
1980s nostalgia

¼ö¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: man! can u believe that we're rapidly approaching the double.digit months?!   lately, every so often, i get nostalgik visions'f my elementary skool days in the almaden valley.   i reminisce 'bout halloween trick.or.treatin' in the almaden valley in the 1980s.   a couple'f days 'go or so, the beautifulkaela hwang n' i had a decent chuckle over the story'f when my dad made a very clever pac.man costume out'f big, round, cardboard discs, spray painted yellow w/ black circles 4 eyes (ppl could even "feed" candy to pac.man via his signature, wedge mouth!): @ 1 pt, as i was walkin' way i tripped on a step, fell, rolled, n' kept rolling (cos pac.man's so round)!   ah, those were the days... pac.man, space invaders, asteroids, frogger, donkey kong, burger time...   e.t., indiana jones, star wars, close encounters of the third kind...   these pop culture bits i associate w/ my elementary skool days, whereas i can associate w/ my middle skool days top gun, teen wolf, back to the future, dj jazzy jeff and the fresh prince, raging waters waterslide park, hot 97.7 fm khqt, kwss 94.5 fm, ray ban wayfarer sunglasses, bruce willis n' cybil shepherd in abc's moonlighting, gotcha clothing, t&c surf designs, vision streetwear, ...   *sigh* man, what an age in which to grow up!   the kids i hang out w/ @ taekwondo, many'f'em might 'member the pop culture'f my middle skool yrs (@ best) but not the pop culture'f my elementary skool days.

[later] this morn, i did hit up the sunnyvale skate park 4 an abbreviated session.   it, 'f course, was good... but not as great as it could've been cos i had 2 much on my mind.   this morn, i had a financial predikament n' also was stressed re: werk.   [later] ¿ÀÈÄ: i tried to do some frontside grinds 2day in the small bowl.   1nce, i got my rear truck on the coping; but i freaked out n' bailed.   the only things i can do in the bowl r: 1) carve backside; 2) carve frontside; 3) drop in; 4) grind backside, usually only plain, rear axle grinds 'cept 4 the occassional only semi.intentional smith or 5.0 grind; n' also sometimes 5) roll up the tranny n' back down fakie.   well, what's gonna be my next breakthru? 1) frontside rear axle grind, 2) backside rock n' roll, 3) frontside axle stall, 4) backside axle stall, 5) frontside rock n' roll, 6) rock to fakie, or 7) backside disaster???   maybe i need td praktice more riding fakie/switch.

during my lunchbrk, i went to walgreens n' bought a 2pac'f energizer a23 batteries 4 my car's keyless entry system's remote.   i was gonna buy some much needed shaving gel; but there's some ingredient that kaela wants me to avoid, n' i don't understand its name: paravan? paravin? paraben???   i think it's paraben cos i saw it surprisingly in the aveeno produkt but not in the ¢heaper 1s.   i was confused so gave up.   a quick wiki cms to prove that the chemical's indeed parabens (w/ the "s"): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/parabens.   neway, after that i went home to put wet laundry out 4 sun drying n' to eat a ragtag lunch'f ol' leftover, strange.tasting jamaican jerk chicken chili from my werk.com cafeteria on fri n' 1 serving'f refrigerator pack ºñºö³Ã¸é bibimnaengmyun w/ a very ol' hard.boiled egg that i cooked wks 'go.   i ate the ºö³Ã¸é bibimnaengmyun out'f the paper container from the leftover chili.   i thought to myself, "this is so ghetto that i'm a ghetto superstar."   'member that ol' ditty?

[later] ¹ã, 1103p: after werk, i went to will's turbo kick box (tkb) class @ the east arques sunnyvale 24 hour fitness.   i lifted some weights 2, especially since i hadn't in a while.   then i bought some gas @ ¢0$+¢0.   then, i came home n' ate some macaroni grill leftovers that kaela'd brought home from dinner.   i dunno how she ended up there 4 dinner; no clue.   i also ate some ham n' spinach cos the leftovers weren't 'nuff.