¼ö¿äÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ: i wanted to hit up the sunnyvale skate park this morn but didn't. i've been so stressed out lately thanks to werk. my neck n' upper back've been killin' me. those r typical psycholical/mental stress caused physical injuries, rt? dude, i sure as heck could use a massage rt now! seriously! i usually don't talk 'bout my werkplace here, but yah... it's been a bit stressful lately 4 me. neway... i won't get into it. last nite, after werk, i rushed home to try to pick up the beautiful kaela hwang to go to our taekwondo praktice n' the 1st session'f the 2006 fall adult beginners class. kaela wouldn't wake up off the couch, so i could only bring sooni. i couldn't do my best taekwondo cos i'd been so stressed thru.out the day. i mean, w/o doubt, taekwondo helps u destress; but man... that was quite a bit'f stress to undo, u know? *sigh* well, after my abbreviated praktice w/ the other black belts, i taught the beginners class w/ mark. they look good. i'm glad they didn't 4get 2 much over the 1.wk brk. then i came home after praktice. kaela was still asleep on the couch. i ate some sukiyaki leftovers that i found in the fridge. must've been kaela's leftovers from lunch. she didn't wake up 4 the rest'f the nite, not until way after i fell asleep, n' i didn't go to sleep that early.
thus... this morn, i didn't even try much to hit up the sunnyvale skate park cos 1) 'twas the only time i'd get even to c kaela n' 2) my body has suffered 'lot from these mental stress.induced injuries, that i've gotta take a break from phyical aktivity. that's a shame cos yesterday, i had a pretty good session @ the park. i've been doing my rear axle grinds ok. @ times, i've even been able to do more legitimate backside smith grinds; but that doesn't happen 2 often. man! if only i could do the things i could do on a snowboard but on a skateboard! i'm used to having the board strapped to my feet, u know? if i had my skateboard strapped to my feet, i'd do all sorts'f sick stuff in the pool. i mean, shoot... couldn't i 'least pull an alley.oop? i can totally do that on a snowboard... i dunno... i'm guessing that i've gotta teach myself that the board does stick to my feet a li'l n' that i can still kind'f manipulate the board by sort'f pushing it laterally, i.e. sliding or shredding or basicallly kind'f like carving on a snowboard... is that rt? i dunno. i need to understand better the real similarities n' differences btwn snowboarding n' skateboarding. *sigh* n' then when'll the next snowboarding season arrive?
2day, during lunch, i went to ¢0$+¢0. i went 'head n' bought some fud to help kaela w/ the fud she sez she's making 4 sat's party, i.e. my 31st b.day lu.au. this is the menu she posted on the evite:
menu (subject to change):
i bought some fresh, wild salmon, 3 pineapples, a bunch'f mangoes, some hawai.ian potato chips, bananas... also, 4 myself, i bought a box'f 15 pluots, some rice tortilla chips, some s'pposedly spicy cali4nia rolls...
i brought the gro¢eries home. i ate some aging packaged salad (some kind'f pseudo.mexican salad w/ salsa n' tortilla strips) 4 lunch. then, i whipped out my laptop n' just werked on my werkstuff from home 4 a bit. dude, i really needed to get away from the office environment, where i've had to deal w/ all this loud, negative talking 4 the past few days n' just gen'l bad attitude from certain ppl. i werked really efficiently @ home. u know... i really should do this every so often... just werk in a different environment... it was really refreshing n' helped me get 'lot done. while @ home, the ups woman came to drop off our package from br (banana republik). &nbps; we'd used tiffany's friends n' family di$¢ount to buy a few things. sooni ran out to greet the ups woman, n' the ups woman was so happy to c sooni. sooni was good w/ her. the ups woman gave sooni a milkbone. @ 1st, she wouldn't take it; but then the ups woman gave it to me to give to sooni; n' then she took it. sooni was good w/ her; but when she fired up her truck to leave, then sooni ran out to the driveway to bark @ the truck. wow! she really hates loud engines, huh? well, from br, i'd ordered a pair'f more casual cufflinks, so i don't need to wear always my nice swarovski 1s or else "steal" the 1s from my nice ted baker shirt. also, i bought this 1 army green "military" shirt. it's a kewl shirt, but it was a bit overpri¢ed just cos'f the brand name. i only bought it so that we could reach the minimum amt 4 free $hipping.
[later] Àú³áÀÌÁö¸¸ ¾ÆÁ÷µµ ÀÛÀå¿¡¼:i was thinkin' just now 'bout how mcyukyuk's grease has a distinkt taste. i think u find that distinkt taste in the grease from mcyukyuk's all over the world, no? i haven't eaten @ mcyukyuk's in a long time. that's prob'ly a good thing. well, it hasn't been that long. i dunno if these still exist, but supermarkets used to sell "taco bell" flavoured doritos. hrm... what does taco bell taste like? i mean... if it were "taco bell meat" flavour or "taco bell taco" flavour, i'd understand... but just plain "taco bell" flavour? does it taste like the werkers there? the sticky floor? *shrug* well, i s'ppose it tastes like the grease there.
unplugged: last nite, i discovered that our dsl has been cut off. well, that's no surprise since i asked them to cut it off. i figured we could save some $$$; especially since 1) we were paying a ridiculously hi pri¢, n' 2) we get free wi.fi in santa clara via metro.fi wifi. well, better than using metro.fi; i found a neighbour's netwerk, which is nice: free internet. i wonder how long we can keep this up. the signal's just so.so.
when we got our new lg vx8500 chocolate fons, we got 1 month free'f vcast service. u know what vcast is? well, shoot, it ¢o$t$ $15/month, so i can hardly imagine keeping this service beyond this free month. however, it's kind'f like having youtube or yahoo! video on your phone... in that you can dl short clips from various entertainment.based websites to watch on ur fon. 4 example, several cable channels like espn, mtv (n' its variants), comedy central, etc. participate n' provide short clips 4 free. i think u can also buy full.length musik vids; but i'm not sure. i know u can buy mp3 files 4 like $1.99 each, which is much more expen$ive than other services like sony connect¢â or itunes
or wal*mart
. neway, i noticed on both youtube via pc n' on atomfilms via vcast that there's this popular short film by a gurl named ahree lee. she took a pic'f herself everyday from 2001³â11¿ù01ÀÏ to 2004³â11¿ù01ÀÏ or sumpthin' like that. neway, she took a pic'f herself each day, 4 3 yrs. she used a webcam or sumpthin'... or 'least a mounted camera... cos she was able to put herself in the same lokation in the frame 4 each shot. then she compiled each pic into an animated movie that thus shows how she evolved over the yrs. well... i just checked her website n' found out she's from sf. oh, i thought she was maybe from korea. it's relatively interesting, the movie. u should check it out @ either youtube or atomfilms. *sigh* i guess, in a way, i wish i could've done sumpthin' like that. hrm... how have i changed (in appearance) over the past 3 yrs? yah, like most ppl; i've gained n' lost weight now n' then, back n' 4th, up n' down.