
$hopping 4 elbow pads

±Ý¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: yesterday morn, i dropped off the beautiful kaela hwang @ the sjc mineta aeroport 4 her flight to portland (pdx) aeroport.   she's in oregon this wknd 4 her classmate friend's wedding 2day as well as some chiropraktic seminar this wknd.   after i dropped her off w/ sooni, i took sooni to the old town santa clara neighbourhood (which i guess they officially call "the business district") near santa clara u[niversity], n' we skated (skateboarded).   i hadn't "streetskated" in a while, i.e. i haven't skated outside'f the sunnyvale skate park in a while.   it's always fun to skate neway.   yesterday, i had a very_bizzy_day@werk.com.   mtg after mtg after mtg...   after werk, i rushed home to pick up sooni n' my È£±¸ hogu n' rushed off to teach class.   it's hard/impossible to get there on time.   we had a good class as always, n' then i stuck 'round to spar as usual... i.e. i stayed 4 the black belt class, the sparring class, which was fun.   duk sed i looked more confident in my sparring these days.   i hope so, but *shrug* i dunno... heh heh... afterwards, we ahd a bomb@$$ (good) meal @ û±â¿Í chunggiwa.

this morn, i skated w/ sooni 'round our neighbourhood n' then went off to the sunnyvale skate park b4 werk.   i wore my helmet, knee pads, n' wrist gaurds 2day, n' i'm glad cos i fell 1nce.   [later] ¿ÀÈÄ: @ the skate park, i talked to that english guy mike, who started 'bout the same time i did.   he's making much better progress than i am cos he comes to the park more consistently.   he asked if i'd been coming to the park since the last time i saw him, n' i sed, maybe just 1nce or 2ice.   i think he sed sumpthin' like, "oh, ok," such that it showed that he felt that i haven't made much progress, but i'm sure he didn't mean to put it that way.   he's a nice guy.   most ppl there r nice guys.   well, heh... i guess some r nice gurls.   yah, that asian gurl who really rips up the park showed up 'gain this morn.   it doesn't bother me that there're gurls who r better than me.   i'm not that kind'f male chauvenistik guy.

*sigh* so korea lost the game v. switzerland. :-( u know... korean soccer/futbol fans r the best, so it's a real shame.   they're much livlier than fans 4 most other countries.   it's really 2 bad.

so this wknd, i'm w/o kaela.   what'll i do?   well, this morn, i went to the skate park.   hoefully, i can go 'gain 2nite after werk, but i dunno.   the english guy mike mentioned that it's a bit hektic in the evenings rt b4 the park closes.   well, originally, i'd hoped to hit up the park 4 a li'l n' then trek over to valley fair to check out elbow pads @ copeland sports n' buy b.day presents.   i dunno; we'll c.   i'd like to hit up the park 2morrow as well as on sun morn b4 church.   2morrow, i'm s'pposed to do 2 church aktivities: training 4 some red cross emergency preparedness event n' cityteam ministries bbq.   *sigh* i want to make it to both, but the times overlap.   i dunno what to do.   hrm, if copeland doesn't have the pro.tec park elbow pads, then should i try go skate in west gate?   i think the almaden go skate still exists.

[a li'l later] oh yah, 2day, during lunch, i went to the noontime turbo kick box (tkb) class @ the e arques 24 hour fitness.   this teacher's much diff from the others.   i know she's trying hard to come up w/ fresh mat'l n' deviate from the routine, which has its strong pts, i guess.   however, ppl do get a bit confused in the process.   neway, i think i got a good werkout.   she tried to give more real martial arts instruction 2day, explaining how to do a front kick n' side kick.   it's extremely funny since i'm also teaching that @ the moment to my u.s. taekwondo akademy class.   after class n' showering, i went to get a burrito to go from the nearby una mas.   i got a chicken grilled fajita burrito.   it was really good; very filling.   i purposely bought a big lunch in case i hit the skate park after werk n' don't get to eat dinner till late.   i s'ppose 2nite, i'll just eat leftover fud 4 dinner.   i didn't eat much'f a brkfast this morn.

[a li'l later] last nite after praktice n' after dinner @ û±â¿Í chunggiwa, i went home n' did some very minior maintenance on my skateboard.   i took of the wheels n' wiped off the bearings.   then i gave my boadr a wheel rotation, as if it were a car.   i dunno if that'll do it ne good or not.   well, if u think 'bout it the back wheels spend more time no the ground than the front.   i noticed that i aktually have independent brand bearings.   i thought my bearings were just bullet brand, but no.   independent is a better name brand even tho' bullet n' independent r both part'f nhs, inc. like santa cruz.   neway, what's more important than the brand'f my bearings is that they r aktually serviceable.   originally, i thought they were the permanently sealed, unserviceable type that i had back when i was a kid.   back then, we'd be happy w/ gmn german bearings cos they were s'pposedly better than nmb bearings.   if ne1 had swiss bearings, he must've been a really spoiled kid.   (oh, man; don't mention the suisse rt now!)

[later] Àú³áÀÌÁö¸¸ ¾ÆÁ÷µµ ÀÛÀå¿¡ ÀÖ¾î¿ä: earlier, i 'membered that theere r lot more skate shops in the area besides fishbanks, copeland, n' go skate.   i'd 4gotten 'bout ohana on stevens crk blvd.   also, a quick local.google.com search reminded me'f circle.a skateboards over by my grad skool alma mater sjsu.   apparently, there's a skate works in mountain view as well as 1 on blossom hill rd in san jo.   i'm pretty sure there's some li'l shop in sunnyvale on el camino real by the recently rennovated safeway, but i don't know its name.   dude, it sure is a shame that tri.city sold out, i.e. sold its valuable real estate in fremont n' closed shop.   they were a great snowboard shop, n' i'm sure their skate shop was decent.   upon returning from hawaii this fall, i liked the sound'f ohana boardshop's name.   however, after looking @ their website, i c that they're more into wakeboarding than the boardsports that i personally like.   basical, i like snowboarding n' skateboarding n' also respekt n' am curious 'bout surfing after having gone 1nce.   i like "extereme sports," but there r definitely 1s i prefer over others.   4 example, i'm not much into ne'f the motorised extreme sports, i.e. motocross, snowmobiling, wakeboarding... i'm not so much into the biking extreme sports, i.e. bmx, freestyle bmx, n' mtn biking.   out'f those 3, i'm most curious 'bout mtn biking, but... *shrug* mostly i'd like a bike 4 everyday trnasportation, i s'ppose.   u know, the sunnyvale skate park attrakts 'lot'f bmx bikers during the off times that i go.   the bikers r often punks.   u c, aktually bikes r prohibited in the skate park.   thus the bikers that dowho does street luge?!   i'm sure it's a very expen$ive sport/hobby; n' where do u find a place to ride?!

[later] u know, @ the wedding i djed on sun, the couple's 1st dance was to the counting crows' "accidentally in love" from the shrek 2 o.s.t.   dude, their swing dancing was so kewl, n' their routine was really cute.

[later] i just realised that i'm so blessed to live where i do.   after all, not every1 who wants to can go to the skate park b4 werk.   so many ppl have long commutes in the morn n' in the evening.