
repitition n' risk

¸ñ¿äÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ: how r u?   Àß Áö³»¿ä? jal jinaeyo?   i'm ok.   i aktually "accomplished" 'lot ('lot'f nonsense) 2day: i walked sooni, i had a decent but very short skateboarding sesh @ the sunnyvale skate park, i did lots'f laundry...   yah, i went home during lunch.   i ate some trader joe's garlic naan (frozen, heated up in the toaster oven) w/ hummus n' a couple'f smart dog vegetarian hot dogs.   i did laundry: i finished drying some clothes in the dryer, brought them in, folded them, did a load'f whites, put some'f the stuff out to dry (űǵµº¹ taekwondobok) n' other stuff in the dryer, n' then did 1 last small load'f things like bathroom n' kitchen rugs n' sooni stuff.   aw nuts, i 4got to wash the dirty bandana that she's wearing! *sigh* neway, i gotta do 1 more load'f coloured clothes.   laundry, laundry, laundry...   i did laundry n' also vacuumed a bunch.   sooni fur everywhere, u know?

last nite, after werk, i went home, picked up the beautiful kaela hwang n' a few things n' went to the grx unstoppable couples event planning mtg.   we went over to a couple's house, a korean couple that lives very close to us.   they had a very nice house, n' we ate pizza hut pizza.   kaela n' i n' 1 other gurl r fasting from meat, so we had veggie pizza.   after the prayer n' planning mtg, kaela n' i went to the sunnyvale, el camino real safeway to buy some vegetarian gro¢eries.   u c, we both noticed that we rn't gettin' 'nuff protein n' feel like we're just "carb loading."   well, to be honest, this is how i used to eat back in like 1999, eh?   i used to avoid meat n' like totally carb load.   that could be ok, but i'm also a li'l concerned 'bout how i haven't been able to squeeze in ne weightlifting werkouts n' have prob'ly been losing muscle mass, which is awful.   *sigh* part'f this is cos i've reportioned my time by takin' 'way from gym werkouts n' addin' to skateboarding. *sigh* what can i say? i really like skateboarding, as u know.

2day, i had a super.short skate sesh; but i felt better 'bout my 50.50 axle stalls than i've felt in a wk or so.   i finally go tthe hang'f puttin' more exertion into 4cing my board around into the axle stall instead'f just rolling out'f the bowl over the coping onto the deck/flat or else doin' some kind'f botched up feeble grind.   i noticed 2day that, besides havin' to sit my butt down as i reach the coping, i've gotta whip my body 'round... more like i'm just doin' my usuall kickturn.   if i don't whip my body 'round; yah, i just end up rolling out onto the deck/flat or maybe hooking my back truck onto the coping but not the front n' then getting stuck.   whip it... i must whip it.   @ the sunnyvale skate park this wk, i met this 1 guy... he's prob'ly in his 20s or so... maybe also in his 30s like me... *shrug* but prob'ly not... neway, he 2 is some1 who's learnin' to skate(board) as an adult.   he showed up @ the sunnyvale skate park, n' he asked me sumpthin' like, "so how do i do this?"   he told me rt off the bat that he was just beginning.   wow, i've never met ne1 @ the park that was such a newbie.   he mentioned that he was a bit nervous cos he expekted an empty park in the morn, but there was me n' 1 other dude.. this pacific islanderish dude that i c most morns these days.   i assured him that the morn crew ppl r nice, friendly ppl.   neway, i saw him earlier this wk n' then 2day.   he's improved quite a bit.   oh yah... [later] shoot, i 4get what i was gonna say.   what was i gonna say?   *shrug* well, my ollie hole on the outside'f my left shoe's gettin' bigger.   i really may need to get some new skateboarding shoes sometime.   if os, i hope to buy sumpthin' a li'l more façonnable (fashionable).   i worry that maybe i'll need some new pivot cups on my bullet trucks.   well, that's not a big worry; pivot cups r ¢heap; hopefully under a $.   hrm, what was i gonna say?   *shrug* well, i've gotta werk on frontside stuff along w/ my backside 50.50 axle stalls.   was it yesterday?   when was the last time i went to the sunnyvale skate park?   yesterday morn?   i 4get... maybe 'twas tues morn.   neway, that morn, after gettin' a bit frustrated w/ not being able to pull off backside 50.50 axle stalls in the small bowl; i took a brk n' just did lots'f frontside kick turns on 1'f the medium bowl areas, over n' over.   that was the area where i 1st learned backside kick turns.   do u 'member my story 'bout how i ran over that pretty butterfly?   some other day after that, i felt so bad 'bout that, that when i saw this beetle in the small bowl, i took it out n' put it up on the deck.   then it immediately walked over the coping'f the big bowl n' fell in.   *slap 4head* d'oh!   how does a species like that survive?!   bugs sometimes have a hard time crawling out'f the bowls cos'f the smooth walls.   i often c potato bugs in the bowl.   i've run ('least) 1 or 2 over b4.   oh yah, i know what i was gonna say!   yah, just to dokument what i've been doin' in the sunnyvale skate park... like, when i couldn't get both trucks onto the coping 4 the 50.50 axle stall; i started stepping off my board n' then draggin' the board back over the coping n' dropping in off the tail.   that sort'f helped me get more repetitions in n' speed up the learning process.   repitition cms pretty important 4 learning physical things like taekwondo, snowboarding, or skateboarding.   heck... i guess repetition's important 2 learnin' 'lot'f things, eh?   repetition n' "goin' b@llz out," both r important.   i'm always aimin' 4 the next breakthru; n', in a way, i say that i'll be content if i can "just" get that next trick or technique down.   then, i can do that all day n' be content.   however, no... then, i want to learn the next trick or technique.   in a way, it's an addiktion; but, in a way, it's a good addiktion.   maybe someday, in my morn sessions b4 werk, i'll be popping airs out'f the bowls.   that'll be kewl.   then, it'll be truely like gettin' to go snowboardin' every day b4 werk!