¼ö¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: 1 song i really like these days is relient k's "high of 75." dude, it rocks.
2day's the beautiful kaela hwang's n' my 3rd wedding anniversary. [later] yah, as i was saying earlier, we sort'f celebrated this past wknd. [later] on sat morn, after i skated (skateboarded) @ the sunnyvale skate park 4 a while, i came home n' cooked omelettes (or scramble) 4 kaela n' me. i wanted to do sumpthin' nice, but maybe that was a mistake. we had to rush, rush, rush to our massage therapy n' facials apptmnt @ the hayes mansion's being spa. *sigh* we were late, n' well, like the massage therapist that took care'f me was fine, but the woman who took care'f kaela was sort'f a b!+¢h. she was so pushy n' kept whining 'bout how we were late n' stuff. yah, she kind'f p!$$ed us off. well, we were @ the health spa from 1030a till like 300p or so. i guess 'twas decently relaxing 4 me. there was a wedding @ the hayes mansion that day. from our hotel room's balcony, we could watch the wedding. we saw part'f it. it looked like a decently nice wedding. then @ 600p, we went down to orlo's restaurant to enjoy the dinner that came w/ our "romance package." i think the dinner was the most satisfying part'f the wknd... or 'least it was prob'ly the part that best surpassed expektations. the spa disappointed kaela, altho' i was fine w/ it. i guess the room was really nice 2. the hotel gave us a bottle'f champagne n' some choco.dipped strawberries . [later] on sun morn, we exercised in the resort's gym. then we showered n' left. we had lunch @ the joy luck place casual side. we shared some pork n' preserved egg jook n' some beef w/ enoki brasied noodles. oh yah, what was our dinner @ orlo's? well, we each had the house salad, which is much more beautiful than it sounds. then kaela had some ahi tuna, n' i had this steak churrasco. then we each had the apple tart 4 dessert. 'twas a prix fixe menu, n' we had no choice on the dessert. i had this meritage wine, n' kaela had a pinot grigio.
[later] 4 dinner on sun, kaela cooked her variation on beef stroganoff, while i went to buy some steer manure @ orchard supply. we ate out on the patio on that warm nite. on mon, i missed my 600a turbo kick box (tkb) class w/ may @ the east arques sunnyvale 24 hour fitness cos i woke up late. i tried to drive off to the sunnyvale skate park b4 werk but realised it was a bit late 4 a prew.erk skate session. i realised tho' that i'd 4gotten my i.d. badge. when, i got to the office, i couldn't go in yet cos it was 2 early n' the sekurity guard wasn't there to let me in n' give me a temporary badge. i just sat down n' waited thinking what i schmuck i was 4 not just hittin' up the sunnyvale skate park instead'f sittin' there on that black leather couch in the lobby. when i finally got into my office, into my cube; i found out the netwerk was down. argh! how unproduktive! seriously, i might as well've been @ the sunnyvale skate park in the morn! well, @ lunch, i drove home, did some laundry (aktually, i 1st stopped by big! lots to buy some cr@ppy laundry detergent w/ bleach alternative, which i only thought i neeeded but didn't), ate leftover noodles 4 lunch, put out laundry, n' rode my bike back to werk. after werk, i rode my bike over to the east arques sunnyvale 24 hour fitness to attend sach's turbo kick box (tkb) class. luckily, i didn't have a flat tire this wk. i went to the class; i saw mark's grace there. . . [unfinished entry]