¿ù¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ wuhlyoil achim: wow, okt's progress quite fast. it'll be halloween b4 u know it. so the big news last nite n' this morn's that n. korea sez they had successful nuclear weapons tests. i dunno what to think'f it: on 1 hand, it's sort'f just more paranoia; after all, if i go to korean yahoo!, yah, i do c some serious articles 'bout this issue; but it's still not sooo big. rather, the front page'f my.yahoo.co.kr has plenty'f entertainment news n' pix'f celebs, not just full coverage'f this incident. however, on the other hand, yah... it does show that the current administration has been 2 bizzy taking care'f less important matters to handle this. personally, i hate the idea'f u.s. military in korea. i'd prefer the u.s. military stay out'f asia.
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so after a short break from skating (skateboarding), i returned to the sunnyvale skate park this morn. it was still just a so.so morn, a so.so. skate (skateboarding) sesh. i wasn't bustin' out 50.50 axle stalls as i was earlier last wk or the wk b4 or whenever it was. ever since i fell hard a few times, i haven't been able to get back into the swing'f doing all the axle stalls. *sigh* oh yah, while rolling into the unpopular area'f the medium bowl area; i rolled over a beautiful butterfly. that saddened me. i often roll over potato bugs. however, this was a beautiful butterfly. not even just a nasty moth, but a beautiful butterfly. *sigh*
[later] i wish i had more time to skate (skateboard) more. *sigh* it's a tuff month. i don't get to snowboard, don't get to skateboard. :-/ i really want the snowboard season to start. a boreal season pass ¢0$t$ $279. i wonder if i should consider that. if the beautiful kaela hwang doesn't snowboard w/ me as much as she did in the past, if i hafta make trips by myself; then maybe i can go to boreal more, since it's ¢heaper n' closer, etc. (than other snow resorts/parks). i dunno. i'd like to do more freestyle ridin' n' put to use whate'er experience i gained via skateboarding.
on sat, i went to our us taekwondo akademy shimsa (belt promotional exam). cos'f kaela's sprained ankle n' her inability to get out'f bed early; we were late. i felt horrible. ben had to start testing our white n' yellow belt students 1st. i had a test all ready 4'em. in the end i had to abbreviate their tests, so they didn't get to do all that i had planned 4'em. neway, 'least i know that they can do more than they showed. i'm really proud'f'em.