¸ñ¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: g.morn. how r u? me, i'm ok. somehow both the beautiful kaela hwang n' i woke up somewhat early 2day. when i left the house after walkin' sooni, she was @ the kitchen table, studyin'. i went to the sunnyvale skate park 4 a li'l. i had an ok time. 'twas cloudy this morn when i walked sooni, n' it looked like it was gonna be a cold morn. however, it cmed like as soon as i arrived @ the sunnyvale skate park, the clouds parted n' the sun unleashed its harmful rays. yah, it's funny how we usually talk 'bout the sun as being a good posi+ive thing; like "it's sunny w/ a hi'f 75." however... i don't wanna keep takin' on skin damage fromt he sun. i don't want wrinkles. i don't want freckles or whate'er u call'em to get darker. i'm not a vampire altho' i've always had 'least some admiration 4 goth culture.
[later] i saw on ben's roommate's site spoofee.com that there r several good deals on refurbied (refurbished) ipod produkts @the apple store. (i think the preceding link gets u free $hipping on orders over $50.) $99 4 a refurbied 2gb ipod nano? that sounds pretty good. aktually, i've been $hoppin' 'lot on amazon.com
these days. i dunno why. there's this 1 jacket @ ccs
that i've been eyeing 4 months. it's got a hood w/ furry lining (like on those south park kids) n' has built.in headfons. how kewl is that? well, considering that they prob'ly rn't very good headfons... not very, huh? i'm sure the jacket n' the headfons r made in china'f ¢ mat'ls by abused kids n' women in some sweatshop. *sigh* [later] i can use the code "ship4free" @ snapfish 4 free $hipping.
1 more time, just 4 kicks, here r the specs'f the skateboard i ride:
deck: minilogo 146 ki11 7.75x31.375 navy blue
truck: bullet silver 127
wheels: bullet 54mm
bearings: independent
risers: independent 1/8"
grip: jessup
hardware: ironhorse wonder 1"
Á¡½É: i'm s'pposea to have lunch w/ kaela in a li'l bit. *sigh* i 'member when we used to lunch 2gether every single day, back in 2003~2004.
my left hand's sore cos i fell while skatin' (skateboarding) this morn. it cmed like a few'f us were 'least "just a li'l bit off" this morn: i fell a few times n' saw others also fall more than usual. maybe 'twas cos'f the drop in temp.