¼ö¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: dude, life's been a bit hektic lately, so i haven't had time to give y'all an update (to throw in a texan term 4 no reason). [later] running 'round, running 'round... still haven't found the beautiful kaela hwang's wedding band, which is really bad.
[later] Àú³áÀÌÁö¸¸ ¾ÆÁ÷µµ Á÷Àå¿¡: *sigh* in a way life's bizzy, n' i haven't had time to update. in a way, i wanna say 'lot has happened, but then some ppl might say nuthin's happened. u know... last, last sunday afternoon, i dropped kaela off @ le boulanger in cupertino 4 her to werk on a skool presentation w/ her classmate friend rachel, while i went to wash sooni @ pet fud express n' also buy her a buttload'f goodies w/ a 20% off ¢oupon. after washing sooni i came back to c kaela. i saw this chinese gurl n' guy on the boulevard or island'f stevens crk blvd, rt in the middle'f moderate traffik. it looked like the gurl was going to jump into the traffik n' kill herself, but the guy was holding her back. i stuck 'round to c what was going on 4 a li'l while. i saw the gurl lunge out a li'l, but the guy pulled her back, n' some car honked. i dunno; it kind'f also looked like the gurl wanted to scare her bf but wasn't really gonna kill herself. i noticed that the cali mill plaza housing n' $hopping area had some kind'f sheriff's station, so i was gonna go in n' tell them; but i couldn't find the office. i either couldn't find the office, or else no 1 was in the office. i then proceeded to le boulanger to c kaela. after a while, i decided to head over to target to switch out mason's b.day present cos kaela got a li'l excited 'bout how fast mason's growing n' bout a really big size that i figured was really 2 big 4 him. neway, on my way back to my car 2 things happened: 1st some korean gurl stopped me to ask me if she could borrow my fon to make a quick local call. i agreed. then, a sheriff's deputy stopped me to ask me about the chinese gurl who was gonna jump into the street. he took down my account n' my info. i noticed the chinese gurl was in the sheriff's deputy's car n' that the bf was sittin' on the curb'f the parking lot. then the sheriff's deputy asked me if the gurl i had just been talking to had cn the incident. i didn't know n' told him that i didn't know her n' that she had just stopped to borrow my fon. however, it dawned on me that, wow... imagine if i didn't realise that all 3'f those ppl were aktually connekted or sumpthin', n' i'd just gotten involved in some criminal situation or sumpthin'. neway... i don't think that was the case, n' i never heard back from the sheriff's deputy even tho' i gave him my cell nombre in case he needed to reach me. neway, that was just an interesting incident.
so... what's been going on this wk? well, hrm... this past wknd? yah, as i mentioned in an early entry; it was kind'f "stressful fun." don't get me wrong; i really enjoyed hangin' w/ friends this wknd, but i'm just sayin' that deep inside, i was worrying n' stressing while having a good time. fri was 1 b.day party, n' sat was 'nother. we watched pirates of the caribbean 2: dead man's chest after eating sushi @ yoyo sushi. oh yah... in the early morn, i hit the sunnyvale skate park, which was most likely the most relaxing part'f my wknd. then, i drove back home, put my bike in my car, n' drove my car to the santa clara precision tune auto care, where i dropped it off 4 the premium plus oil change n' replacement'f timing belts. yah, that's not ¢heap. i got my bike out'f the car n' rode over to the santa clara farmers market where i bought some plums n' some overpri¢ed spinach naan n' chicken tikka masala ('twas $10 4 the naan n' masala). then i rode home. kaela went out to safeway to buy some random groceries n' a whole mess'f powerbars to distribute @ the b.day party as health.conscious party favours. pretty clever'f her, eh? i dunno; me, i really liked her idea. she was in safeway n' talking to me on her new motorola handsfree kit, which she only bought cos she thought she'd lost her logitech 1 but didn't. i couldn't hear her very well cos the motorola handsfree kit isn't very good. she sed she wanted to give out powerbars cos it's better than giving out candy, which every1 always does, she sed. i misheard her n' that she sed "panties." @ that pt, i assumed, she was talkin' 'bout the bachelorette party n' that she was maybe buying powerbars to give to the bride.to.be. *shrug* yah, i was a li'l confused. neway, kaela came home, n' then i headed out to the bank to depo$it a whole mess'f ¢a$h that i'd collekted on fri nite cos i carded the total bill @ loft bar n' bistro 4 the b.day party. kaela told me to stop by big! lots n' buy a tiara 4 rachel, the b.day gurl (kaela's classmate friend). i did all that; i rode my bike to the bank n' big! lots. i was riding my bike @ hi noon on the hottest day 'round here in a loooong time. yah, i came home really sweatty, so i insisted on taking a shower b4 headin' off to yoyo sushi. kaela drove us to the mercado (the shopping centre w/ the sushi joint n' the movie theatre). we had a decent lunch, didn't overeat. we had a good cake from coldstone. i felt kind'f sad 4 1'f kaela's classmate friends who didn't eat ne sushi but just some special natural fud bar cos she's on a diet. i felt bad 4 her, but i think she really is losing weight. she also, of course, skipped out on the delicious aisukuriimu cake that she bought n' brought herself. yah, i felt a li'l bad. well, pirates was a decent movie; but since kaela n' i hadn't watched the 1st 1... dude, we were sooo confused. oh yah, rt b4 the movie started, i had to have kaela drive me over to precision tune auto care to pick up my car. i had to wait ~10 mins 4 the dude there to install 1 last belt, which he was s'pposed to have already installed. then i picked kaela back up from home, n' we rushed to the theatre. yah, i missed a li'l'f the beginning'f the movie. also, i was really tired from all my aktivity, so i've gotta admit that i almost fell asleep during certain parts'f the movie. neawy, after the movie, i guess kaela n' i went home. it was really hot. we had a li'l time b4 kaela had to go off to the bachelorette party.
i drove kaela over to mark n' grace's apartment. it was nice to sit in the path'f the aircon (air conditioner). the bride.2.be jane showed up w/ 2 friends, n' they went to dinner @ chili's; while mark n' i went to dinner @ denny's. i ordered the sliders meal, which was s'pposed to come w/ onion rings. the waitress brought it out w/ french fries. aktually, i'd explicitly sed i wanted it w/ onion rings even tho' the menu sed it comes w/ onion rings unless u specify that u want fries. neway, the waitress put up a big fight (surprisingly), but i sed it was ok only after she sed sorry. like, i wasn't being a d!¢k or an @$$hole 'bout it... i just didn't like that she was lying 'bout 2 things: 1) that the menu sez the meal comes w/ fries n' not onion rings n' 2) that i hadn't sed i wanted onion rings. neway... i figured that since she sed sorry, i was obligated to forgive her. neway, mark n' i had a decent meal n' had a chance to discuss guy stuff as 2 husbands, etc. later, we went back to mark n' grace's house. our friend agnes (who's our taekwondo student) showed up, n' the gurls started their pre.party. mark n' i'd plan to watch m. night shyamalan's lady in the water @ 1000p @ the mercado, but the gurls were taking 2 long w/ their pre.partying. we then decided to go to the 1045p showing. mark n' i dropped the gurls off @ mtn view's castro st's buddha lounge. then we went off to our movie.