

±Ý¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: 2day's fri, but it hasn't been a great morn.   u prob'ly guessed that i didn't get to hit up the sunnyvale skate park, n' u'r rt.   last nite, after werk, i came home to pick the beautiful kaela hwang up 4 taekwondo praktice since she expressed interest in going.   i tried 4 a looong time to wake her up, but she wouldn't budge, n' i ended up very late 4 praktice.   very soon after i started prakticing, the arch'f my foot started hurting.   it'd been hurting off n' on 4 the past couple'f wks.   i tried to praktice n' even sparred.   by the time my weekly match w/ jen came up, i had to bow out n' take off my gear.   it was very saddening.   i could barely teach the beginners adult class afterwards.   then, while holding a kicking paddle 4 mark, my wrist injury fired up.   my rt wrist has been experiencing some repetitive stress probs from werk... from typing.   4 the past couple'f months, i've been mousing w/ my left hand instead'f my rt since my rt wrist has been so "jacked" up.   even w/ this modifikation in my daily werk methods, my rt wrist's still messed up. *sigh* neway, after the adult white/yellow belt class (the students from last 0.25 got promoted to yellow belt last nite), we planned to hit up tgi friday's @ vallco.   i went home to drop off sooni n' tried 'gain to wake up kaela.   i wasted a bunch'f time there.   she wouldn't budge.   i took off, swinging by the bank on the way.   eh, that was a waste'f time in the end cos i paid my tab by ¢redit ¢ard neway. *sigh* well, i had a sam adams summer brew n' an order'f $3.99 happy hr nachos.   not the healthiest dinner, but i was really hungry even tho' i barely werked out.   *sigh* well, i came home n' went to bed soon after.   i didn't wanna stay up 2 late.

this morn, i woke up decently early, but i figured if i disappeared to the sunnyvale skate park b4 kaela got ready, i'd be toast.   she'd get mad @ me, saying that i didn't wake her up or that i'm "always trying to get out of the house b4 her."   she sez that, but... *sigh* it's not hat i'm trying to make her late or want her to get to skool late or nething.   it's just that i do need to start my day up earlier than later. *sigh* neway, instead'f getting out the door in time to skate(board), i took care'f the laundry n' then took sooni 4 a walk.   as i watched the time wind down, it was like watching a sinking ship.   i really wanted to make it to the skate park.   i had to tape up my wrist n' ankle after taking a couple'f extra strength advils.   then kaela wanted to try some chiropraktic stuff on me.   *sigh* she should've done it last nite not this morn.   she did a whole bunch'f "diagnoostic" stuff, n' then told me the prob was my wrist.   *sigh*

i'm having a "bummer" morn.

1'f my taekwondo students, ryan, sent out a link to a sj mercury article 'bout how the korean chamber'f commerce is trying to turn el camino real in santa clara into an official koreatown: "Korean chamber pushes idea to city" (http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/news/local/states/california/the_valley/15348740.htm)   i'm all 4 it, man.   un4tunately, the type'f ppl who post on online news discussion forums tend to be the slackjawed yokel types n' the timothy mcveigh, anti.government types. *shake head* man, don't they get 'nuff w/ all their frickin' talk radio stations?!   some guy on the discussion forum complained 'bout being "mutlicultured to death" n' how he heard 5 languages in costco, 'f which none were english.   here's mythe fact that you can walk through costco and hear five different languages is what makes america so great.   when i spend a week or two in korea or taiwan, i don't miss hamburgers or hot dogs one bit.   i can get those in taiwan and korea. these icons of so-called american have been pushed upon pretty much every nation in the world.   rather, when i'm away from this great country, what i miss the most are things like the falafels, pupusas, poke salad, dosas, gyros...   i miss the variety of cultures i can experience all in one place.   i've been to costco in taiwan.   man, i can get all sorts of good stuff there.   however, i pretty much only hear mandarin and taiwanese with a little english thrown in by foreigners like myself.   the backbone of what makes america great is its diversity.   if anyone complains about being "multicultured" to death, then he or she is then in fact being "americanized" to death.

yes, silicon valley should designate el camino real between santa clara and sunnyvale as koreatown.   it would secure the silicon valley's place as a cultured civilization amongst great cities like new york and los angeles.   for at least the past few years, i have heard more and more people casually referring to the area as koreatown or "k-town" anyway.   we might as well make it official.   sure, the area is in fact a mixture of korean and desi (south asian) businesses for the most part.   however, that is similar to how los angeles's great koreatown is actually a mixture of korean and chicano businesses.   it's a symbiotic relationship that bolsters the american spirit.

silicon valley: america's real heartland.

keep santa clara weird.

sure, i'm sick'f the suburban, conservative trash u find here n' there in the silikon valley... however, i realise it's 'lot worse in many other parts'f this country.   "i'm not a part of a redneck agenda." (from green day's "american idiot")   dude, can u believe multiple ppl aktually brought up north korea as a reason not to make that neighbourhood koreatown????   frickin' a!   all these ppl stuck in the frickin' 1950s!   i almost wanna say, "i can't wait till they all die off," but that's hardly nice.   south korea / north korea... man, some amerikans have such a distorted view'f this situation!   while the amerikan media was generating paranoia over noth korean missile tests, the south korean media was concerned 'bout only 1 thing: world cup soccer!   after all, that's all that ne1 in the rest'f the world cared 'bout @ that time!   so brainwashed amerikan idiots say that amerika's out to protekt south korea; but obviously, we're really only out to protekt ourselves.   i mean, heck, it's important, yes, 4 us to protekt ourselves; but let's not lie n' say we're out to protekt south korea.   we have a mad man in charge here.   if only we'd wise up, dump the idiot, n' embrace real futbol, i.e. "soccer."   get w/ the program, yo!

[later] [it's] funny... cos 2day i'm debuting my army green banana republik military shirt.   i must look like some unabomber type guy, a hunter, or a vet (veteran not veterinarian).   i worried that t'was 2 rugged'f a look 4 a refined, office engr.   *shrug* however, keep in mind that font color="#333300">military green's the new brown n' blue, which was the new grey, which was the new black.   pink's jealous.   it wants to be the new black.   'member back in the days, b4 gap bought banana republik, n' this was their standard fare?   i mean, they used to sell clothes that were rugged n' not so "metro."

[later] i checked the sj mercury news forum thing 'gain n' saw 1 reply to my post.   the person sed that the idea'f a koreatown's insulative, that white ppl'd leave the area (i.e. "white flight"), that property values'd drop cos the white ppl'd leave.   *slap 4head* man, seriously, we've got the worst'f silikon valley posting on these forums!   i posted a quick response to that:

white flight: the cultured white people don't take part in white flight.   it's only the uncultured.

drop in property value: pardon my sarcasm, but have you tried to buy a house in cupertino lately?

insulative: what's more insulative is promoting a so-called american culture where we have our own version of football that the rest of the world doesn't play.

silicon valley: america's real heartland

keep santa clara weird.

neway, i shouldn't read that forum nemore.   it'll just elevate my blood pressure.   shoot... i shouldn't be here in the shakespeare; i shouldn't be out skatin' or sumpthin'!

[a few secs later] well, b4 i exit the shakespeare*, plz allow me a short discourse on diversity (diverse city's a tobymac album): when rednecks tell cultured ppl to go back to [wherever they think we're from] just cos we want to promote some underrepresented culture in the area, they r totally missin' the pt.   just cos we're promoting an underrepresented culture, doesn't mean we don't love amerikan diversity.   (every real amerikan loves diversity.)   rather, we just want ppl to reconsider what they consider the main entr&eacture; amongst a variety of side dishes.   the main dish doesn't always hafta be hamburgers n' hot dogs, w/ side dishes'f kimchi, hummus, n' tortillas.   rather, how 'bout varying the main entrée now n' then?   now n' then, let enchiladas be the main dish w/ a side'f mash potatoes.   now n' then, let jerk chicken be the main dish w/ a side'f bok choy.   the idea that anglo.euro culture is the backbone'f amerika is completely flawed.   anglo.euro culture is not the backbone of amerika!   rather, the backbone'f amerika is diversity.

[later] ok, i had 1 foot outside the door'f the shakespeare but decided that i had to step back in 4 a sec.   u c, on that forum, i noticed 'lot'f talk 'bout english v. non.english signs.   in fremont, a whiel 'go, i know there was this 1 chicano politician that wanted to 4ce (force) all biznesses to have english signs.   do u think i'd be in support'f that?   as an engr, i do appreciate standards n' standard processes, etc.   however, no, i absolutely do not support the idea that english should be 4ced (forced) 'pon ppl, not even amerikans, as a "official" language.   i'm sorry, but #@¢% that!   what's so great 'bout englsh?!   ignorant ppl on that forum say that non.english signs basikally say that white ppl rn't allowed.   that's such bs.   how 'bout this: stoopid, white ppl rn't allowed... as well as stoopid ppl'f ne other race!   u know, it takes courage to walk into a bizness where the sign posted isn't in ur native language.   i frickin' do it all the time, as i'm not a native korean speaker.   4getchu not that i'm not even korean.   sure, i've got the slight advantage that i look korean, n' every1 including those bizness owners think i'm korean; n' furthermore, my last name's possibly korean.   however, even if i didn't have all those things going 4 me, i wouldn't be closed.minded.   i'd still need to be courageous 'nuff not to let my fear turn into racial hatred but to conquer my fear n' reap in the benefits'f an open mind in a diverse environment.   there's times when i go into a indian restaurant n' don't understand the menu... but heck! i try new things.   yah, i prob'ly make embarassaing mistakes here n' there; but, heck, u live n' learn... 'least i did.   conservatives like to talk bs 'bout "pulling urself up by ur bootstraps"; well, heck! pull urselves up by ur bootstraps n' learn to survive in a multicultural environment!   it takes courage 4 a straight.up "white boy" to walk into a korean restaurant on el camino real n' try out a new dish.   however, it also takes courage 4 a recent immigrant korean family to walk into a mcyukyuk's (mcdonald's) n' orer a happy meal. &bnsp; basically, r u that chicken$#!+?!   it takes courage... but it takes courage to step out ur front door each day, knowin' u might get hit by an suv.

[a li'l later] do i sound disgruntled 2day?   must be the army green military shirt.   neway, dude... i better make my way out'f the shakespeare sooner rather than later.

[slightly later] up till now, i haven't used "all of mp3" to get musik.   rather, i've been using sony connect¢â.   i've resisted.   however, i might need to resort to using "all of mp3" soon.   i checked out the site, it looks ok.

i wonder what the weather's like outside.   these days, i go into the office early in the morn, n' it's a bit chilly.   later, when i come out briefly 4 lunch, i find that it's much warmer.   then, when i leave 4 the day, it's mild.   well, weather.com sez it's 67°f outside rt now in santa clara, but i'm in sunnyvale.   well, the 4casted hi 4 santa clara's 81°f; but, if it's only 67°f now, i doubt it'll reach 81°f.   well, it's 66°f in sunnyvale rt now, n' the 4casted hi's 76°f.

[later] ¿ÀÈÄ: i werked hard all morn into the early afternoon n' then finally took a short, late lunchbrk.   earlier, i dreamed'f hittin' up the sunnyvale skate park during lunch, but: 1) it's 2 sunny, n' i've already taken on 2 much sun damage thru.out this summer; 2) i worried the park'd be 2 full'f kids that can totally outskate me n'll laff me out'f the park (silikon valley kids r good skateboarders!); n' 3) since i was taking a late lunchbrk, i felt i had to make it a short lunchbrk (it's heck'a unfair, but that cms to be how it is).   i figured i'd go out n' buy some cereal cos we have 2 0.5 gallons'f milk (0.5 gal'f soy, 0.5 gal'f nf cow).   i thought 'bout hittin' up safeway, but i'm a li'l upset @ them cos i think they were s'pposed to give me a 5% off ¢oupon or sumpthin' due to my earning'f a safeway club card reward.   i didn't receive that ¢oupon, n' i don't know what's up; but i sense sumpthin' fishy.   naturally, i also considered hittin' up albertsons, but i thought 'bout how the blue pages sed that both safeway n' albertsons contribute $$$ to the evil republikkkan party; so i was just totally turned off by the whole thing.   well, as i was pulling out'f the werk.com parking lot, god spoke to me n' told me to go to trader joe's.   ha ha ha... yup, that's how 'twas.   as i drove, sanctus real's cover'f u2's "beautiful day" came on, on my car's mp3 cd playa.   ah, it felt good!   my rotten morn'd grown into a decently pleasant afternoon!   i blasted the song.   'f course, i wanted to sing 'long but didn't really know all the wurds.   i went to trader joe's (aka tj's).   i brought in my humane society tote bag in order to save the environment n' receive a free raffle tic.   i bought some healthy cereal; some organik, no salt bread; 2 diff kinds'f salsa; a tj brand protein shake (¢heaper than odwalla; n' a turkey pesto sandwich 4 lunch.   i ate the sandwich as i drove back to werk.   i'm just so glad my car's fixed.

[later] Àú³áÀÌÁö¸¸ ¾ÆÁ÷µµ Á÷Àå¿¡¼­: u may or may not know that the english band delirious? does a nice cover'f u2's "pride (in the name of love)."   "early morning, april 4 - shot rings out in the memphis sky.   free at last, they took your life.   they could not take your pride." from u2's "pride (in the name of love"   *sigh* the song title sez it all: it's not pride 4 the sake'f pride.   rather, it's pride in the name'f love.   celebrating culture n' diversity is amerikan.   trying to tear down that diversity (thru en4cement'f a common language n' a packaged lifestyle) is very much unamerikan.   frick, how did i end up back @ the shakespeare?!   all i'm sayin' is: progressive amerika! it's time to take back ur country!   pick up ur flag patch, slap it on ur rt butt cheek, n' follow me!   ha ha ha, well, i'm most interested in teaming w/ the politically progressive christians among u, in order to prove that christians don't need to be political conservatives.   u know, don't conservatives get irked when "liberals" say that republikkkans can't be environmentally conscious or women friendlY?   maybe i'm willing to admit there's a republikkkan or 2 that recycle n' maybe a few others that rn't misogynists as long as they'll admit that demokrats can be christians w/ good family values.   ha ha ha.   neway, dude... i've really gotta get out'f the shakespeare!

* if u don't understand that reference, then u need to study up on ur beno journal.   please scroll back a few entries n' read 'bout my experience in that durham, england pub when i was 17.

[later] ¹ã, 1104p: after werk, i drove past the sunnyvale skate park just to check if it was crowded, n' it was.   dude, it was more crowded than i'd ever cn it.   then, i drove by the santa clara skate park.   it looked bearable, but i didn't have ne proof'f santa clara residency w/ me.   someday, maybe i can swing by w/ my mortgage statement.

then i dropped off our groceries @ home, let sooni out into the backyard, n' then went to pho hoa to meet up w/ our friends from grx t3 light couples small group.   kaela joined us.   i was the 1st there, when i expekted to be 1'f the last.   we had pho n' then went down a few doors to café aroma 4 some °úÀÏ ºù¼ö gwail bingsoo n' gelato.   kaela n' i shared a °úÀÏ ºù¼ö gwail bingsoo w/ ³ìÂ÷ nokcha (green tea) gelato.   yum!