±Ý¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: i can't believe that i didn't wake up this morn to hit up the sunnyvale skate park. that does not make me happy. i didn't even stay up really late last nite. i dunno why i ended up sleeping so late. i know the beautiful kaela hwang n' i fell asleep in very crooked positions last nite, so maybe that reduced the quality'f our slumbers. furthermore, maybe my body was a li'l tired from prakticing taekwondo in this sort'f hot weather. also, i feel like i'm coming down w/ a cold or sumpthin'. my nose was a li'l congested 2day, n' i coughed up a li'l bit'f nasty stuff in the morn. my throat feels a li'l weird. i don't necessarily feel really relaxed. i've always noticed that the left side'f my body usually suffers more ailments n' injuries than my right side. however, these past couple'f days, i've been battling tendonitis in my rt thumb that arose from carrying 2 many $hopping bags on sun afternoon/evening n' bad wrist probs on my rt wrist, which comes from office werk / mousing as well as from prakticing self defense thingies in taekwondo class on tues.
[later] last nite, on the nbc 11 news, [interrupted, later] i heard that gas'll reach $4/gal by the end'f this summer. i dunno if they were talkin' 'bout just sf or the entire bay area or what. neway, i'm glad that i bought us our bikes... transportation, u know?
dude, i really need some noise cancelling headfons. >:-( some ppl r so disrespektful n' talk so loudly in their cubicles. argh! i wonder if i should just wear earplugs or what. it's sooo 1) distrakting n' 2) annoying.
[later] 2nite, i'm s'pposed to take duk n' yuna out to dinner 4 all their soonisitting. also, kaela mentioned that she'd like to watch a movie. which movie? out'f what's playing @ amc mercado 20... cars, pirates of the caribbean: dead man's chest (altho' we didn't watch the 1st 1 but should've!), x.men: the last stand (despite luke warm reviews from friends), click (appealing to the [neo]yuppie crowd), the devil wears prada (a movie that kaela really wants to watch n' i don't mind watching; the obviousl chick flick choice), the lake house (should i support this imitation'f ½Ã¿ù¾Ö shiwuhlae / il mare or boycott it?), nacho libre (the obvious "guy" flick choice), superman returns (prob'ly the most popular movie out rt now), you, me, and dupree (the obvious romantik comedy, date flick choice).
well, i guess this wknd's kaela's n' my 3rd wedding anniversary wknd. to celebrate, 2morrow, we'll go to the hayes mansion in east san jo to do some spa resort package dealio... like couples massage, dinner, etc. we'll aktually stay overnite even tho' the facility's in san jo. kind'f weird, but oh well... i dunno if u 'member, but 4 last christmas, kaela used her ¢redit ¢ard rewards program to give me a spafinder.com gift certificate. well, we're ¢a$hing in the gift certificate to celebrate our anniversary. i feel bad that this sounds kind'f cheesy, that i've done better anniversary celebrations in the past 2 yrs (0.5 moon bay ritz carlton 4 our 1st, monterey / hearst castle 4 our 2nd); but i told kaela that we really need to $ave up $$$ n' vakation time to take a real vakation someday. ideally i'd like to take a trip to both taiwan n' korea this winter, but... *shrug* i dunno, man... we've also gotta someday travel to europa. when'll that ever happen? if i ever get to take kaela to europe, tho'; we'll need to $pend a lot'f $$$ cos i can't let her stay in ¢heap lodging. she'll freak out. i went to england n' scotland in 1993, so i know that facilities in europe can often be older than those in the u.s. n' aktually europe doesn't cm as clean as most places we go in the u.s. so, when we finally go to europe, i've gotta shell out big bu¢k$ n' make sure i got nice lodging 4 us. *sigh* man, other ppl get to travel so much. me? not really. *sigh* i just hope to do more snowboarding this upcoming season than last. *sigh* then 'gain gas is so expen$ive now. grrr! the sunnyvale skate park is still free. someday, i ought to strap my skateboard to my piper gear boardsports backpack n' ride my bike over to the sunnyvale skate park n' ride 4 a while n' bike home. that'd be kewl. 1 awful thing 'bout biking tho's that i can't bring sooni. well, i saw in a doggy magazine some device, a metal bar, that helps keep ur dog safe as he/she runs alongside ur bike. i 'member 'twas overpri¢ed. what if i got sooni some kind'f trailer to ride in? ha ha... dunno man.
just an ad (4 july anniversary couples): $ave up to 70% during frederick's ('f hollywood) semi.annual ¢learan¢e
another ad: hot topic
yet 'nother ad: sony connect¢â
still yet 'nother ad: tactics.com