
gardening help

Åô¿ÀÀÏ ¾Æħ, 1105a: this morn, my mom's grx small group (bible study) sent 3 delegates to do 3 hrs'f yardwerk 4 the beautiful kaela hwang n' me cos we pur¢ha$ed this 3 hr gardening package @ the grx christmas banquet in this auktion to raise funds 4 cityteam ministries.   they finished the werk in 2 hrs, so i didn't make'em stay 3.   they pulled out bushes, trimmed our 3 potato trees, trimmed trees n' hedges in our backyard.   pulled weeds in our side n' front yard, n' planted 2 dwarf citrus trees.   kewl!

kaela didn't wake up n' hasn't yet cn their good job.   last nite, we went to a graduation party 4 mark's grace, n' so we were out kind'f late n' all.   originally, b4 that, we were s'pposed to help out @ the u.s. taekwondo akademy ½É»ç shimsa belt promotional test, but we didn't.   i felt horrible, but i was so stuck @ werk late.   instead, we went to santana row to buy some gifts.   on our way to the party, we swung by the burger king drive thru to pick up 2 jr. whoppers n' a medium raspberry ice tea.

yesterday (±Ý), @ lunch, kaela n' i hit up grand indian buffet off'f lawrence expwy, near arques, near my werk, 4 lunch.   i ate 'lot, so i wasn't hungry @ dinner time.

do u also read blogs'f friends that don't know that u read their blogs?   our friend bun mentioned on his xanga that he doesn't like clichés, n' i've gotta totally agree.   he mentioned he tried not to speak "christianese" @ some christian mtg.   i know what he means!   like, i try to avoid using 2 many trite phrases like "walk with god," "spiritual walk," "qt," on fire for god," etc.   i think there exist more "plain english" ways'f saying some'f these things.   sometimes tho', we christians wanna say sumpthin' n' emphasize the importance'f god in the sentence.   yah, i believe there r still less overused ways'f doing this.

2morrow evening, i dj a wedding reception @ the san ramon community center.   i s'ppose pretty much this whole wknd's devoted to that.   un4tunately, i prob'ly won't have time to skate this wknd.

[later] 1227p (kaela's stil asleep): just an ad - ccs   'nother ad - boardtactics

[later] ¿ÀÈÄ 130p: i'm the only 1 stirrin' in this house.   kaela's still sleeping in bed.   sooni's still sleeping on the patio.   can u believe the females in this house?   they haven't moved an inch since this morn!