±Ý¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: rt now, i'm listening to daniel powter's ever.present tune "bad day." it's 1'f the most overplayed songs this past yr, but eh... i recently picked up the track 4 ¢heap on "all of mp3." i've been feeling really beat up n' thrashed. u don't know... i've had a really hard wk... it almost makes me cry to think 'bout it. *sigh* i've gotten so beat up. while this song's "bad day," i've had a bad wk. *sigh* i dunno... this song? i guess it encourages sulking, which isn't produktive. i've been in a sulking mood, yah. sulking's bead. *sigh* as u know, i have a philosophy on bad luck n' bad luck streaks, etc. it's all a matter'f perspektive. when u say u'r having bad luck, u'r really just choosing to focus on the negative things in ur life @ the moment n' not realising all the good 'round u. 'lately the weather has been so bipolar; and consequently, so have i." - from relient k's "high of 75" now i'm listening to "high of 75," which i shamefully bought on "all of mp3." 4 such a talented support.worthy grp, i hate to resort to "all of mp3," but the track's a really short track, so... i just had a hard time thinkin' 'bout $pending the full 99¢ on it via sony connect¢â oh shoot! my headfons just broke! now, i don't have sound on my left side! *sigh* it's a wire issue! this is why i'm in support'f wireless headfons n' wireless handsfree kits 4 cellfons! i always have wiring issues! dude! why's this all happening?! *sigh* :-(
the only day i made it to the sunnyvale skate park this werkwk was tues morn. i was having a horrible morn. the beautiful kaela hwang had dropped her contakt on the floor'f the bathrm n' couldn't find it n'... *sigh* neway, 'twas a stressful situation. well, i went to the sunnyvale skateboard park that morn, n' i felt all out'f wack, like i was drained'f all my ±â gi / chi. martial artists understand the concept'f chi/gi/±â. neway, i felt totally drained. i told myself: 1) i ought to take it easy n' 2) i'll prob'ly end up hurting myself. well, no... i aktually ended up having a really good session. "it's sunny with a high of 75 since you took my heavy heart and made it light. it's funny how you find you enjoy your life when you're happy to be alive."
[later] *sigh* well, it's sort'f a "well, it figures" kind'f situation, but now... i've got yet 'nother urgent_issue@werk.com. 1 thing after 'nother, man... life's tuff rt now. :-/