È¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: lately, i have not been keeping a well updated journal. i guess journalling/blogging has really sunk in my list'f priorities, n' perhaps rightfully so. i think i just don't have time 4 dwelling on my own emotions n' whining, eh? i don't want to host a whine blog. i don't have time 4 that. lately, what i mostly blog 'bout is skateboarding. the beno journal turned into a h@rc0re skateboard blog so gradually, i didn't even notice. that's a twist on marge simpson's famous quote: «fox turned into a h@rdc0re s3x channel so gradually, i didn't even notice.» well, i hiope u like skateboarding. however, i'm pretty sure most'f my readers don't. i mean, i'm sure that most'f u don't hate skateboarding, altho' some might find punk skateboarding kids to be annoying or disruptive. me, i like skateboarding. @ the end'f the 2006 yr, when i rank all the events'f the past 12 months (in my life), my return to skateboarding'll definitely rank up hi, 2wards the top along w/ my return to teaching taekwondo n' my taking on leadership roles @ church. wow, no big vakations this yr. the biggest vakation was the las vegas trip. the napa trip was the next biggest, i s'ppose. wow, they were both 4 weddings. oh wait! what the heck! didn't we go to washington, d.c. this yr? ha ha. well, heck! there's a somewhat "big" vakation. *sigh* sure it hardly stacks up 'gainst all those other couples' trips to rome n' venice, etc. *sigh* however, u know how much i hate playin' keepin' up w/ the lees, changs, n' parks!
on sun nite, the beautiful kaela hwang n' i broiled some salmon in the oven n' ate it w/ some butternut squash ravioli w/ a marinara.based sauce w/ trumpet shrooms. btw, 4 dinner on sat, we ate @ yiasoo (never buy the stoopid gyros salad; it's a rip.off!); n' on fri, we ate @ the mexicali grill. neway, cos i heated up the oven so hot, some part on the latch must've expanded cos i couldn't get the oven to open. i tried to 4ce it w/ no luck n' didn't wanna break it; so i decided to let it cool off. as we sat down on our dishevelled couch to eat off our cluttered coffee table, i experienced a feeling'f great discouragement: "r we just that trashy?!" when i look 'round me, @ my other married friends, i c such nice, tidy homes w/ nice furnishings; marble n' granite countertops; clean, new hardwood floors; beautiful décor; shiny, new, stainless steel kitchen appliances... us, we look, @ best, like hippies! not even artistik beatniks; but lazy, dirty hippies! *sigh* then, rt b4 we ate, i prayed 4 our dinner n' prayed 4 god to open our oven. a li'l later, i went to try out the oven, n' it opened. sure, it's just scientifik fakt that metals expand n' contrakt w/ temperature. i'm a frickin' engr; i know that. however... the timing n' drama'f it all... it's purely a god thing.
[later] i don't wanna talk 'bout politiks, but u know i'm sooo not a fan'f dubya. i'm not. however, lately, in taking leadership positions; i sometimes feel like i get a glimpse'f some things that he must experience, like having to be diplomatik, having to listen to opposing sides'f an argument n' taking a stance that's firm enuf but not 2 firm, etc. leadership... *sigh*
a month or so 'go, i saw that the silikon valley metro had a cover story on mommy blogs v. feminist blogs. wow, what a great topik! whereas a few yrs 'go, we noticed a growing chasm btwn "conservatives" n' "liberals" or republikans n' demokrats; maybe we're now cing a growing gap btwn parents n' nonparents in our generation (xy). wow, the way my blog cms to be turnin' into a skateboard blog sure provides a stark, stark, stark contrast from all my friends' daddy blogs, eh? well, i dunno if i mentioned this; but over the past few months, i feel like i've cn a significant drop in blog / online journal aktivity 'mongst my friends. is it that blogging's goin' out'f style? most likely no. *shrug* maybe it's just that ppl in my generation r getting 2 bizzy to blog. i know i have... i've been gettin' 2 bizzy to blog. perhaps videoblogs on youtube'll soon replace conventional, text blogs. *shrug* usually, (i think) videobloggers end up sort'f lookin' a bit vain tho', eh? audioblogs, videoblogs... r these gonna take off? podcast blogs... yah, google bought youtube yesterday. it's amazing that all these rich guys r 'round my age. *sigh* me? i sure has heck don't have that kind'f $$$ or that kind'f fame... but whate'er!
i discovered a few mins 'go that i didn't post up my 2006³â10¿ù03ÀÏ entry. nuts. i'll hafta 'member to go back n' enter that entry. *sigh* i hope i don't 4get. i hate the idea'f losing entries.
[later] oh, i have sumpthin' that i haven't yet mentioned: part'f the pastoral staff'f grx's fasting (refraining from eating) 4 40 days. if u 'member, this has happened in the past. just as has happened in the past, the pastors has asked the grx church body to join them in 1 way or 'nother if ne1's called to it. like, some ppl might also fast 4 40 days. otherwise, they've suggested that we consider some other form'f fasting. like, some ppl might "fast" from the internet or tv. some ppl might fast from fud but 4 only 1~3 days. was it last yr when i sort'f fasted 4 3 days while the pastors fasted 4 40? it must've been in 2005³â, so yah... that was last yr. i think that fast happened in the spring tho'. neway, this yr, both kaela n' i've committed to fasting from meat ('cept "limited" fish n' seafud) n' sugar (sweets, candies, desserts, etc.) 4 40 days. it's not nearly as extreme or big as a 40 day juice fast, but wow... it is sumpthin', i guess. like, i hafta make a conscious effort not to eat meat or sweets. no meats or sweets... yah, when fasting, we christians usually shouldn't go 'round talkin' bout it 2 much. we're not on a hunger strike, n' we don't do it to get notoriety 4 being holy or sum$#!+up like that. i, personally, really dislike how some other religions really encourage ppl to do things like suffer/abnegate n' then say things that make other ppl feel guilty. christianity ain't 'bout that. i mean, i can't guarantee that all christians refrain from doin' that... but i certainly believe it's not rt 4 christians to do that. neway, yah.... christians fast. tis' not just buddhists n' muslims that fast. well, yah... kaela n' i r doing this meats n' sweets fast... n' well, i won't talk 'bout it much from here on. it's not 'bout staging a hunger strike. rather, it's 'bout trying to provide a clearer channel'f communikation w/ god above.
there's this christian event that's gonna happen in san josé this wknd called "harvest." duk was passing out flyers 4 the sat nite event/concert @ church a couple'f wks 'go along w/ his college ministry grp. here's a link to the event: http://www.harvest.org/crusades/2006/sanjose/. man, it sounds like fun; n' i wish i could go to all diff parts'f the event. man, all these kewl musik grps! *sigh* i really wish i had the time! why does life cm so hektic nowadays?! lemme tell u 'bout the musicians that'll be there:
- ±Ý (fri), 10¿ù13ÀÏ (Àú³á 700p): harvest crusade band, salvador, newsboys
- Åä (sat), 10¿ù14ÀÏ spanish matinée (¿ÀÈÄ 1200p): salvador, ericson alexander molano
- Åä (sat), 10¿ù14ÀÏ amplify (Àú³á 700p): kutless, seventh day slumber, jeremy camp
- ÀÏ (sun), 10¿ù15ÀÏ (Àú³á 600p): harvest crusade band, crystal lewis, todd agnew, chris rice
dude, i'd be so into cing the "amplify" concert, i.e. kutless, seventh day slumber, n' jeremy camp. i like those rock bands, but i also like the softer sounds'f crystal lewis n' todd agnew; n' i wish i could check out the spanish artists 2! however... *sigh* i'm worried that i won't have the time to attend ne'f the concerts. :-( on sat, i've gotta take my taekwondo students ('least 3'f the adult beginners as well as a bunch'f adolescents) to the silikon valley open taekwondo tournament in downtown san josé.
[later] Àú³á ÀÌÁö¸¸ ¾ÆÁ÷µµ Á÷Àå¿¡¼: last nite, after coming home from my church.related dinner mtg @ google
; i took sooni out 4 a late nite walk. we used to do that more, back when kaela n' i 1st got her n' i gave her like 2~3 walks a day in hopes'f tiring her out so that she wouldn't jump the fence n' run off. she's a much better doggy now, sans doute. i took sooni 4 a walk this morn b4 heading out to the sunnyvale skate park.