
an inbtwn day (an in between day)

¼ö¿äÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ sooyoil ohoo: well, oktober continues to be a bizzy, bizzy month, as planned.   4tunately, werk is a li'l less hektic this wk.   however, that's definitely not to say i'm immune to some sudden, urgent, explosive issue, u know?   ugh!   [later] seriously, i'm not immune from whate'er surprise, urgent issue.   those happen all the time.   neway, cos i got crud down last wk; i'm a li'l less under the gun; just a li'l.

it's wed(nesday) 2day.   wed(nesday)'s the middle'f the wk; so maybe it's a li'l appropriate that i titled 2day's journal entry "an inbtwn day (an in between day)," alluding to the cure song "in between days," aka "inbetween days."

aktually, i came up w/ the title 1st cos i wanted to talk 'bout my skate (skateboarding) sesh (session) this morn.   it cms like i have a 1.trk (track), juvenile (À¯Ä¡ÇÑ yoochihan) mind, that i'm always talkin' 'bout skateboarding.   sure, that must pi$$ off many'f my readers.   they don't wanna read 'bout skateboarding.   well, this morn, i barely made it to the sunnyvale skate park.   i was determined since i worry that it'll rain 2morrow morn.   i didn't wanna leave the house b4 the beautiful kaela hwang cos she often gets mad if i do that.   since it's the beginning'f her akademic 0.25, maybe she wouldn't've gotten as mad; but i had to play it safe n' hang 'round till she left.   i walked sooni.   then, i rushed off to the sunnyvale skate park 4 a quick, quick session.   well, this morn's sesh made 2day an "inbtwn" day.   u c: on mon, i fell multiple times, hurting myself a li'l.   that was kind'f a bad day (if there's such a thing as a bad day in the skate park), whereas last fri was 1'f the best days i had in the skate park cos i was nailin' them 50.50 backside axle stalls, 1 after 'nother.   2day, i fell big 1nce.   then, i played it safe 4 a while.   then, i realised that if i crouched lower as i dropped in n' held that crouch as i rolled back up the tr@nny (transition), i'd have better luck w/ stickin' the axle stall.   i got that goin' 4 a short while, then it was time 4 me to leave the skate park n' get my @$$ to werk.   funny, as i was shedding my pads n' packin' up.   this ol' chinese man wandered into the skate park, seemingly on his "morning walk."   he looked quite out'f place n' if i didn't know better, i would've feared that he'd get his @$$ kicked.   however, i know that the skate park bunch, 'specially the morn crew, is aktually a good bunch.   i sed "hi" or "good morning" to him.   neway, so since 2day wasn't as good as last fri but wasn't as bad as this mon (in the skate park), i call 2day an "inbtwn" day.

however, aktually, i have more reason than that to call it an "inbtwn" day.   i'm also still in btwn many aktivities n' events; still jugglin' so many big responsibilities n' obligations.   sure, it's a li'l scary; n', yah, in some li'l way, maybe i'm "livin' on the edge."   however, if i were to say that i'm "livin' on the edge," then many'd scoff.   many ppl prob'ly think i live such a frickin' "ned flanders" life (since i cm to keep myself bizzy w/ all these church aktivities).   whate'er, man.   werk, wedding djin', church, taekwondo... those r just some'f my responsibilities n' obligations.

i have yet 'nother reason 4 callin 2day an 'inbtwn" day.   rt now, it's decently cloudy, i think.   since i'm stuck in a cube w/o view'f a window, i don't know 4 sure.   it rained this past sun(day).   kaela n' i were @ lunch @ khanh's garden (on winchester blvd, near valley fair n' santana row) w/ our friends david n' deb (who live close to us) n' their baby boy when it started to rain.   after lunch, kaela n' i went to valley fair, where we took shelter from the rain n' browsed thru all the good oktober fall fa$hion $ales.   oktober's the best time to buy fall clothes.   i have several gift cards to use up; but i ended up using none'f'em.   i thought the $hopping excur$ion'd end up as usual w/ my not wanting to $pend $$$ on nething 4 myself but kaela's finding a few things 4 herself.   well, in the end, kaela got stuff; but i also bought sumpthin': a pair'f fa$hionable cords (cordoroy) pants.   after tryin'em on n' finding a size that fit me (i tried 30 long but ended up w/ 31 regular); i showed the pants to kaela, saying "well, they're not super¢heap; but they're on sale."   this 1 asian dude $ales associate overheard me n' sed, "that's a good deal; they're on $ale."   i guess i must've sounded so bourgeois to this ambiguously metro dude/fellow/chap.   [later] neway, so i bought those fancy pants.   then, we went to bed, bath, & beyond to buy a $hower $quegee as well as other random stuff.   i wanted to get the 1 model not made in china but in italy.   luckily, kaela also liked that 1's design, so we were fine.   i believe 'twas also 1'f the ¢heaper 1s, so that was also good.   4 dinner, on sun nite, we went home n' ate leftovers that i brought home from amy n' jackson's weddin' reception @ vallco's dynasty restaurant on sat nite.   neway, the next reason i'd call 2day an "inbtwn" day's "because on and off, the clouds have fought for control over the sky." (from relient k's "high of 75") mon(day) started off cold but warmed up a bit by noon.   tues was mild, n' i wish i'd gone to the sunnyvale skate park in the morn.   2day, i expekted no rain ("no rain" was that popular blind melon song) in the morn n' then rain startin in the afternoon, continuing thru the nite.   well, it sprinkled a bit during my lunchbrk; n' i don't know if it's rainin' now or not cos i don't have view'f ne windows ('cept windows xp).   it's okt(ober).   some yrs, by now, snow would've fallen in tahoe.   this yr, maybe it has; i'm not sure.   2 yrs 'go, boreal opened on okt(ober) 1; not this yr.   if it rains in the bay area, it snows in tahoe.   if it snows in tahoe, i can go snowboarding.   if it rains in the bay area, i can't go skateboarding.   do u c my dilemma?   that's yet 'nother reason why 2day's an "inbtwn" day.

2day, during my lunchbrk, i went home; made a sandwich'f thinly sliced hillshire farms honey roasted turkey breast on some kind'f whole grain rye bread w/ some letuce from a bagged salad n' some safeway moûtard; grabbed some soy crisps; n' took off 4 kaela's clinic 4 my 1230p apptmnt.   oh yah, i noticed that kaela had left her cellfon on the kitchen counter, so i grabbed that on my way out.   well, i showed up 4 my 1230p clinic apptmnt w/ kaela; but she never showed up.   she just totally 4got 'bout me. &nbp; luckily, i saw her classmate rhonda.   i gave her kaela's fon n' left.

"and the fire fadesa way
most of everyday
is full of tired excuses
but it's too hard to say
i wish it were simple
but we give up easily
you're close enough to see that
you're the other side of the world.
oh the other side of the world
you're the other side of the world to me."
-- from kt tunstall's trendy alt.pop song "other side of the world"

[later, 2006³â10¿ù05ÀÏ] 2006.10.04... 10.04... 1004 = õ»ç chuhnsa/chunsa = angel.