
no white after labour day

È­¿äÀÏ Àú³á ÀÌÁö¸¸ ¾ÆÁ÷µµ Á÷Àå¿¡¼­: how r u?   i'm sick.   °¨±â ÀÖ¾î¿ä.   i have a cold.   i stayed up late on sat nite, preparing musik 4 sun nite's wedding reception @ h's lordship's in berkeley.   i was wearing minimal clothing on sat nite, while sittin' @ the kitchen table, werkin' on musik.   i felt a cold comin' on.   i was rt.   ugh! what a wk i had last wk.   hektic, hektic!   stressful?   yes.   *sigh* so i got sick.   i almost didn't go to werk 2day, n' i guess i shouldn't've.

last wknd was full'f church aktivities... this wknd not so much.   this wknd was mostly 'bout djing this wedding.

¼ö¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: so i've been really sick lately.   u know what?   yesterday, i found kaela's wedding band on the floor'f our garage.   i called her when i found it, but she didn't answer.   thus, i'm thinking'f surprising her w/ it someday.   she doesn't read my journal nemore, so i can talk freely 'bout it here, i guess.   man, what a relief (to find the wedding band)!

´©°¡ º¹À½ 15Àå8~10Àý
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luke 15:8~10 - the parable'f the lost coin"
"'or suppose a woman has 10 silver coins n' loses 1.   does she not lite a lamp, sweep the house, n' search carefully until she finds it?   n' when she finds it, she calls her friends n' neighbours 2gether n' says, "rejoice w/ me, i have found my lost coin."   in the same way, i tell u, there's rejoicing in the presence'f the angels'f god over 1 sinner who repents.'"

last nite, i was torn over whether or not to go to praktice, considering my sick, sick state.   i figured i'd go to praktice if n' only if kaela wanted to go.   i sort'f wanted to skip.   well, kaela wanted to go, so we went.   we were late tho'.   then, we left b4 teaching the adult beginners.   kaela n' i went to the cupertino fantasia in search'f warm grass jelly 4 my cold, but they apparently don't serve it till wintertime.   we saw our friend elaine there as well as some other ppl from our church that i sort'f know... but 'pparently not well 'nuff to say hi.   oh well...   we came home n' ate some leftovers from the wknd n' watched 'nother episode'f ³» À̸§Àº ±è»ï¼ø nae ireumeun kim samsoon (on dvd).   it's a really fun show.   1 interesting thing 'bout it: »ï¼ø samsoon's rival's played by a gurl named Á¤·Á¿ø jung ryuhwuhn.   (oh, she's from the group chakra!)   the charakter has spent time in amerika n' speaks english.   however, the aktress speaks w/ a distinktive australian accent.   now, usually, asian.ams r soooo frickin' impressed when they observe an asian person speaking english w/ a european or australian accent.   however, w/ her... it kind'f detrakts... it almost annoys me... cos i knows'pposed to have an amerikan accent n' not an aussie accent.   still, it's always fun 4 an asian.am guy like me to observe asians speaking english on korean tv.   like, on those game shows, it's totally fun when an amerikan.korean comes on.   like, no offense, but it's not the same to watch a non.asian person speak english on korean tv... that's just expekted... but to watch an asian person speak english, that's fun.   pershaps, cos we asian.ams identify w/ that english.speaking asian.   it's like, we want to imagine what it'd be like 4 some1 like us to enter the world'f asian/korean entertainment.   i s'ppose it happens.

lately, i've noticed that 'lot'f my friends who usually blog rn't bloggin' these days. *shrug* is bloggin' going out'f style?   'f course not!   maybe it's just the well.known phenomenon that amerikan werkers r being very overwerked these days.   yah, maybe...   i know i don't have time to journal like i used to.   i admit that the quality'f my journal sure isn't as good as it used to be.   i admit: 2002³â was prob'ly the best yr'f my journal ever.   my life was very dynamik then, n' i had more free time as an unemployed grad student.