
ijÀ̶óÀÇ »ýÀÏ kaelauy saengil

(kaela's b.day)

¿ù¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: 2day's the beautiful kaela hwang's b.day.   this yr, her b.day n' mine fall on mons.   we celebrated her b.day this past wknd.

on fri evening, after werk, we went to valley fair mall to buy a baby shower present.   then, we went 4 a late dinner @ the santana row pasta pomodoro.   kaela had this really delicious, special braised chicken dish, n' i had the "bolognese," which is rigatoni w/ a meat sauce.   we had a ¢oupon 4 a free appetizer, so we got the mussels n' clams.   kaela had a glass'f pinot grigio, n' i had 1'f sangiovese.

on sat, i wanted to wake up early n' hit the sunnyvale skate park but didn't.   what did i do?   *shrug* i kind'f 4get.   i know that kaela n' i hit up the santa clara farmers market eventually n' bought some fruits, veggies, focaccia, n' a russian blintze/blini (w/ spinach, feta, cheddar, n' lemon juice).   we ate that blini w/ some blended drinks from some nearby café. *sigh* i've gotta say 'twas 1'f many frustrating wknd days where kaela sez she'll study the whole day, so i have a hard time realistically planning my day.   well, we went to the farmers market... we were s'pposed to go to the verizon store to pick up kaela's b.day present; which, in case u didn't guess, is a lg vx 8500 "chocolate" fon, but she had to go off n' study.   i went home, walked sooni, n' then drove my put.putting car to the baby shower 4 our friends helen n' dave.   'twas a fun baby shower w/ lots'f good fud.   i had to play this game, where guys had to suck bier out'f baby bottles.   i didn't do well cos my bottle n!pple didn't have a modified hole unlike the other guys'.   *shrug* i guess 'twas a li'l rigged; but oh well.   no biggie.   'twas fun to hang w/ friends.   after the baby shower, b4 going home, i stopped by the santa clara ¢0$+¢o (costco) to buy a flat'f 40 bottles'f kirkland h2o, some organik snack bars (clif bar.ish things), some organik carrot juice... nething else? i don't 'member, but i don't think so. &nbps; costco has some nicer things now like some decent clothes, but i sometimes worry that if i buy clothes @ costco, every1 else'll have the same clothes as me.   *shrug* also, they usually only have large sizes, which is stoopid.   then i went home, rt?   yah, i did.

on sat evening, we had kaela's b.day party.   oh yah, on fri nite, i bought a nice ben sherman shirt to wear clubbing on sat nite.   it was such a good deal @ macy's.   a shirt that was alomst $100 went down to like $30!   crazy, huh?   neway, i wore that shirt, n' kaela put on a nice, cute, clubbing outfit.   then mark n' grace came over to drive us.   i'd asked mark to try driving my car n' gimme his opinion on the prob.   he's unsure if it's engine or transmission.   me 2.   i'm stumped, man.   well, we went out to dinner @ kampai house n' then to clubbing @ abyss.   'twas a really sunnyvale nite out!   i had a good time.

on sun, we didn't wake up 4 the 1st service @ grx, but we made it to the 2nd, which was kewl cos we saw many'f our friends.   my mom went to the 1st but waited 4 us n' gave us b.day presents.   she gave kaela a l'occitane kit n' me a burberry polo shirt.   it's a colour i can use n' fits.   after church (which was @ the crowne plaza cabana in palo alto on el caminio real); kaela n' i had lunch @ the rivermark prolific oven, since i'd never eaten there b4, whereas kaela's eaten there many times.   we had this italian omelet w/ an extra order'f hash browns n' an iced tea (w/ 1 free refill).   honestly, i was still hungry afterwards n' told kaela 'bout how i've had an abnormally big appetite lately.   i dunno why.   sure, i'm exercising, but not that much.   i feel like i have a winter appetite (4 hibernation).   i've gotta watch it!   after lunch, we quickly bought a few things from the safeway@rivermak n' then met up w/ a couple @ the rivermark fantasia to discuss the possibility'f my djing their wedding next spring.   after that mtg, we went to the verizon store @ the mercado n' bought... not just a chocolate 4 kaela but 1 4 me as well.   *sigh* since the pri¢e was good, i couldn't help it.   u know i'd been so frustrated w/ that motorola v710!   i like lg fons.   well, we sat in the parking lot 4 a while, playing w/ our fons n' then went home.   i was really sleepy from the late nite b4.   eventually, i got motivated to do a few things like adjust kaela's watchband (shrink it by removing some "links") n' then cook dinner (fettuccine w/ spam lite, wild shrooms, okra, È£¹Ú hobak [squash], red onions, n' pasta sauce).   we watched an episode'f ³» À̸§Àº ±è»ï¼ø, which we both thoroughly enjoyed.

[later] ¿ÀÈÄ: how r u doing?   as i sed, i have a big appetite these days, which is bad.   4 lunch, i had this buffalo chicken breast sandwich w/ provolone n' onion rings.   dude, talk 'bout caloric!   i did ride my bike to werk 2day n' i went to may's mon morn 600a turbo kick box (tkb) class @ the east arques sunnyvale 24 hour fitness n' plan to go to sach's turbo kick box (tkb) class 2nite @ the east arques 24 hour fitness... however.. i really don't think i should be eating like this.   crazy!   this morn, b4 my werkout, i ate a powerbar triple threat, which was tasty.   then, while i was walking sooni this morn, i ate 2 slices'f walnut raisin toast.   then, after riding my bike to werk, in my cubicle, i ate 1'f those thinkorganic! energy bars.   *sigh* i'm eating so much.   is my metabolism all skrewed up now or sumpthin'?

lately, i haven't felt really happy.   it's... it's kind'f sad... or no? *shrug* like... i think i've been doing fun things, buying myself fun things, eating delicious fud... but i feel not totally happy. "there's gotta be more to life than chasin' down every temporary high to satisfy me." from stacie orrico's somewhat hit single "(there's gotta be) more to life"   i totally feel what that song's saying.   uhm, i know i'm quoting this total gurlypop tune, which makes me look like a fan'f lindsay lohan flicks... which i don't think i am.   i simply like this song.   what am i feeling?   is it depression?   would that be depression over turning 31 (yrs old) in a wk?   *shrug* prob'ly not... i feel com4table w/ my age.   30, 31; they're both ok.   back when in was in my 20s, i feared 30.   however, as i came to know more ppl over 30 who live such youthful lives, i stopped fearing 30.   fearing 31?   now that'd be just silly, rt?   i think life's been hektic, yah; n' yah, i've been trying to do 2 much.   i feel a li'l bummed that i haven't gotten to skate(board) as much lately, not as much as i want to.   a vakation?   yah, i'd like to take a vakation but don't feel i have the $$$ or time to do so. &nbps; am i gettin' 'nuff fibre in my diet?   *shrug* good question.   [later] i figure the pt'f that song is that yah... we try to find happiness in material things, in relationships, in friendships, in worldy experiences... but ultimately we fail. [later] furthermore, it's all feelgood n' "happy happy happy" to say just enjoy "the simple things in life," but what is it? maybe the simple things'f this world r 2 simple.   eventually, u need to consider the higher purpose'f everything.   is simple, li'l u w/ ur 2 own hands gonna do anything to affekt eternity?   otherwise, could u maybe be part of sumpthin' bigger that will?

[later] Àú³á: what did i dream my life'd be like now, when i was younger?

neway, happy b.day, kaela!