
car fixed

¸ñ¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: since i didn't make it to the sunnyvale skate park this morn, it was technically a "bad" morn.   however, *shrug* 'twasn't that bad.   i woke up thinking 'twas later than it really was since the clock in our bedrm ran out'f batteries n's stuck @ whate'er time it died.   heh, kind'f depressing when u put it that way, huh?   yah, i've gotta change out that battery.   still, i was tired.   i was up late last nite, werkin'.   what's good's that my manager was also online n' imed (instant messaged) me w/ our intranet im program... so he knows that i do werk hard... i hope.   *shrug* neway, i needed aktually to werk on some djing stuff but instead werked on all that werk werk stuff... *sigh* hopefully, 2nite, after all that taekwondo praktice n' taekwondo dinner n' whatnot; i'll get to werk on my dj stuff. *sigh* man... aktually, we might be out late, huh?   *sigh* ok, well... sometime this wknd... however, i'm totally booked w/ church aktivities this wknd... *sigh* all thru.out next wk?   *sigh* life sure is hektic.   i can't deny that.   *sigh* yah, i guess i'm quite booked.   u know... a few months 'go, i had more free time.   like... a yr 'go, i was out tryin' to fill my eves (evenings) cos the beautiful kaela hwang was always out late, studyin'; so i was left home alone w/o much to do besides housewerk n' watching korean µå¶ó¸¶ dramas on dish netwerk.   well, we dumped the satellite dish a long time 'go now ('least the service but not the aktually dishes), which may've been 4 the better; however, 'least korean tv's 'least a culturally edukational experience 4 a non.native skorean speaker like myself.   when i look back on my life decades from now, @ the end'f my earthly life; i hope i'll feel like i wisely spent my time... is that not all that ne'f us can ask 4? *shrug* i dunno... is that depressing to u to think 'bout stuff like that?   *shrug*   well, heck; u've heard those feelgood sayings 'bout how @ the end'f ur life... well, like "no one ever says on their deathbed that they wish they had watched more tv or worked more."   *shrug* what's the exakt quote?!   i think i saw it in some book called life's little instruction book, rt?

[a li'l later] yesterday, i had a class 4 my werk.   4 lunch, i ate in the cafeteria, ate some carnitas w/ corn tortillas, black beans, n' rice.   after the class, i went home, werked from home 4 a bit, took a short nap, n' then rode my bike to ¾ÖÀ̽º ÀÚµ¿Â÷ Á¤ºñ ace jadongcha juhngbi to pick up my car.   i'd rode my bike to werk yestrday.   well, the dude (the ¾ÆÀú¾¾ ajuhssi) @ ace totally fixed my car.   dude, he's a good guy!   he changed out my spark plugs n' spark plug wires.   apparently, the spark plugs n' spark plug wire connections had motor oil all over'em.   dude, the precision tune auto care ppl must've totally skrewed up!   man, i'm never going back to precision tune auto care!   from now on, ace auto's my mechanic.   u know that?   i'm gonna go to him 4 all my oil changes from now on.   he also got a smog check machine now, so i'll have him do my smog checks from now on.   dude, it's hard to find a mechanic or auto shop u can trust.   i trust this guy.   he's good.

after pickin' up my car, i loaded my bike in the car n' drove to albertsons to buy some new dish washing gloves cos my ol' 1s were stinky n' needed replacement.   i also bought a big bottle'f rubbing alcohol n' 2 bags (bogo, i.e. buy 1 get 1 free)'f whole grain tostitos.   1st, i was gonna buy the olean/olestra tostitos, but the whole grain 1s were on sale.   well, i drove home, did the dishes, n' then rode my bike to the east arques, sunnyvale 24 hour fitness 4 will's turbo kick box (tkb) class.   i recognised some gurl from grx in the class.   it's really funny cos i just happened to've been wearing my grx t.shirt.  i almost didn't but decided to change my shirt @ the last min, b4 leaving the house.   i think she recognised me cos'f the t.shirt; but i didn't talk to her.   yah, i'm not sure if i 'member her name.   it's a big church.   i rode my bike home.   i baked some wk.ol' (week-old) salmon in the toaster oven 4 dinner n' ate some leftover mango salso w/ whole grain tostitos.   wait, whole grain or multi grain?   i'm pretty sure it's whole grain.

well, this morn, i took sooni 4 a nice walk.   when i realised that it'd be 2 late to hit up the sunnyvale skate park, i extended her walk; lucky her.   i thought 'bout that five for fighting "100 years" song n' then heard it 'gain in my car.   in the song (i posted the lyrics in an earlier entry: "adsense's finally making a li'l sense." on 2006³â08¿ù18ÀÏ.)   the "counting the ways to where you are" line... *sigh* that really gets me... i.e. it gets me teary.eyed... >:-/ i know i'm such an insensitive oaf most'f the time; but when it comes to romantik thoughts like the thought that from the time u'r ~15 till when u get married, everything u do's just leading u to ur soulmate n' then when u'r on ur way to heaven u'r just on ur way to rejoin ur soulmate... that somehow really gets my emotions, u know?   kaela sez all the time that she'll prob'ly die b4 me n' that i'll be a widower.   i mean, i dunno if she's just being a hypochondriac in saying that or what.   i dunno... death n' mortality...   u'r simply leaving ur earthly body.   'member that movie what dreams may come?   :-/ yah, when we start our the netflix membership that roland gave us, i want kaela to watch that movie w/ me.

[later] ¿ÀÈÄ: during my lunchbrk, i went home.   i ate some multigrain tostitos w/ what was left'f some chipotle black bean dip (i really had to scrape the bottom'f the jar, n' it was a bit pathetik.) n' then some zarusoba.   oh yah, i also ate an ear'f corn.   also, i ate a pluot n' a miniature hershey's special dark chocolate w/ cranberries, blueberries, n' almonds.   i've been eating 2 much chocolate these days.   this morn, i ate a miniature mr. goodbar.   i boiled some eggs 4 later.   i put some laundry out to dry n' started the next load.   i vacuumed the house... well, most'f it.   i neglekted the area rug in the living rm.   *sigh* lots'f housewerk to do, u know?   kaela's been complaining that i don't do 'nuff housewerk, but i'm the only 1 who does.   what can i do, u know?   no choice.   crazy, crazy.   life, life, life...   what to do, u know?

[later] i've gotta come up w/ a bit'f a personal, household budget.   what r things i wanna buy in the next month or so?   how much do they ¢o$t?

the "trucks" that i use on my skateboard r 127mm bullets.   127mm is a li'l small, 'specially considering that my deck's 7.75" wide.   recently, i've been prakticing ollieng into well... like axle stalls on the (coping.lined) curb @ the sunnyvale skate park.   i realised that it's just a teency bit harder than when i used to ride 169mm indy trucks back when i was a kid.   i think i had a set'f 169mm hangers n' then a set'f 149mm hangers.   i 4get.   skateboards got skinnier from when i got my 1st christian hosoi board to when i later had a jeff kendall street deck n' subsequent decks... yah, i think my jeff kendall street deck was the skinniest deck i had back then.   skateboards continued to get skinnier.   u c, my christian hosoi deck was a pool/ramp deck... a vert model deck, n' it was prob'ly almost 10" wide.   maybe a li'l less.   my current mini.logo deck's 7.75".   crazy,huh?   i guess i really should be riding 129mm trucks... like 129mm indies.   however, yah; i'm riding these 127mm bullets.   i guess this sort'f gives my board this tendency to flip when i lean 2 much when i carve.   well, it could be worse; it's not that bad.   in fakt, if i ever get the hang'f doing kickflips, then it might be a good thing.