È¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: here's what i posted on the bronx's junkyard forums just now, this morn:
last nite, the beautiful kaela hwang watched the fast and the furious: tokyo drift @ the amc mercado 20. [later] that was after going to our grx t3 south couples bible study core mtg. the term "core" refers to the leadership body. 4 dinner, kaela n' i stopped by the trader joe's near our friends' house n' bought a couple'f frozen dinners to bring over n' microwave: chicken masala n' tofu pad thai. we also bought some sliced papaya. we also bought some manga juice smoothie thingy.
in yesterday's entry, i never really finished talkin' 'bout this past wknd cos i got so caught up w/ my rant on the exploitation'f alternative medicine etc. well, on sat morn, after the sunnyvale skate park, i went late to the amerikan red cross office in north san jo to take some taining class 4 the emergency preparedness day @ the santa clara county fairgrounds on july 22. i got there late, thinking the training started @ 1045a, but it started @ 1000a. i felt pretty lost. i volunteered 4 this cos'f our church grx, but most'f the volunteers simply came fromt he general kommunite in the area. after that, i rushed over to cityteam ministries in east san jo to volunteer @ their sat bbq. i helped cook burgers 4 homeless guests. i was reminded'f the diversity'f the homeless population. some ppl looked like they hadn't had a home in a long time; others look like they were more recently homeless. i noticed that they converse 'bout which homeless shelters to hit up, like they sort'f critique them etc. dude, i wonder if there's a judy's book, citysearch, or epinions site 4 homeless shelters n' kitchens. yah, i know some ppl'd label these homeless ppl as freeloaders, but... *shrug* i dunno; in a case like this, why not just reserve judgement, throw a bbq, hand out some free burgers, n' share god's love, u know? must we always be on some republikan political 'bout self.suffiency n' tuff love? how many frickin' times have we heard the "teach a man to fish" line only as an excuse? being there, like... i thought 'bout how to make the guests feel not uncom4table. i didn't wanna akt as if i thought i was better than them in ne way. i really wanted to be a humble servant 4 an hr or 2. it was my 1st time volunteering @ this bbq, so i was a li'l unsure'f what to do. neway, i met some'f the fellow volunteers 'least... a bunch'f us, mostly from grx went to lunch @ pho nam off'f lawrence expwy after the bbq since we didn't get to eat nething @ the bbq. 'twas fun. after that, i browsed quickly thru the tj maxx @ the mercado n' then went home, rested, n' then took sooni 4 a bath @ pet fud express. after that, i wanted to go skate 'gain. i thought 'bout dropping sooni off @ home but didn't. i took her w/ me to the sunnyvale skate park.
i got to the skate park 'round *shrug* 600p? the park was crowded, so i walked sooni 'round the rest'f sunnyvale's fair oaks park 1st, hoping the crowd'd die down, but it didn't. thus, i tied sooni out to the chain link fence n' hopped on my board, joining a crowd younger than my usual morning crew. as i mentioned yesterday, i didn't bother padding up cos the park was full'f young kids w/o pads or helmets. i didn't wanna stick out, knowning i wouldn't be the guy pulling big airs neway. i mean, since i'm doing pretty mellow skating, ppl'd think i'm the least needing'f pads n' helmet. *shrug* yah, it's kind'f immature'f me. instead, i ought to set a good example n' pad up, but it's not like i've earned the respket'f these kids or nething. sooni got into a scuffle w/ some stoopid, li'l kick me doggy that some li'l gurl had running 'round off leash; but other than that, she was very good. maybe this has completely cured her ol' fear'f skateboards. she'd gotten mostly over that a long time 'go now; but she used to be afraid'f skateboards. lot'f kids pet her.
[later] so this wknd, i was rereading that article in the evangelical covenant church denomination's monthly magazine the covenant companion from 2006³â02¿ù (february 2006) titled "future or fad", an article by scot mcknight 'bout this recent trend'f the emerging church. it's a pretty good article. 'member, there was also a recent article, last month, in the the silicon valley metro 'bout an emerging church in santa cruz. well, the metro article was a li'l diff from the covenant companion article, but both were good. i 'member that the metro article talked 'bout how the emerging church movement is diff from the evangelical movement in that emerging church ppl r post. modern wherease evangelicals r modern... uhm, they were saying that "modern" christians r the 1s that sort'f target fixing the wrongs'f the ol' skool traditional christians 'gainst the unchurched, whereas "post.omdern" christians r trying to minister to those whom r have never even heard'f christianity cos'f the wiping away'f christianity from the country in the past few decades or whate'er... i mean... like, whereas "modern" christians might be good @ explaining the truth'f the gospel to some1 who's hates christians cos his gay brutha killed himself after being persecuted by traditional christians; the post.modernists might be good @ explaining the gospel to the generation'f amerikans n/or immigrants that just never heard'f jesus cos the nation just isn't as "christian" as it used to be, 4 better or worse. i dunno... i think i'm doing a bad job'f explaining this... most likely cos i don't understand it well. neway... both the covenant companion article n' the metro article talked 'bout how the evangelical movement was more concerned w/ big gatherings (perhaps like vineyard warehouse services or billy graham revivals), whereas the emerging church movement's more concerned w/ small groups. *shrug* is that true? i think both articles also say the emerging church movement is more outwardly focused whereas the evangelical movement was more inwardly focused. yah, i can kind'f imagine that. they're saying that emerging church ppl don't view church as some kind'f "special club." the church also is not a place, the church is everywhere. i like to think that. i dunno if u've noticed or not, but lately, i've been trying to distance myself from the whole system'f the christian pedigree. i've totally noticed that 'mongst asian.am churches; the asian.am christian pedigree. ppl ask, "where's your home church?", "what fellowship did you attend @ whatever big name university u went to?", "what hip but solid asian.am church do you currently hang out at?", "have you been to any big name christian conferences lately?" yah, i'm trying to distance myself from that. honestly, if i tell some1 fromt he asian.am christian community that i belong to grx, they're often pretty impressed. "oh, you're like a cool asian, huh?" no! that's not the pt, man! i don't go to grx cos it's a gathering'f hip yet christian, youngish asian.am yuppies! i go there cos, wow! it's a multicultural gathering'f christians that "do life" 2gether, live n' serve in the real world, n' have experienced god's loving grace. sure, i think many ppl in the asian.am, yuppie christian community'd approve well'f where i go to church, where i werk, where i went to skool, etc. just as bad as it is to flaunt ur worldly career résumé, it's bad to flaunt ur church résumé, 'specially if u'r not applying 4 a church staff position but just trying to gather compliments. :-/ i'm sure those complimeents make u feel less guilty 'bout the times u don't honour god our father... but really, the only thing that cancels ur sins is christ's blood. that's 'nuff. u don't need the approval'f the mortals 'round u, not necesasrily. pastor steve lo sed sumpthin' really good on sun during his sermon. he asked sumpthin' like, "why do you work at a job you hate just to earn money to buy things you don't want just to impress people you don't even like?!" fudge, doesn't that hit so close to home 4 u as well?
[later] Àú³áÀÌÁö¸¸ ¾ÆÁ÷µµ Á÷Àå¿¡¼: this morn, i wanted to wake up early n' hit up the sunnyvale skate park. cos we went out 4 that late movie last nite, i ended up stumbling out'f bed 'round 700a instead'f my usual 530a. i woke up really sore from yesterday morn's turbo kick box (tkb) class. did i even tell u 'bout that class?! u c, the usual instruktor (may) wasn't there but instead a substitute, a diff chinese (i think) gurl. 'twas a really small class, maybe 4 ppl. when the instruktor noticed that i was trying hard n' doing real punches, kicks, etc.; she figuerd i was up 4 harder challenges, n' she kept making me squat lower n' lower. man, i did so many squats... low squats! neway, i woke up sore... cos'f the time n' cos'f my soreness, i gave up on the idea'f hittin' up the skate park n' instead ate brkfast n' took sooni 4 a walk. sometime during or rt after my walk, i realised that 2day's tues, so the sunnyvale skate park's s'pposedly closed 4 maintenance from 700~900a. neway, while on my walk w/ sooni, i saw this 1 particular chinese woman that i've cn b4. in the past, i've cn her walking her welsh corgis (those pointy.eared dogs w/ the short, short legs). neway, i saw her 'gain 2day, but u know what?! she didn't just have 1 dog - her corgis, but she had 2 doggies - her corgis n' a sooni dog!!! dude, 'twas a ¹é±¸ Áøµ¾°³ baekgoo jindotgae just like sooni! it looked just like sooni! the woman saw sooni n' me n' started walking away from us. i think she was flat out embarassed cos she'd copied us n' got a jindo just like ours! i went her direktion. the corgis tried to stare down sooni. it'd also tried in the past. then the sooni dog stared @ sooni, n' sooni stared back. i'm sure they both were thinking, "hey, that dog looks like me!" sooni n' i never caught up to them.
[later] ¹ã, 1141p: after werk, [i] picked up kaela n' sooni, went to taekwondo praktice, taught the extra werkout class 4 the white belts, n' then went to ±æ¸ñ gilmok w/ the white belts 4 dinner. 'twas fun. i ordered °¥ºñÂò galbijjim, n' kaela had ÀåÅͱ¹¼ö jangtuhgooksoo. (i think that's what it's called, rt?)