
duckling visit

È­¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: 2day's 241tue@connect¢â.com.   didju know they have a lena park (¹ÚÁ¤Çö park junghyun) cd single 4 $ale there?   wow.   fall in love, it's called.   'tas released 2006³â07¿ù01ÀÏ, but the copyrt date dez 2005³â, so i'm a li[' confused.   2day's my bro.in.law (my sister grace's husband) steve's b.day.   happy b.day, dude.   it's been a long time since i've updated... well, no; i've gone longer, but i shouldn't aim 4 that.

[later] ¿ÀÈÄ: 2day, the beautiful kaela hwang had a day off from skool, so she came to my office during lunch.   i got her a vistor's badge n' showed her the 9 ducklings in the atrium.   then she drove me to the $175 ($1.75 dry) cleaners, which is now the $2.50 cleaners 'cept that i had a ¢oupon that made it the $1.50 cleaners.   dude, those ¢oupons r now pre¢iou$.   i need a car wash n' a haircut.   services that u pay 4, u know?   'cept i'm hoping that kaela'll cut my hair 4 me 4 free.   i could wash my own car, but i think i'll pay 4 a car wash sometime soon.   i haven't washed my car since winter.   i feel bad 'bout that.   i dunno whether to get just an exterior wash or an exterior n' interior wash.   *sigh* man... it's awful that i've been $pending so much $$$ lately.

so where did i leave off updatin' u?   *shrug* last thurs, eh?   well, on last thurs, what did i eat 4 lunch?   i believe that i got a bowl'f salad bar salad @ the werk.com cafeteria.   after werk, i went to teach our white belt class @ u.s. taekwondo akademy. . . . [unfinished entry]