does to believe in god).   i have muslim friends that don't drink (alkohol) cos they consider it bad, but they smoke.   i have buddhist friends that don't smoke or drink but eat meat.   i have mormon friends that don't drink alcohol or caffeine but eat meat.   i have hindu friends that don't eat meat or maybe only eat chicken but drink (alkohol n' caffeine).   i have atheist friends that don't smoke or drink (alcohol) but eat meat.   furthermore, there's the whole concept'f some meat being ok while some not: kosher, halal, blessed, w/o cloven hooves, drained'f blood b4 butchering, w/o organs... how good is good enuf???   well, as i've sed (in my journal) b4, we don't hafta answer that question cos good ppl don't go to heaven; rather 4given ppl do.   it's not what u do (or what u don't do) but who u r; i.e. an imperfekt human, 4given by god (the father) thru the blood'f jesus christ.   however, upon receiving this grace from god; we christians ought to show our love 4 god by being the best ppl that we can.   thus... well, all things r permissible but not all things r beneficial.   we r allowed by the grace'f god to eat meat, but must we always eat meat?   is it good to eat meat all the time?   if it's bad to eat meat; then, even tho' we're allowed thru jesus to eat meat, should we?   many "conservative" christians denounce the consumption'f alkohol.   true, it's not always beneficial.   isn't also true that meat isn't always beneficial?   we christians should do everything to glorify god.   when it doesn't glorify god to drink, don't drink.   similarly, when it doesn't glorify god to eat meat, don't eat meat.   when it does glorify god to eat meat n' drink alkohol, go for it... since u've undoubtedly sed grace to thank god 4 his blessing. (heh, heh)

that brings me to the next pt that the 1 cor passage reminded me.   honestly, i'm often a wuss 'bout saying grace 4 my fud in "mixed" company or 'mongst nonchristians, even tho' some other christians r great 'bout givin' thanks thru prayer 4 their fud @ every single meal.   u know who's great 'bout sayin' grace all the time?   duk!   he sez grace b4 eatin' a krispy kreme doughnut @ church.   4 me, that krispy kreme doughnut's more a snack than a meal.   i've heard anecdotes 'bout foafs (friends'f friends, i.e. friend of a friend... that's a folklore studies term) who say grace b4 each course'f a mutli.course meal.   well, accordin' to the 1 cor passage 'bove; it's more acceptable (mo' betta) to say grace b4 u down some bier or liquor than not... i mean... whereas some ppl'd say it's a deadly sin to touch ethanol; i think, well, hey, accept it as a blessing from god (as long as u don't get drunk).

don't eat fud that's been offered as sacrifice.   wow... altho' that sounds easy in an anglo.amerikan (white bread) context; in an asian or int'l context, it's a li'l harder.   it's quite apt that i posted that 1 cor passage in korean!   in taiwan, my dad brought kaela n' me to a buddhist temple'f some sort.   they were givin' out free fud... good stuff!   'twas that oily, sticky rice.   well, we ate it.   however, in retrospekt, i wonder if it'd been offered as sacrifice.   eh! u know... the pt is that u try.