¿ù¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: whoa, what a wknd! well, most'f my wknd was devoted to djing yesterday evening's wedding reception. 'twas 'nother fun, pleasant wedding reception. the bridge, groom, wedding party, family members, etc. were all nice n' friendly. i got to use my new eqwuipment. that was fun. wow, the stuff's loud n' powerful n' rocks. 'twas kewl.
[later] ¿ÀÈÄ: during lunch, i went to the sunnyvale trader joe's. i bought some gro¢eries n' lunch. 4 lunch, i bought a sandwich n' a protein drink. i ate plenty'f protein but un4tunately 2 much fat! i bought some promax protein bars, some sesame honey cashews, some special trail mix (cherries, almonds, n' pistachios), some s'pposedly spicy flaxseed tortilla chips (w/ 2 much fat content)... yah, the theme 4 this $hopping trip was "hi protein w/o much consideration 4 fat conetent," un4tunately. the sandwich i chose was this italian muffolato (sp?) muffuletta sandwich... it had a bunch'f meat n' cheese n' reminded me'f those cuban medianoche sandwiches. *sigh* i've gotta reduce the fat in my diet!
this morn, i did wake up, take out the trash, n' go to may's turbo kick box class at the e arques sunnyvale 24 hour fitness. 'twas a small class, n' it was funny cos @ the end'f the class, during the stretching, every1 else left, n' 'twas just the instruktor n' me. isn't weird to teach a 1 person class, 'specially w/ a microfon?
2day's, the the beautiful kaela hwang's n' my 35th wedding monthversary. i figure we should celebrate on wednesday evening instead tho' cos it'll be the longest day'f the yr, the summer soltice. to me, the summer solstice's a really important day. i wanna be outside in the evening, when the sun goes down on that day. i s'ppose the de fakto start'f summer's memorial day. that already came n' passed, eh? last wk, many hi skools in the area had their graduations. in a way, that's the start'f summer. kaela's short, 3.wk summer brk started this wknd.