
santa clara dog park, sunnyvale skate park

¿ù¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: silikon valley, amerika's real heartland! 2day's the 5.yr anniversary'f 9.11.   perhaps many amerikan bloggers 2day'll write 'bout memories'f 2001.09.11.   me?   perhaps, i'll write li'l, but... but more importantly is the fakt that amerika's only great (n' is great) cos'f the diversity here... n' the fakt that a 31.yr ol' asian man w/ a career in engrng can hit up the skate park here.   as i sed b4, i'm not sure if that could happen in ne other country.   freedom... true freedom...   freedom'f speech, freedom'f religion...   let's not take these things 4granted.

[later] trader joe's... trader joe's rocks!

so what's been up this wknd?

[later] Àú³áÀÌÁö¸¸ ¾ÆÁ÷µµ Á÷Àå¿¡¼­: can u believe we're well into 9¿ù (goowuhl) sept already?   crazy.   "wake me up when september ends."   (or 'least "wake me up before you go go?")   as i expressed in an e.mail to my good ol' friends vince n' fahad; in some ways it feels like time's flying.   still, in other ways, it cms like time stand still n' that i'm not gettin' newhere.   4 example, doesn't it feel like kaela's been in skool 4 an eternity n' as if she'll never finish?   :-? in that sense, yah... doesn't it feel like time moves slowly?   however, it's sept now, while it feels like summer just rushed by.   do u 'member 4th'f july?   do u 'member the u.s. taekwondo akademy beach trip?   how 'bout the beginning'f our adult beginners taekwondo class?   over the majority'f summer, i didn't have as many church commitments but mostly just taekwondo commitments.   now that it's fall, i have many more church commitments, n' i warned mark that i would, n' that i would thus not have as much time to give to teaching taekwondo.   he also doesn't have enuf time cos he's now in mba skool... @ haas'f all places.   it doesn't help that i was sick last wk; but it figures, i guess, that i got sick.

[later] ¹ã, 1142p: when i came home 2nite after meeting up w/ my (church) small group (t3 light) core @ ºñ¿ø biwon (where i ate ¹Î¾î Âî°³ minuh jjigae, which was really ¹Î¾î ¸Å¿îÅÁ minuh maeoontang), i called out 4 sooni, but she didn't come.   i checked the backyard.   she wasn't there.   i was very worried.   then i found her trapped in our master bdrm shower.

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[later] 1159p: 4 lunch 2day, i ate a birria de chivo burrito from the chavez market when i met up w/ paster abel there.