

¿ù¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: i didn't update over the wknd, n' i guess 'twas a decently packed wknd; thus i think i need to switch into outline 4mat:

¼ö¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: so we'll be in vegas this wknd 4 jeanna's wedding.   she made this itinerary 4 us, which is kind'f optional; but it includes a bunch'f buffets.   dude, after this past few days, i really shouldn't be eating so much.   i dunno, man.   i've found some 24 hour fitness locations in las vegas.   i just wonder which 1's the closest 4 us.   i really ought to pack gym stuff, rt?   dude, it's gonna be soooo hot.   i'm not looking 4ward to the heat.   as i've sed time n' time 'gain; i'm not a huge fan'f vegas in gen'l.   it just cms so... not in tune w/ my ethiks... not like i'm such a holy man or nething, but that i think a person ought 'least to try.   neway... as i've also sed over n' over 'gain, i'll try to have fun this wknd.   i'll eat, but i'd surely like to get exercise.   *sigh* it's gonna be hot.   i don't normally wear shorts, but i'm considering buy a pair'f shorts @ the sports basement 2nite.   [later] did i ever get to talk 'bout the sports basement $hopping party 2nite?   well, a few wks 'go, when i bought my skateboarding helmet, i dropped my bizness card into a bucket (aktually an artillery shell) 4 a drawing.   apparently, i "won" a "shopping party" 4 my friends: free chips, dip, bier, n' soda along w/ a 20% off di$¢ount on everything in the store.   kaela n' i plan to buy bikes.   we have like 25 friends, mostly cowerkers, coming.   hopefully, it'll be fun.   i'm missing will's turbo kick box (tkb) class @ the east arques 24 hour fitness 4 this.   i'll prob'ly miss next wk's class to cook dinner 4 our friends joanie n' mike who just had a baby boy named riley.   the wk after that's kaela's n' my 3rd wedding anniversary.   wow, that's like a whole month w/o will's tkb class. ha ha.   *sigh* i guess i still hope to stay in shape by going to the other tkb classes, doing real taekwondo, n' skating (skateboarding).   when'll my elbow pads get here?

[later] Àú³áÀÌÁö¸¸ ¾ÆÁ÷µµ Á÷Àå¿¡ ÀÖ¾î¿ä: 2morrow evening, duk'll give us a ride to the aeroport n' then watch our house n' sooni.   [later] 2day, @ the sunnyvale skate park, i had a thought: maybe, in order to pump better n' thus get higher out'f the bowl, i need to approach the coping @ more'f an angle n' still come back down straight.   maybe that'll help me.   maybe approaching the transition @ straight on is slowing me down.   i guess that has been my problem w/ backside turns on snowboard 0.5pipes.   in snowbaording or while snowboarding, in 0.5pipes, i can do ok w/ my frontside turns n' airs, while i often get stuck, lose speed, etc. on my backside turn.   it's odd tho' that my 1st taste'f vertical air was a backside air off a 0.25pipe @ squaw.   i just bombed down the slope @ the end'f a terrain park, i went up the 0.25pipe, caught air, n' just instinktively did my 180 to re.enter.   i just did what i'd always cn in videos, u know?   my re.entry was ok 'cept i didn't keep my board upright 'nuff.   i think that's a common mistake.   i kind'f came down 2 flat, on my tail.   however, i rode it out fine.   uhm, i think on a skateboard, if ne1 were to do that, they'd have a hard time recovering n'd prob'ly bail.