ÀÏ¿äÀÏ ¹ã, 849p: "i'm all about makin' some noise and givin' people a choice, [as] long as i'm hearin' god's voice." - tobymac in the rap duet w/ paul wright "west coast kid" i know i tend to bag on the major politicalal party that's in opposition'f the 1 i favour, but some'f the wurds i use r almost in gest. i don't mean to insist that it's literally sooo wrong to belong to the other party. i just know that ppl don't realise that some christians like me r politicalal progressive n' not conservatives, n' yah... i just wanna get that wurd out there 4 whate'er its worth, however li'l or much it's worth! seriously... i mean, heck! u know the mean things i say 'bout stanfurd, rt? it's the nature'f rivalry. really, i don't mean to be saying ne1's automatically children'f the devil if they vote republikan. however, i want ppl to meet me 0.5way n' also not say that 'bout me 4 voting demokratik. yah, i'm just out to make some noise n' give ppl a choice. u listen to god. u really listen. then u vote as u know u should.
neway, this is just an umbrella statement to cover all the not.as.nice things i've sed over the past couple'f yrs or more.
2day @ grx, we watched a dvd 'gain during service as our sermon. we watched a talk given by rick warren, the author'f the well.known best.selling book the purpose driven life. i heard a couple'f quotes that i wanna share:
neway... it's been a packed, packed wknd. i'm a bit scared'f this upcoming wk cos'f all the werk i'll have @ werk.com. i'm 'bout to start a big, big, big; hi profile projekt... n' yet i have 2 consekutive days'f training in the middle'f the wk, next wk's labour day, n' we're takin' fri afternoon off 4 an offsite teambuilder. *sigh* worse, i've got plenty'f family obligations n' ministry duties as well as taekwondo class to teach... which i absolutely cannot miss cos my co.instruktor mark'll be out'f town or sumpthin'. augh! crazy! oh, furthermore; u realise i'm djing a wedding next sun nite in berkeley, rt? really... these r 1'f those moments where i'm... i'm not gonna accomplish this by my own efforts. i need help... help n 'prayer.
[later] 1009p: the beautiful kaela hwang had dinner @ consuelo's in santana row 2nite w/ sooni after washing her, after spending the afternoon @ ortega park, planning stuff 4 our church couples small group.