

¿ù¿äÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ: it's a "save the air day," n' i rode me bike to werk.   well, i drove in the morn n' rode back from home during/after lunch.   the day started kind'f frastratingly cos i woke up 2late 4 may's 600a turbo kick box (tkb) class.   i haven't missed her monday morn class in ages.   well, i then decided instead to hit up the sunnyvale skate park, but by the time i did some chores, packed up, walked sooni, n' got out'f the house; it was 2late.

[later] if i wanna change the wallpaper on my motorola v710, the size'f the pic should be 176 × 220 pixels, rt?

[later[ Àú³á ÀÌÁö¸¸ ¾ÆÁ÷µµ Á÷Àå¿¡¼­: this past wknd, the beautiful kaela hwang n' i celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary by spending most'f the wknd @ the hayes mansion, which is a historic resort that is aktually just here in san josé.   i know it might not sound like much; but 1) it's a nice place n' 2) i'm trying to save $$$ n' vakation time 4 us to take a nicer, longer vakation 2gether someday.   it wasn't a really ¢heap wknd or nething.   it was still a nice wknd 4 the most part.

on fri nite, kaela n' i took duk n' yuna out to a nice dinner to reward them 4 taking care'f sooni so much, espcially last wknd while we were in vegas 4 kaela's sister's wedding.   we took'em to kampai house in sunnyvale, a chic fusion sushi place that looks like it's "straight outta santana row."   it's a really nice.looking place, n' the sushi's good 2.   it's really expen$ive tho', perhaps a bit overpri¢ed.   honestly, i enjoy taking my younger friends out to dinner cos i c that they appreciate it.   like, honestly, i can go to dinner w/ some other more, "peer" friends, n' we might go to a really nice restaurant, n' they'll be so unimpressed, etc.   ti's not that i'm trying to show off either that i'm so ri¢h or that i'm just so worldly wise... i just like cing my friends happy.   i wish i had more $$$, so i could take my friends out more often.   "givin' ends to my friends, and it feels stupendous..." - the notorious b.i.g. in his hit song "big poppa"   this past wknd, cos i was in such luxurious places, i had to tip 'lot.   i don't love tipping.   however, i try to tip well.   i hate how ppl assume asians tip poorly.   it's as if i tip well in order to get revenge.   i tip w/ a vengeance. that must sound a li'l stoopid, eh?   *sigh* however... *sigh* i dunno... i mean, it's a bad situation.   after all, that's why i really don't like the tipping system.   it's a bad system, as supermike sed back in college.   i dunno if he still believes that or what; but yah, i think it's a bad system, but i un4tunately follow it.   is there perhaps some spiritual justifikation 4 my trying to tip well?   maybe... maybe it's a "turn the other cheek" thing. *shrug* i dunno.   i really dunno.   on the other hand, it reminds me yet 'gain'f how wise pastor steve lo @ grx asked us, "why do you work so hard at a job you hate to buy things you don't want to impress people you don't even like?"   well... i guess the flip side'f that is that we ought to try to like every1... or no?   *shrug* we definitely don't need every1 to like us.   we shan't be ppl pleasers, no doubt.   however... like, u know my recent $hopping $pree @ the las vegas premium outlets?   well, altho' i'd respekted how some'f my christian guy friends had taught themselves to be so not vain n' could wear the same clothes since middle skool, etc.; i also realised after the $hopping $pree that maybe god rhad called 'pon me to go on that $hopping $pree.   heh, i'm sure ppl scoff @ that.   however, no... i 'member this 1 christianesque chain letter that talked 'bout being nice to others; it mentioned wearing nice perfume cos u should let every1 smell u @ ur best or sumpthin'.   i can can feel that, i.e. i can sort'f understand how that can be.   if i dress my worst all the time, it's almost like i'm disrespekting ppl 'round me, saying they're not worth my getting dressed up, etc.   thus, if i bother to wear nice clothes n' buy nice clothes, maybe i'm showing love n' even god's love by wearing nicer clothes to be 'round certain ppl. *shrug* maybe... maybe not.   also, tho'... i think it's even more probable that god has called me to be amongst maybe a certain crowd, n' maybe i do need to dress to a certain level'f niceness to minister to that crowd. *shrug* maybe, maybe not; but maybe more propable than my earlier statement.   neway, dude... luxurious life, etc.   this kind'f life is getting expen$ive.... is that what gwen stefani sez?