¸ñ¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: yesterday, on my busride into sf 4 semicon west, i saw the aftermath'f this hi speed police chase: http://cbs5.com/local/local_story_193145735.html. apparently, a 60.yr.old man got into an accident n' tried to flee the scene, n' then he tried to run over a police officer n' hit a police officer w/ his side mirror. then he got on the freeway ([the] 101) n' took off. wow.
well, i'm very glad i went to semicon west 2006. i hate how some ppl think that if i'm not @ my desk, chained to my cubicle that i'm not werking. this was very produktive n' useful 4 my job. i got a free lunch from a certain sensor company thnaks to 1'f my cwoerkers who also graduated from sjsu. he told me 'bout the free lunch n' we went to it. it was just in 1'f the conference rooms @ the moscone center's south hall. the sales rep there remembered me from a projekt i briefly werked on a looong time 'go. good memory. i'd honestly almost 4gotten him but i quickly 'membered. ah, the semiconduktor industry... it's quite interesting, eh?
well, i'd wanted to hit up the sunnyvale skate park yesterday b4 werk but didn't wake up nearly early 'nuff. u c, on tues nite, i stayed up late sewing this "hosoi hammerhead sktbrds" patch onto this new military green adidas warm up jacket i bought @ the las vegas adidas outlet 4 very ¢heap. dude, have i toldju? army green is the new black. well, teknically, army green's the new brown n' blue! u nah whadahm shayin'! brown n' blue was all the rage last christmas n'll still survive thru 'least this yr. however, army green's where it's now @. earlier this yr, in spring, dark green n' navy blue showed good promise. is that panning out, or was that just 4 dia de san patricio? *shrug* on our recent $hopping trip @ the las vegas premium outlets, i tried to avoid buying blue clothes cos i know i have an overabundance'f blue clothes, which partly stems from my hailing from skools that feature blue as part'f their skool colours (i.e. bret harte middle skool, leland hi skool, uc berkeley, n' sjsu) n' partly cos blue's 4 boyz. this yr, @ semicon, my company provided the complimentary lanyards 4 the name badges. apparently we chose sort'f almost neon green or maybe more'f a spring green. yah, neon colours'f been fighting hard to make a comeback in the past few yrs. they've made some ground but haven't totally stormed the fortress. sure, the upcoming miami vice movie w/ gong li in a questionably trashy role might give it an extra push. we'll hafta just wait n' c.
neway, dude... all this talk 'bout "fashion n' couture." i used to be much more fashionable; but @ this pt, i'm just pulling cr@p out'f random cavities. whate'er!
yestrday, after riding the bus back from semicon west, i went home n' got ready to buy some dinner to give to our friends joanie n' mike who recently brought into the world their son riley. i used truya sushi's deliversushi.com page to order'em some beef teriyaki n' sushi. i hope they enjoyed it. just as i was leaving on my own to pick up the sushi, the beautiful kaela hwang finally pulled into our driveway. i'd waited n' waited 4 her n' felt bad that we'd promised to bring mike n' joanie dinner but were being so late 'bout it. how could we keep these new parents hungrily waiting?! neway, we picked up the sushi, delivered it, chatted, met riley, n' then left the couple to eat. since we'd been @ truya, i knew kaela'd be in the mood 4 sushi, so i took her out to dinner @ michi sushi, the korean sushi place on winchester blvd, somewhat'f a san josé tradition, which was new to us. i think it always makes "best of" lists in the local indie papers. we had 1 fire dragon roll, 1 pookie roll, n' 1 spicy jelly belly roll. i ate plenty'f wasabi.
then we drove home n' got our bikes ready 4 a nite ride. i had to install lites on our bikes. we rode over to the cupertino fantasia n' shared a jenjoo naicha, the classik; the original pearl milk tea. 'twas fun to ride our new bikes. i told kaela 'bout what i'd recently read online 'bout bicycle safety, how we shouldn't necessarily always ride all the way to the rt'f the bike lane n' let cars push us 'round cos it's not necessarily the safest thing to do. un4tunately, on our way back from fantasia, i'd 4gotten to roll up my left pant leg n' ripped the leg'f the pair'f beige courderoys that i really like.
this morn, i hit up the sunnyvale skate park. this middle age man there (i think he's the guy who sed he was 49) gave me a good tip 'bout staying low n' turning w/ my front shoulder. this tip helped me pump much better n' i managed to hit the coping in the shallow bowl multiple times in a row. it's great! wow, bizzy/aktive life... skateboarding in the morn, teaching taekwondo @ nite... last nite, bike riding... a few wks 'go now, rock climbing.... dude, i realised yesterday that i'd picked up quite a few aktive hobbies this yr. like, well... i really liked rock climbing, but i prob'ly can't afford to go 2 often. it's expen$ive n' rips up my hands, which r already often cracked from dryness. [a li'l later] as for biking, i consider it more just transportation than a real hobby. like, i can't really call driving a "hobby." i'm pretty sure i'm "in 4 the long haul" as far as skateboarding. i really enjoi it. man, yesterday, i started thinkin' 'bout how i can't wait 4 snowboarding season to resume. heh, i ought just to enjoi summer while it's here!
[later] ¿ÀÈÄ: during my lunchbrk, my_group@werk.com ate lunch @ grand indian buffet. we each only made 1 trip to the buffet n' then 1 more 4 dessert. usually, i make 'least 2 trips to the buffet. i worry tho' that i'm getting out'f shape these days. a couple'f months 'go, when kaela n' i'd just joined 24 hour fitness, i was going to turbo kick box (tkb) classes 2ice on mon, 1nce on wed, n' up to 2ice on fri. also, i was going to 24cycle class on thurs. i was also still going to taekwondo on tues n' thurs nites n' the sunnyvale skate park on wknds. wow, sunnyvale = fitness 4 me cos both the 24 hour fitness gyms that i visit r in sunnyvale, our űǵµÀå taekwondojang u.s. taekwondo akademy is in sunnyvale, n' the sunnyvale skate park's obviously in sunnyvale. i werk in sunnyvale n' thus the werk.com gym i use more often's in sunnyvale. am i gettin' 'nuff exercise these days? nowadays i teach the taekwondo class, i skate now n' then, i ride my bike now n' then, n' i still go to turbo kick box (tkb) classes now n' then.
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[later] ¹ã, 1136p: after werk, i rushed home, picked up sooni, n' went to teach my taekwondo class n' then went to sparring class. 4 dinner, i ate some random stuff. i feel like i need to lose a li'l weight tho'.
well, since some1 @ bronx's junkyar dforums requested that i post up more pix'f kaela's n' my dinner @ alizé, so i shrank some more pix. i might as well post'em here as well:
kaela n' her baked anjou pear
beno n' his kobe beef carpaccio
kaela n' her seabass
beno n' his duck
chocolate fondant/ganache n' decaf coffee