
what's up, Áã (jwi)? (mouse)

¼ö¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: as i did not make it out to the sunnyvale skate park this morn, 2day was a cr@ppy morn (by definition)!   however, 2day was a strange morn.   u c, yah, the beautiful kaela hwang n' i did wake up a bit late cos 1) i was up on the fon n' on im w/ some ol' friends from the ol' cal taekwondo p.crew; i.e. roland n' jerome.   man, talkin' to them, i really started to miss ucmap, as stressful as it was there, w/ all the logistiks n' big, big event planning.   well, roland's still involved w/ taekwondo but not jerome.   neway, i stayed up late talkin/chattin' w/ them.   kaela was up late, doin' sumpthin' on her 'puter; i dunno.   she had taken a nap in the evening, while i was @ taekwondo praktice.   this morn, the sun rose later, as fall progresses.   morns've been a li'l gloomy or 'least cold.   neway, i took sooni 4 a walk, while kaela got ready.   it's such a friggin' "btwn a rock n' a hard place" situation: i wanna leave the house early to go to the sunnyvale skate park in the morn.   however, if i leave the house b4 kaela, she gets mad n' sez i'm making somehow her late.   personally, i'd think my getting out'f the house'd help her get out'f the house cos i'd be getting out'f her way.   well... i dunno; i guess there're some morns when she leaves heck'a early, n' then sometimes not having that noise'f her gettin' ready makes it harder to get up.   *sigh* i dunno.   so what should i do?   i should get ready n' then just stand by, rt?   like, get all dressed n' ready, n' then just make sure she gets up, n' then take off... maybe that's the solution; i'm not sure.   however, that still might upset her; i'm not sure.   neway, so i took sooni 4 a walk; but, b4 we got very far, i found a mouse on the ground... a real, live, fuzzy mouse!   not a piece'f 'puter hardware...   on 1st thought, i knew 'twas a mouse.   then, since it wasn't runnin' 'way, i started wonderin' if it was 1'f those "pine cone" thingies that fall from certain trees.   like, i'm not talkin' 'bout pine cones, but some other kind'f cone, where there's a coneish thingy w/ a stem.   neway, 'twas a real mouse!   i put it in a plastic poop bag n' brought it home to show kaela.   well, we gave it some h2o n' bread.   i think 'twas either really sick or poisoned.   otherwise, maybe 'twas just really old.   *shrug* 'twas really fuzzy n' a bit cute; i know that 4 sure.   neway, i didn't let sooni bother it.   i left it atop the ledge'f a brick planter in front'f our house when i left.   i hope it survives 2day.   it really didn't look very healthy, n' i refused to handle it w/ my bare hands.   poor sooni; her walk got cut short cos'f this mouse.

[later] ¿ÀÈÄ: during my lunchbrk, i microwaved an organik rice, bean, n' cheese burrito @ my office n' then took off 4 kaela's clinic 4 my apptmnt.   it's nice having these lunchtime apptmnts w/ kaela, but i'm worrying that they're taking 2 long.   in gen'l, time's short these days.