È¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: as i didn't make it to the sunnyvale skate park this morn... u know what i say 'bout morns when i don't make it to the skate park... i have 2 kinds'f morns: 1s where i hit up the sunnyvale skate parks n' bad morns. 2day, i woke up late. i s'ppose 'twas good that i slept in as 'twas much needed rest after this hektic wknd. the beautiful kaela hwang gets mad @ me if i don't wake her up 4 skool n' prefers that i spend my morns waking her up instead'f getting other things done. she wants me to stick around in the morn. yesterday, i went to may's 24 hour fitness turbo kick box (tkb) class, rt? when i returned, kaela was up, in the kitchen, n' just 'bout ready to leave. i was a li'l surprised cos she usually wakes up n' leaves a li'l later than that on mons. i mean, that's her typical skedule. upon my return home, she asked where i'd been. i was surprised cos i thought she knew by now that my mon routine's to go to the 600a turbo kick box (tkb) class. neway... *sigh* 2day? i didn't wake up to skate. i woke up very late relative to when i usually get up. ppl don't know, but i'm usually up 4 several hrs b4 going to werk. i'm not a guy who rushes out'f bed n' off to werk in a big, frantik hurry. i think most ppl r like that, but i'm not... 'least not nemore. a few yrs 'go, i was. during those big cal taekwondo p.crew days, i was. now? no. i'm more'f a morn person now. i can wake up early, do a bunch'f house chores, walk sooni, get exercise, go skate... well, 2day, i didn't skate; so i meant to ride my bike to werk since i hadn't in so long. well, shoot! i discovered i had a flat tire! argh! as i sed... i have 2 kinds'f morns: 1's where i hit up the sunnyvale skate park n' bad 1s.
[later] ¿ÀÈÄ: during my lunchbrk, i went out to target to buy a bike pump (a floor bike pump). i also bought a self.sealing inner tube. i dunno if this is a good 1 or not. i worry it's not. *sigh* i also bought this kit, this pack'f bike accessories that includes: a compact, hand pump, a primitive bike 'puter, a water bottle w/ clip, a cr@ppy@$$ lock that i won't use. i worry tho' that this stuff is really $#!++y. it's just made in china, ¢heap stuff. i dunno. i paid $19.99 4 it. the packaging claims that it's a $39.99 value. i dunno, man. i'm considering going back n' returning that. i also bought a pack'f "salty & sweet almond" granola bars. i ate 1 in the car. it wasn't all that great. well, i drove back to my office n' bought a lunch from the werk.com cafeteria. it was some kind'f pot roast w/ corn meal mush, "cowboy" bread (corn bread), roasted potatoes, green beans w/ bacon... the pot roast was dry. the best part'f it was the corn meal mush, which is polenta. that was why i bought it, n' that was the best part. the potatoes were good 2.
[later] Á®³áÀÌÁö¸¸ ¾ÆÁ÷µµ ÀÛÀå¿¡ÀÖ¾î¿ä: *sigh* what a day! i'm quite pooped, quite thrashed. i can hardly believe i didn't get to hit up the sunnyvale skate park this morn. :-( *sigh*
some terms i found on a certain korean.english diktionary that i frequently use:
* ÀÚµ¿Â÷¿¡ °üÇÑ Ç¥Çöµé *
body shop; Â÷ü ¼Õ º¸´Â °÷ ÈìÁýµîÀ» ¼ö¸®
car care center\auto repair center;ÀÏ¹Ý ¼ö¸® ´ã´ç
tune up center;Á¤ºñ À§ÁÖ
towing service;°ßÀÎ ¼ºñ½º
oil change;À±È°À¯ Ãë±Þ
wheel alignment;¹ÙÄûÀÇ ¹ë·±½º Àâ¾ÆÁÖ´Â °Í
brake pad;ºê·¹ÀÌÅ© ¶óÀÌ´×
shocks;Ãæ°Ý Èí¼ö ÀåÄ¡
auto parts & supplies;ÀÏ¹Ý ºÎ¼ÓÇ°
used car;Áß°íÂ÷
car dealer;ÀÚµ¿Â÷ Áß°³¾÷ÀÚ
car rental;Â÷´ë¿©